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1、2023年北京市教师招聘考试中学英语考前练习题及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.At the beginning of class, the noise of desks _ could be heard outside the classroom.A.opened and closedB.to be opened and closedC.being opened and closedD.to open and close2.Such a sharp comment is an_to a bitter argument.A.appendix B.invitat

2、ion C.intention D.announcement3.We need a decision-time is _.A.ticking off B.ticking out C.ticking away D.ticking up4.Next summer after taking the nationalentrance examination, _ Ill stay in Hainan Island, will surely be anexciting holiday.A.when B.which C.that D.where5.Lionel Messi, _ the record fo

3、r the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.A.set B.setting C.to set D.having set6.People appreciate _ with himbecause he has a good sense of humor.A.to work B.to have worked C.working D.having worked7.Leave the reference books behind,_ you wont abl

4、e to think independently.A.or B.and C.so D.but8.Becoming a millionaire has changed his life,but the win has also brought him stress and troubles.Sometimes he wishes he_the money.A.had never wonB.has never wonC.would never winD.will never win9.The mere fact _ most people believenuclear war would be m

5、ad does not mean that it will not occur.A.that B.which C.what D.whose10.Digital content is so easily accessible nowadays that young people may just _ books to be free and are not ready to pay for it.A.suggest B.assume C.approve D.demand11.There is a good social life in the village, and I wish I _ a

6、second chance to become more involved.A.had B.will have C.would have had D.have had12.It is reported that many a new house_ at present in the disaster area in Gansu province.A.are being built B.is being built C.was built D.were built13.They decided to chase the cow away_ it did more damage.A.althoug

7、h B.before C.until D.unless14.If you don t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, _.A.neither do IB.neither I doC.neither will ID.neither I will15.Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it shopping and eatingA.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on D.comes t

8、o16.Well get you informed of the meeting the moment the manager becomes _.A.accessible B.useful C.available D.convenient17.The underlined letters in the following words have the same sound except_.A.what B.who C.which D.when18.An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind

9、of _A.crisis B.emergency C.urgency D.emergence19.Youd better make a mark_ you have any questions while you are reading thepassage.A.at which B.in where C.in the place D.where20.Not that John doesnt want to help you,_ its beyond his power.A.but that B.for that C.and that D.in that21.When I _, the par

10、ty started.A.seated B.was seating C.was seated D.had seated22.Which of the following refers to the study of meaning in abstraction?A.Phonetics B.Pragmatics C.Semantics D.Sociolinguistics23.The key to_the medical problems is health care reform, said the minister.A.solve B.solving C.being solved D.be

11、solved24.The girl has awakened the feelings in him that his thought had been_long ago.A.called up B.taken up C.stamped out D.handed in25.George Bernard Shaw was an Irishdramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesman and a leading _ inthe 20th century theater.A.function B.figure C.status D.feature26

12、.Without your help, I _ such rapid progress.A.didnt makeB.dont makeC.would not makeD.would not have made27.We can assign the work _ isreliable.A.to whoever B.to who C.to whom D.who28.She is so kind to us. We have been prepared to do _ it takes to help her.A.whichever B.however C.whatever D.whoever29

13、.This kind of glasses manufactured byexperienced craftsmen _ comfortably.A.is worn B.wears C.wearing D.are worn30.I am always delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. _ the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.A.On account ofB.In response toC.In view ofD.With regard to31.Nearly a mont

14、h had gone by _ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.A.until B.while C.before D.so that32._is known to the world, Mark Twainis a great American writer.A.That B.Which C.As D.It33.The chief manager is a determined man. You never find him in a_when he makes a decision.A.sudden B.dilemma C.hurry D.flash34.But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to_their communication purpose.A.serve B.succeed C.complete D.accomplish35.We regret to inform you that thematerials you ordered are _



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