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1、江苏开放大学综合商务英语(进阶)形考作业二单选题题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:21One-room schoolhouses can still be found in _ areas where there are no other schools for many miles.AdisposeD:BdeserteD:CisolateD:DabandoneD:正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:22Im afraid you have no _ but to come along with us.ApossibilityBpermissionCchoiceDs

2、election正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:23At first it seemed that the building would be all right but later it was found to need _.AinstallationsBmodificationsCinnovationsDillustrations正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:24I shall never beat John at tennis; we are clearly not in the same _.AsetBbanD:CgroupDclas

3、s正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:25The filling station _ because there were too many others on the street.Afell throughBwent underCfell outDwent through正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:较难得分:26Air and the suns rays create much distortion, and whatever tends to _ their influence is useful to the astronomer.Aexclude

4、BeliminateCextinguishDimpose正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:27The lady who had invited us heard me telling my wife that the dinner was terrible so I was _.AconfuseD:BnervousCshamefulDembarrasseD:正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:28Animals should not be locked in cages; they should be in their normal _.Aenviro

5、nmentBpositionCresidenceDdwelling正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:一般得分:29Im sorry but what he thinks is not of the _ importance to me.AmerestBlowestClastDleast正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:210He offered to _ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.AlenD:BhelpCshowDloan正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等

6、得分:211We finally managed to _ the committees approval of our plans.AsecureBarouseCacquireDexert正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:212I have such a bad cold that I have lost all _ of smell.AdegreeBsenseCstrengthDscent正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:困难得分:213She is so _ that she cried for days when her pet rabbit died

7、.AsensitiveBsensibleCimaginativeDimpressive正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:214The lorry driver was badly _ when his lorry crashed into a wall.AdamageD:BhitChurtDharmeD:正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值2分难度:中等得分:215I caught a _ of the car before it disappeared around the bend.AglanceBglimpse C:CglareDgleam正确答案:B:题型:单选题

8、客观题分值3分难度:一般得分:316阅读理解三(对应以下3-1至3-5)“Stop making excuses for him, Mom,”I said.“But maybe he is feeling unwell” Mom said.“Maybe nothing,” I interrupted. I had been tending Mom since her health began to decline and this would be the first time in a year that my husband and I had a night out together.

9、Jerry had promised to stay with Mom. But again he let us down. And more often than not, his drinking had a lot to do with it. His irresponsibility upset me.I remembered our happy growingup years in a small town in West Virginia. With good family education, Jerry had been a kind kid. He was only 15 w

10、hen Dad died. Unlike him, I got over the sorrow soon, but he started drinking. Soon he began hanging out with bad guys.Jerry and I didnt see each other often, but we talked on the phone. Usually, though, we ended up fighting. When Mom came to live with us, Jerry dropped in regularly at first, but af

11、ter a while his visits became sporadic. He explained he couldnt handle seeing Mom in such a bad condition. Another excuse, I thought.One day I went to see the doctor about my back. It had been aching for months.“I cant find anything wrong with you physically,”the doctor said.“But I can tell youre ve

12、ry tense. Is something bothering you?” I poured out my story about Jerry. “Do you think hes likely to change?” he asked. I shrugged. “Probably not.” “But, you can,” he said gently.Me? Why did I have to change? He was the one who constantly let us down. But what had I done? Maybe the doctor was right

13、. I couldnt love his behavior, but I could love himthe way I did when we were little. As I walked into the house I sensed a relief.Jerry died young due to drinking. I miss him. But Im grateful I was given the opportunity to show him I loved himas he was, not as I wanted him to be.3-1 When Jerry fail

14、ed to carry out his promise that night,his mother_.A:felt very angryB:tried to defend himC:was indifferent about itD:phoned him to ask him to come back正确答案:B:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:中等得分:3173-2 Jerry got into the habit of drinking mainly because_.Ahe was influenced by bad guysBhis mom left to live with his

15、sisterCnobody cared for him after his father dieD:Dhe couldnt get over the sadness of losing his father正确答案:D:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:中等得分:3183-3 The underlined word “sporadic” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_”AoccasionalBfrequentCformalDunpleasant正确答案:A:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:较难得分:3193-4 What did the author think of the doctors suggestion at first?A:It was acceptable.B:It gave her much hope.C:It was unreasonable.D:It made her confused.正确答案:C:题型:单选题客观题分值3分难度:困难得分:3203-5 Whats the m


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