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1、2023年度浙江省教师招聘考试中学英语高频考题汇编及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(35题)1.It was with great joy _ Davidreceived the news that his long lost daughter would soon return home.A.as B.that C.so D.for2.Which of the following italicized parts is an inflectional morpheme?A.unlock B.government C.goes D.off-stage3.I am alwa

2、ys delighted when I receive an e-mail from you. _ the party on July 1st, I shall be pleased to attend.A.On account ofB.In response toC.In view ofD.With regard to4.An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered _ a long lost antique Greek vase.A.at random B.by chanc

3、e C.in turn D.on occasion5.True friendship is like sound health, the value _is seldom known until it is lost.A.on which B.of which C.about which D.among which6.If you don t go to the mountains withme tomorrow, _.A.neither do IB.neither I doC.neither will ID.neither I will7.David has tried 3 times to

4、 repair the clock.He will try_time after having a rest.A.four B.fourth C.the fourth D.a fourth8.This machine_. It hasnt worked for years.A.didnt work B.wasnt working C.doesnt work D.isnt working9.The mere fact _ most people believenuclear war would be mad does not mean that it will not occur.A.that

5、B.which C.what D.whose10.As early as 1647 Ohio made a decision thatfree, tax-supported schools must be established in every town _ 50households to go to school.A.having B.to have C.to have hold D.having hold11.Which of the following words is NOT acompound word?A.inefficient B.breakthrough C.grasslan

6、d D.keyhole12.As is known to us all, _ lion is in _ danger of becoming extinct.A.the, a B.the, 不填 C.a, 不填 D.不填, the13.It was 10 oclock _ Jill arrived at the office, which made the boss annoyed.A.when B.that C.which D.then14.Although Anne is happy with her success,she wonders _ will happen to her pri

7、vate life.A.that B.this C.it D.what15.Most of us know we should cut down on fat, but knowing such things isnt much help when it shopping and eatingA.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on D.comes to16.Can you tell me _?A.who is that gentlemanB.that gentleman is whoC.who that gentleman isD.whom is that g

8、entleman17.Look!Here_the bus.A.is coming B.came C.comes D.will come18.The school has made it a rule that no student shall take an illegal vehicleaschool bus.A.other than B.rather than C.or rather D.or else19.Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration?A.A weak seatB.Safe a

9、nd soundC.Knock and kickD.Coat and boat20.All the donated money should be made full usethe homeless people.A.of helping B.to help C.of to help D.to helping21.What does Rory Cellan-jones think of the screen time?A.Precious B.Sufficient C.Pointless D.Harmful22.This kind of glasses manufactured byexper

10、ienced craftsmen _ comfortably.A.is worn B.wears C.wearing D.are worn23.In the word interchangeable,the root is _.A.inter B.interchange C.change D.changeable24.Leave the reference books behind,_ you wont able to think independently.A.or B.and C.so D.but25.What does the underlined word trivialin Para

11、graph 3 mean?A.IncredibleB.Of little significanceC.RationalD.Of great consequence26.Sometimes children have trouble _fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.A.to separate B.separating C.for separating D.of separating27. If you ask why I plan to study in the United States, t

12、he only answer is that it is a(n)_ for me.A.puzzle B.advantage C.challenge D.average28.Why dont you bring _ to hisattention that youre too busy to do itA.this B.that C.what D.it29.Which of the following is an example of blending?A.ATM B.modernize C.brunch D.quake30.Team leaders must ensure that all

13、members _ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.A.get over B.look over C.take over D.come over31.A similar wrong idea is that fish and ice cream when _ at the same time form apoisonous combination.A.eating B.being eaten C.eaten D.to be eaten32.Which of the f

14、ollowing sentences isincorrect?A.I dont like carnets.Me neither.B.This one is the better of the twoC.You are not so lazy as himD.Everyone has his own ideas33._of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.A.None B.Both C.Neither D.All34.Nearly a month had gone by _ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.A.until B.while C.before D.so that35.This crop has similar quantities to theprevious one, _ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.A.being B.been C.to be D.having been参考答案1.B考



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