Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册

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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册_第1页
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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册_第2页
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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册_第3页
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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册_第4页
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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册_第5页
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《Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolPart B Read and write 课件人教PEP版六年级上册(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolUnit 2 Ways to go to schoolLesson 4 Lesson 4 Different ways to go to schoolDifferent ways to go to schoolGood Learning Habits学习好习惯学习好习惯1.学习用品准备齐;2.勤做笔记勤动笔;3.认真听讲不放弃;4.课后作业别忘记。第三课时目标第三课时目标语言能力1.能听、说、认读单词Munich,Germany,Alaska,sled,fast,ferry,Papa,Westray,Scotland.2.能听懂、会说句子

2、Some kids go to school by sled.Its fast.文化意识培养学生国际理解力。思维品质能变通,知道同一地区由于天气条件等情况,上学方式也会变化。学习能力1.能理解文本情境,理解并读懂文本。2.能通过阅读问题训练,在语篇中找出关键词。3.能复述文本大意。Pre-readingTraffic lights交通信号灯Pre-readingHow do you go to school?I go to school _.While-reading关键词关键词How many ways to go to school can you find in the text?Und

3、erline them.While-reading关键词关键词How many places can you find in the text?Circle them.While-readingHow many places can you find in the text?Circle them.Munich/mju:nik/慕尼黑慕尼黑慕尼黑位于德国南部阿尔卑斯山北麓的伊萨尔河畔,是德国主要的经济、文化、科技和交通中心之一,也是欧洲最繁荣的城市之一。慕尼黑同时又保留着原巴伐利亚王国都城的古朴风情,因此被人们称作百万人的村庄。Watch and answer关键词关键词How many pl

4、aces can you find in the text?Circle them.Alaska/lsk/USA阿拉斯加州阿拉斯加州/美国美国 阿拉斯加州(Alaska)位于北美大陆西北端,东与加拿大接壤,另三面环北冰洋、白令海和北太平洋。该州拥有全美20座最高山脉中的17座,6194米的麦金利峰是北美最高峰。世界上大多数活动冰川在阿州境内,其中最大的马拉斯皮纳冰川流域面积为5703平方公里。东南部与中南部为温带气候,全年气温015;内陆为大陆型气候,夏季极昼时可达26,冬季极夜时可达-15;西部与西南部受海洋影响,寒冷风大;北极圈内为极地气候,气温全年处于零下。While-reading关键

5、词关键词How many places can you find in the text?Circle them.江西中国省级行政区,简称赣,别称赣鄱大地,是江南“鱼米之乡”,古有“吴头楚尾,粤户闽庭”之称。因公元733年唐玄宗设江南西道而得省名,又因省内最大河流为赣江而简称赣。While-reading关键词关键词How many places can you find in the text?Circle them.Papa Westray/Scotland,帕帕维斯特雷岛帕帕维斯特雷岛/苏格兰苏格兰 生活在英国苏格兰(Scotland)一座偏远海岛上的孩子上学的方式非常特别-他们每周乘坐

6、飞机往返于学校和家里!而且,他们乘坐的可能还是世界上航程最短的航班。这段飞机行程位于苏格兰北部的奥克尼群岛(Orkney Islands),从帕帕韦斯特雷岛(Papa Westray Island)到韦斯特雷岛(Westray Island),两个机场只要96秒,航程仅1英里(约1.6公里)多一点。Post-reading关键词关键词Listen and repeat.Post-readingThink and say.Country City How Why Germany Munich good for health/poor Alaska China Jiangxi riverScotl

7、and Papa Westrayriver/ferry didnt work Country City How Why Germany Munich good for health Alaska China Jiangxi riverScotland Papa Westrayferry didnt work on footUSAby sledby ferry by ferry/planesnows a lotSome students go to school _ in_.添加标题内容What suggestions will you give to the kids?Post-reading

8、You must get up now.Its late.Post-readingYou must+动词原型Dont+动词原型You must stop at the red light.You must keep silent in the library.Dont shout!Dont talk!Dont close the door!添加标题内容What suggestions will you give to the kids?Group work:1.Works in groups.小组合作。2.Give some suggestions.给予更多建议。3.Write them on

9、 the book.补充在书上。Post-readingExtensionYunnanHow do the students there go to school?In Yunnan,In Yunnan,some studentssome students go to school go to school by stropby strop.Because there is a river.Because there is a river.There is no There is no bridge.No ferry.bridge.No ferry.ExtensionHow do the st

10、udents there go to school?In In IndonesiaIndonesia,some students some students go to school go to school on horsebackon horseback.IndonesiaExtensionHow do the students there go to school?In In VietnamVietnam,some students go to school some students go to school on footon foot.VietnamSummary Study hard!Treasure(珍惜)(珍惜)our study time and school life!Homework基础作业:基础作业:1.请听、读课文三遍,注意地点名词的读音;2.复述课文给家人听。星级挑战作业:星级挑战作业:3.与同学谈论你了解到的更多国家和地区学生上学的方式及原因。谢谢 谢谢 观观 看看


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