Unit 4 Lesson 21 In the Restauran(教学设计)- 2022-2023学年英语三年级下册

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Unit 4 Lesson 21 In the Restauran(教学设计)- 2022-2023学年英语三年级下册_第1页
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《Unit 4 Lesson 21 In the Restauran(教学设计)- 2022-2023学年英语三年级下册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Lesson 21 In the Restauran(教学设计)- 2022-2023学年英语三年级下册(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Lesson 21 In the Restaurant (教学设计)一、教学目标1. 能够听、说、读、写单词hamburger、pizza、chicken等单词。2. 能够听懂、会说句型“What would you like? Id like”、“What do you want? I want”。3. 能够熟练运用句型询问点餐并服务员建议菜品的表达方式。4. 能够进行模拟点餐的活动,提高口语交际能力。5. 能够通过本节课的学习,进一步了解饮食文化和礼仪。二、教学重难点教学重点:让学生通过活动,了解餐厅中的常见食品、餐具,提高口语交际能力。教学难点:如何用英语点餐及询问服务员意

2、见,引导学生形成“用英语表达”的习惯。三、教学准备1. 教学PPT。2. 视频资源:展示餐厅中的菜品、餐具、文化。3. 食品、餐具模型。4. 本单元单词卡片。四、教学过程Step 1 Warm up Greet the students and ask them if they have ever been to a Western restaurant. If so, what kind of food did they have? Show the students some pictures of Western-style food and ask them if they know

3、any of the names of the dishes. Ask the students how they would say “点菜” and “菜单” in English. Prompt them if necessary.Step 2 Presentation Use the PPT to introduce the new words for this lesson. Show pictures of hamburgers, pizzas, chicken, salad, and soup. Pronounce the words and have the students

4、repeat after you. Explain what each dish is and ask the students if they have ever tried them. Use the PPT to show different types of tableware and explain what they are used for. Use the PPT to show pictures of the inside of a restaurant and point out the different areas such as the kitchen, the ba

5、r, and the dining area.Step 3 Practice Demonstrate using the sentence patterns “What would you like?” and “Id like” to place an order. Have the students repeat after you. Ask the students to pair up and role-play a situation where they are ordering food in a Western restaurant. Encourage the student

6、s to use the new words and sentence patterns they have just learned. Ask the students to observe the different ways customers at a Western restaurant interact with the waitstaff. Review some basic etiquette such as asking politely and saying thank you.Step 4 Extension Use the video resource to show

7、the students how to make their own hamburger or pizza. Have the students listen carefully to the directions. Ask the students to work in groups and plan their own menu for a Western-style restaurant. Have them come up with a name and decor for their restaurant as well. Have the groups present their

8、menus to the class and explain why they chose certain dishes and decorations.Step 5 Homework Ask the students to write a short paragraph about their favorite Western dish and why they like it. Have them use the new words and sentence patterns they have learned in class.五、教学评估本节课主要是通过互动、巩固练习,提高学生的口语表达能力。在教学过程中需要多次让学生互动,了解学生掌握的情况,及时对学生的口语交际能力进行评估。对于难点重点要进行有针对性的讲解和辅导。


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