2023-2023学年七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil period 5课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、Period 5 Section B(2a-3b)and Self CheckUnit 3 Is this your pencil?pencil boxeraserdictionarywatchbagID cardnotebookbaseballring book pencil Excuse me.Whats this in English?Its Is this your?Yes,it is.Its mine./No,it isnt.Its his/hers.Here you are.Thank you very much.Youre welcome.Look for the ownerWr

2、ite the things you lose easily.school ID cardwatchkeyschoolbagwallet(钱包包)rulererasernotebookpen2a写出你常丢失的物品。写出你常丢失的物品。Read the notice on the board notices and circle the lost things.阅读阅读公告牌上的布告,圈出公告牌上的布告,圈出丢丢失失的物品。的物品。2bItem(项目项目)LostFoundcomputer gamekeyswatchschool ID Card2cLin Hai,A computer game

3、is in the school library.Is it yours?Ask the teacher for it.Mike 1.ask(sb.)for 恳求;向恳求;向要要请向李磊要一块橡皮。请向李磊要一块橡皮。Please ask Li Lei for an eraser.Found:Some keys are in Classroom 7E.Are they yours?E-mail me at .2.email sb.at 依据依据(某邮箱)给某人发电子邮件某邮箱)给某人发电子邮件 1.some+可数名词复数可数名词复数/不行数名词不行数名词,常用于肯定常用于肯定句。句。一些书在书

4、包里面。一些书在书包里面。Some books are in the schoolbag.请给我请给我 这个邮箱发邮件。这个邮箱发邮件。Please email me at .Lost I lost my school ID card.I must find it.Call me at 6856034.Thanks.Tom call sb.at 拨打拨打找某人找某人请拨打请拨打3457986找我。找我。Please call me at 3457986.call v.打电话call sb.给打电话 call+某人+at+电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人)Please call John at

5、035-7328.请打0357328找约翰。call还可以表示“称呼”。They call me Tina.他们叫我蒂娜。Lost 寻物启事寻物启事你知道如何写你知道如何写寻物启事寻物启事吗?吗?寻物启事寻物启事共包括四部分共包括四部分:1.1.标题标题(Lost)(Lost)2.2.丢失的东西丢失的东西3.3.失者的姓名失者的姓名4.4.联系电话联系电话Lost:My ID card.My name is Helen.Please call 532-7138.Found 招领招领 如果你拾到别人的东西如果你拾到别人的东西,你该怎样归还给失主呢你该怎样归还给失主呢?你需要写你需要写Found,

6、分五部分分五部分:1.1.标题标题(Found)(Found)2.2.拾到的东西拾到的东西3.3.询问某物是不是失者的询问某物是不是失者的4.4.联系人联系人5.5.联系电话联系电话Found:A watch.Is this your watch?Please call Mike at648-5012.3a.name yours found 2845486 lost call_:My notebookMy _ is David.Please _me at 6798871._:A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _.Lostnamecall Found

7、yours2845486FIRST NAME:MaryLAST NAME:CooperTELEPHONE NUMBER:535-2375This is your school ID card.you lost it.Can you write a lost notice for yourself?你能写一则自己的失物招领启示吗?你能写一则自己的失物招领启示吗?3b Lost:My school ID card.My name is Mary Cooper.Please call 535-2375.1.Write the school things you know.pen ruler penc

8、il pencil box schoolbag notebook book ruler dictionary eraserSELF CHECK2.Complete the chart with pronouns.ImemymineyouyoursherhershehimyouyoursheherhishisSELF CHECKLook at the picture and write the conversations.看图写对话。看图写对话。3Is this your book?Yes,it is.Is that your key?Yes,it is.Is this your ball?No

9、,it isnt.一、依据句意及图片提示写单词。一、依据句意及图片提示写单词。Tom has two Janes aunt has a good 1.2.baseballsring3.4.5.My moms keys are in her That is his My is black.bagcomputerwatch二、依据句意,选择方框中的单词填空。a,an,the,am,is,are6I a good girl.7Excuse me.that your bag?8These pens mine.9This is computer game.10Is that ID card?11 boo

10、k is hers,not his.amIsareaanThe日日清得分卷后分 小组长评价 一、单项选择。(55分25分)1_ that your baseball?AWhatBIsCWhatsB 2How _ you _“watch”?Ado,spell Bare,spell Cspell,do3Whats this _ English?Its _ English dictionary.Ain,a Bon,an Cin,anCA 4下面哪一个与众不同:下面哪一个与众不同:_Abaseball Bpencil Cnotebook5This is _“m”and that is _“u”Aa;a

11、n Ban;aCan;an AB二、单句找错并改错。(55分25分)6Is that(A)a(B)ruler?Yes,its(C).7Hello,my(A)family(B)name is(C)Jim.(C)it is(B)first8Is(A)this a(B)ID card(C)?9His(A)name(B)is(C)Mary Brown.10Here are(A)three red(B)watch(C).(B)an(A)Her(C)watches三、依据汉语意思完成下列句子。三、依据汉语意思完成下列句子。(55分分25分分)11你的身份证号码是多少?你的身份证号码是多少?the numb

12、er of your?12打搅一下。请问你叫什么名字?打搅一下。请问你叫什么名字?Whats your name,please?WhatsID cardExcuse me13这些笔记本是她的。这些笔记本是她的。These are 14你怎么拼写你的名字?你怎么拼写你的名字?you spell your name?15那是迈克的电子游戏吗?那是迈克的电子游戏吗?Is that Mikes?notebooks hersHow docomputer game四、补全对话,每空一词。四、补全对话,每空一词。(含缩写形式含缩写形式)(65分分30分分)A:Hello.Im Lily.B:Hi,Lily.My 16 Jim.A:Whats this 17 English?B:Its a card.A:18 do you spell it?B:CARD.A:Is this 19?B:No,it isnt.Its Tinas.A:Tina,20 this your card?C:Yes,21 is.Thank you.namesinHowyoursIsit31


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