Unit1 The King's new clothes Story time(说课稿)译林版(三起)英语六年级上册

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Unit1 The King's new clothes Story time(说课稿)译林版(三起)英语六年级上册_第1页
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Unit1 The King's new clothes Story time(说课稿)译林版(三起)英语六年级上册_第2页
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1、Unit1 The Kings new clothes Story time (说课稿)一、学习目标1. 通过本课学习,学生能够理解故事情节和其中的道理。2. 学生能口头表述故事中的情节,并能用简单正确的英语描述各个角色。3. 学生能初步阅读英文简单故事,逐渐培养英语阅读能力。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点: 理解故事情节和道理。 用英语口头表述故事中的情节。2. 教学难点: 能否初步阅读英文简单故事。三、教学准备1. 教具:课件、黑板、笔、故事书、PPT。四、教学过程Step 1. Pre-reading (5mins)呈现故事概述PPT,从图片和标题让学生猜测故事内容和情节。 # Step

2、2. While-reading (20mins) 1. T首先为学生朗读完整英文故事,同时学生带着故事书照着读,理解故事情节。 2. 分角色让学生模仿T朗读三遍故事。 * T: Once upon a time, there was a king. He loved new clothes so much that he spent all his money on them. He didnt care about his people, their needs, or his duties. * S1: One day, two swindlers came to town. They

3、said that they could make clothes that only clever people could see. The king thought this was a great idea and ordered them to make him some clothes. * S2: The swindlers pretended to weave clothes. The king couldnt see the clothes but didnt want to admit it because he didnt want people to think he

4、was stupid. He ordered his ministers to see the clothes and they pretended to see them too. * S3: Finally, the king decided to wear the clothes in a parade. But when people saw the kings bare body, they laughed and laughed. The king realized that he had been foolish to believe the swindlers and to i

5、gnore the needs of his people. 3. 让学生回答问题: * What did the king like to spend all his money on? * What did the swindlers say the clothes would be like? * Why did the king pretend to see the clothes? * What happened in the parade? 4. 学生分小组,模仿故事中的角色进行角色扮演。 # Step 3. Post-reading (10mins) 1. 分组合作,讨论故事中的

6、道理和意义。 2. T呈现PPT上的问题以强调故事中的道理. * What is the lesson that we can learn from this story? * Why do you think the king was foolish? * Why do you think the people laughed at the king? 3. 让学生以3到4句话的形式表述他们所得到的教训。五、教学延伸1. 分组完成不同的版本(如: 中文版,其他版本的英文版)故事的比较分析。2. 分析T呈现的章节故事图,让学生自行口述英语对每章故事的描述。六、教学反思1. 通过故事让学生了解故事情节并理解故事中的道理。2. 在角色扮演中让学生积极参与,增强了感性认知和口语表达能力。3. 在教学中运用了多种资源,并让学生自主表达,提高了学生学习兴趣和学习效果。



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