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1、英语重点词汇语法详解intellectualThey had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors他们非常势利,不喜欢智力和社会地位不如自己的人。snobish adj.势利眼的;自命不凡的inferiorn. (能力或地位) 低于他人者; 部下【核心词汇】intellectualadj. relating to the ability to understand things and think intelligently 智力的,脑力的Intellectualmeans involving a pers

2、ons ability to think and to understand ideas and information.智力的【词组搭配】1.intellectuallystimulating 启迪智力的2. anintellectualfilm 高智商电影3. a job that requires considerableintellectualeffort 颇费脑力的工作4.intellectual development / ability / activity 智力发展 / 智力 / 智力活动5.a man of immenseintellectual curiosity求知欲极强

3、的一个男人6. a bunch ofintellectual snobs一群自命不凡的知识分子【例句拓展】1. Anintellectualis someone who spends a lot of time studying and thinking about complicated ideas. 知识分子2. I was born in anintellectualfamily.我出生在一个知识分子家庭。3. She is the daughter of nature, she isintellectualnature.她是大自然的女儿,她是大自然的知识分子。4. They were

4、veryintellectualand witty.他们非常聪明、机智。5. High levels of lead could damage theintellectualdevelopment of children.高含铅量会损害儿童的智力发育。The aim of the inquiry was to determine what had caused the accident.调查的目的是要找出事故的原因。Todeterminea fact means to discover it as a result of investigation. 查明【例句拓展】1. The invest

5、igation willdeterminewhat really happened.该调查将查明真相。2. Experts say testing needs to be done on each contaminant todeterminethe long-term effects on humans.专家说需要对每种污染物进行测试,以查明对人类的长期影响。3. Investigators are still trying todeterminethe cause of the fire.调查人员仍在设法弄清失火的原因。The car was bouncing up and down as

6、 if someone were jumping on it.车上下颠簸,仿佛有人正在上面跳动。1. bouncebansn. 跳;弹力;活力vt. 弹跳;使弹起vi. 弹跳;弹起,反跳;弹回2. up and down上上下下;到处;前前后后;来来往往3. as if犹如,好似【核心词汇】bounceif a ball or other objectbounces, or youbounceit, it immediately moves up or away from a surface after hitting it(使)弹起,(使)反弹,(使)弹跳bounce:jump up and

7、 down 上下跳动【词组搭配】1.a big / high / little bounce大反弹/高反弹/小反弹2.bounce ideas off sb: to talk about your ideas with someone in order to get their opinion征求某人的意见3.bounce sth around: to discuss ideas with other people探讨,交流 【非正式】4.bounce back: to feel better quickly after being ill, or to become successful a

8、gain after failing or having been defeated恢复健康,恢复元气;重整旗鼓5.bounce sb into sth: to force someone to decide to do something, especially without giving them time to consider it carefully逼迫某人做某事尤指不容仔细考虑 【英】6.bounce a ball使球弹起7.bounce ideas off someone与某人交流想法8.bounce a cheque拒付支票9.bounce off反弹;透露10.bounce

9、 along跳跃前进11.bounce around四下弹跳12.bounce ones feet一跃而起13.bounce out of bed一跃下床14.bounce into the room蹦跳着进房间15.bounce out of the room蹦跳着走出房间16.bounce about蹦蹦跳跳17.on the bounce在弹起时18.bounce the ball拍球19.bounce off弹开,反弹;从弹跳出来;掂量20.bounce up and down上下弹跳【例句拓展】1. Ibounceit, it starts blinking.我使它弹起,它开始闪烁。

10、2. Party members feel that theywere bounced into acceptingthe policy.党内人士觉得他们是被迫接受这项政策的。3. I wanted to have a meeting so that we couldbounce a few ideas around.我本想开个会,让大家交流一下意见。4. It was good tobounce ideas off another mind.征求别人的看法是好的。5. Our only complaint would be if the chequebounced.如果支票被拒收,这会是我们惟一的抱怨。6. Letsbounce a few ideas around.咱们交流一下看法吧。



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