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1、Unit1 How tall are you?作业名称:选择两个你喜欢的偶像或者明星,将两个人进行对比,对比身高,体重,年龄等,通过比较练习英语中形容词比较级的表达和用法。 作业目的:本模块的重点是形容词比较级。通过完成本次作业达到以下目标。 1.能听、说、读, 写单词: taller, shorter, older, younger, longer等形容词比较级; 2.能够理解形容词比较级的基本构词规律,即在词尾加er; 3.能够在情景中运用句型:He is meters. He is taller than someone.等句型; 4.能在情境中正确使用比较级描述人或动物的外貌特征。 作

2、业内容设计:每个人心中都有自己的偶像或者榜样,并且榜样的力量一直激励着每个人前进。随着科技的进步,信息的发达,了解一个公众人物的方式有很多。根据每个人的了解,将你心中的两个偶像通过外貌形态的对比进行描述。最后用本单元所学的英文句子表达出来。 作业指导:作为第一课时来设计,课本上所给的情景是同学之间进行年龄、身体、高度和长短的比较。因此创设此次作业巩固课堂上所学知识。 参考句型: John is 1.61 meters. But Zhang Peng is 1.65 meters. So Zhang Peng is taller than John. John is shorter than Z

3、hang Peng. 展示与评价方式:向师生介绍你的偶像或者榜样,并将他与别人的外貌进行对比,并以完整的英语句子介绍给同学们。 作业参考示例 I like Ouan Hongchan. She is a diver. She is from China. Shes 15 years old and shes 143 meters. She likes diving and playing games. I am taller than Quan Hongchan. Quan Hongchan is older than me. My hair is longer than her. She i

4、s stronger than me. 作业评价表 姓名你心中的偶像你学习偶像的哪些优点 活动反思:榜样是一种向上的力量,是一面镜子,是一面旗帜。榜样好比人生的坐标,事业成功的向导。它带给我们的是无尽的锐气、朝气,是必胜的信念,是永无止境的力量源泉。让我们向榜样学习,向榜样看齐,我们将无坚不摧、无往不胜!通过每个学生对自己心中榜样的介绍,让学生更加进步,向榜样学习。【拓展训练】A. B. C. D. E. 1Chen Jies dress is longer than Amys. ( )2John is thinner than Jim. ( )3Zhang Peng is taller th

5、an John. ( )4Sarahs bag is smaller than Zhang Pengs. ( )5Miss White is older than Sarah. ( )Little duck is watching the sun go down. It is getting (1)_ and (2)_, but his shadow is getting (3)_ and (4)_.“Why is that?” Little Duck asks his friend Old Tree.“You are (5)_ and smarter than me.” Tell me, “

6、why is my shadow longer when the sun gets lower?”Old Tree says. “Thats easy, Little duck. The sun goes down every day, and we grow older every day. Your shadow grows longer because you are growing older. You are becoming a big beautiful bird!”6将合适的词填入短文的横线上,可重复使用。longerolderloweryounger(1) (2) (3) (

7、4) (5) 7读一读,选择正确的答案。(1) Choose a title (题目) for the story. ( ) A. Little Ducks shadowB. Old Trees shadow(2) Who is younger? ( )A. The tree.B. The duck.(3) When does the story happen? ( )A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.(4) 文中smarter和becoming的英语解释为选项( )A. cleverer; gettingB. older; watching(5) H

8、ow do you think of (评价) the old tree? ( )A. Silly (糊涂的).B. Wise (有智慧的).8根据提示,写一篇短文。(注意书写规范,不少于40个单词哦)Name: Wang YapingAge: 41Hometown (家乡): ShangdongHobby: sports (running)Nature (性格): active, hard-workingHeight (身高): 167cmJob: astronaut (宇航员)Daughter: 6 years oldParents: farmers_参考答案:1B 2C 3A 4E 5D6(1)-(5) lower, lower, longer, longer, older 7(1)-(5)ABBAB8参考范文:This is Wang Yaping. She is 41 years old. Her hometown is Shandong. Her hobby is running. She is active and hard-working. She is 167 cm. She is a Chinese astronaut. She has a 6-year-old daughter. Her parents are farmers.


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