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1、定语从句关系代词只能用that不能用which情况微课教学设计教学目标知识目标: 复习关系代词的功能。熟悉掌握定语从句中关系代词只能用that不能用which的情况。能力目标: 能够使用正确的定语从句句型描绘人物或事物。情感目标: 培养学生自主性学习,享受完成任务的过程,乐意与组员合作学习。教学重点通过给学生典型例子,帮助学生巩固该语法知识,并锻炼以简单的定语从句结构进行表达。本堂课重点讲解掌握关系代词只能用that不能用 which的情况。教学难点帮助学生将已学习的知识(the attributive clause) 转化为技能,从而培养其对该语法知识点的综合运用能力。教法手段学生欣赏英文歌

2、曲 Thats Why You Go Away (附歌词); 分析查找定语从句;探究归纳定语从句中关系词只能用that不能用which的情况;合作学习,巩固练习。教学过程教学内容教师活动学生活动Step 1 Lead in播放歌曲Thats Why You Go Away ,让学生听并且结合所给歌词,试着找出含有定语从句的句子。Love is one big illusion that/which I should try to forget.But there is something left in head.Youre the one who set it up now youre th

3、e one to make it stop.Im the one who is feeling lost right now.Now you want me forget every little thing that you said.这个环节的学生活动旨在创设一个情境,帮助学生更直观地进入学习定语从句的语境,从而为下一个环节的练习和巩固打下基础。另外将学生找出的定语从句用投影的方式呈现出来,帮助学生分析定语从句的结构和引导词在从句中所起的作用,对之前的知识点进行一个复习。欣赏歌曲,分析查找定语从句。可以在小组内讨论,彼此相互启发,能更快的找出答案。Step 2 Review让学生先在导学案

4、上独立完成表格,要求学生掌握定语从句基本概念以及先行词,关系代词和关系代词的作用和功能。关系词指 代所作成分是否可省略that人;物主语;宾语作宾语可省which物主语;宾语作宾语可省who人主语;宾语作宾语可省whom人宾语可省whose人;物宾语不可省学生在课前先独立完成表格,教师鼓励其遇到问题,可以与小组内的同伴讨论,共同解决。相互启发,促进,能得出更全面的信息。Step3Important points&Difficult points向学生展示如下五个句子,要求学生画出主句,从句,找到先行词和关系词,并观察先行词被哪些词所修饰。1. The writer and his novel

5、that you have just talked about are really known.2. That is one of the most interesting books that are sold in the shop.3. The first thing that we should do is to get some food.4. There seems to be nothing that is impossible to him in the world.5. This is the very book that Im looking for.学生通过自主学习以及

6、合作学习观察先行词被哪些词所修饰,得出一定的理论性知识。Step 4Summary定语从句中关系代词只能用that不能用which的情况:1. 当先行词既有人,又有物时:E.g. The writer and his novel that you have just talked about are really known.2. 先行词前有序数词或者形容词最高级修饰时,先行词本身就是序数词或者形容词最高级时;E.g. The first thing that we should do is to get some food.E.g. That is one of the most inter

7、esting books that are sold in the shop.3. 当先行词是all,anything,something,nothing等不定代词时;E.g. The first thing that we should do is to get some food.4. 当先行词被the only, the very, just the, the last等词修饰时。E.g. This is the very book that Im looking for.教师呈现完整的规则,以此更好地指导学生对于此块知识的学习与理解。Step 5Practice1. You shoul

8、d hand in all _ you have.2. What is the first American film _ you have seen?3. This is the best way _ has been used against pollution.4. They talked about the persons and things _ they remembered at school.5. That is the very book _he is looking for.学生通过练习更加巩固了对于此块知识的学习与掌握。Step 6Homework1. Whos the

9、comrade _ you just shook hands with?2. He talked about the teachers and schools _ he had visited.3. He is the only man _ I can find for the work.4. You must watch carefully everything _ the teacher does in class.5. This is one of the most exciting football games _ I have ever seen.6. The last place

10、_ we visited in the countryside was a farm.7. The first English novel _ I read was Robinson Crusoe.8. When he came back from abroad, John told his parents about the cities and the people _ he had visited.9. Is there any question _ troubles you much?10. Who is the man _ is speaking there?11. She is t

11、he only person _ understands me.12. This is the very book _ I am looking after.13. He is no the man _ he used to be.14. Is there anything _ I can do for you, miss?15. Little has been done _ is helpful to our work.16. Nothing _ he does is badly done.17. Which is the book _ your father bought from New York?18. Finally, the thief handed everything _ he had stolen to the police.19. All _ is needed is a supply of oil.20. China is no longer the country _ she used to be.针对性练习强化学生对于此块知识的熟悉与掌握。



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