Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 (说课稿)-2022-2023学年英语四年级上册

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Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 (说课稿)-2022-2023学年英语四年级上册_第1页
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《Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 (说课稿)-2022-2023学年英语四年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 (说课稿)-2022-2023学年英语四年级上册(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 This is my new friend Lesson 6 (说课稿)-2022-2023学年英语四年级上册一、教材分析本课是英语四年级上册 Unit 1 This is my new friend 的第六节课,主要围绕“识别和描述动物、认识形容词及其在句子中的表示方式以及掌握 this is 结构”这三个语言目标展开教学。二、教学目标语言知识目标1.学生能够听懂、理解并准确朗读五个动物单词:monkey, dog, cat, rabbit, bird。2.学生能够辨认并了解形容词 tall, short, big, small, fat, thin, cute, funny,

2、 long, short 的意义和用法。3.学生能够熟练地运用“this is”句型进行介绍和展示自己的新朋友。情感态度目标1.通过学习动物,培养学生对自然的认知和热爱。2.充分发掘学生的好奇心和想象力,提高学生的语言表达能力和创造力。三、教学重难点教学重点1.学生能够辨认和运用本课所学的五个动物单词和形容词。2.学生能够正确使用“this is”句型进行介绍和展示自己的新朋友。教学难点1. 学生能够准确区分形容词的用法,正确使用形容词描述动物。2. 学生在运用“this is”句型时,能够准确发音和使用。四、教学准备教师:教案、课件、单词卡片、贴纸等。学生:L1 单词卡、便条纸、笔、涂色笔、

3、活页纸。五、教学流程Step 1 Revision(1)The teacher opens the lesson by asking the students to review the vocabulary words they have learned in the previous lessons: elephant, giraffe, panda, lion and tiger.(2)The teacher can extend this revision stage by asking students to describe the animals, e.g.“What color

4、 is a giraffe?” “Is a panda big or small?” etc.Step 2 Presentation(1)The teacher presents five new words to the students: monkey, dog, cat, rabbit, bird. The teacher pronounces the words clearly and asks the students to repeat after him/her.(2)The teacher shows pictures of the animals and asks the s

5、tudents to identify them by name.Step 3 Vocabulary Learning(1)The teacher gives each student a card with one of the five animal names on it. Students walk around the classroom, find classmates holding the same card and make a group.(2)The teacher then introduces seven new adjectives: tall, short, bi

6、g, small, fat, thin, cute, funny, long, short. Each adjective is accompanied by a picture and an explanation, and the teacher asks students to repeat after him/her.Step 4 Vocabulary Practice(1)The teacher writes the five animal words and the seven adjectives on the board. The class works together to

7、 match the adjectives to the correct animals.(2)The teacher asks students to describe their own animal card using one or two of the new adjectives.Step 5 Sentence Making(1)The teacher teaches the structure “this is” to the students by drawing attention to his/her own pet or picture of an animal and

8、saying, “This is my new friend. Its name is”(2)The students then work in pairs and practice using “this is” structure to introduce their own animal friends.Step 6 Show and TellThe teacher selects a few pairs to come to the front of the classroom and demonstrate their introductions. The rest of the c

9、lass can give comments and encouragement.Step 7 Extended Learning(1)Students come up with two or more sentences about their animal friends and write them down on the activity page.(2)The students also draw a picture of their animal friends to share with the class.六、教学总结本课主要通过教授五个动物单词、七个形容词和句型“this is”帮助学生掌握如何准确地描述和介绍动物。同时,通过“互动”和“展示”等教学形式使学生在情感与认知方面得到全面的发展。整堂课互动性强,学生的参与度高,能较好地达到教学目标。


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