牛津译林版五年级上册英语Project1 An animal school全部教案(共4课时)

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1、译林版小学英语五年级上册 Project 1 An animal school第一课时一、教学内容:复习Unit 1 Unit 4二、教学目标1. 知识目标:1) 能够综合运用前面单元所学的关于金发姑娘和三只熊,动物朋友,以及兴趣爱好的词汇、句型等语言知识,展开活动。2. 技能目标:1)通过交流和合作,能够运用第一单元至第四单元所学的语言知识和语言技能进行交流,小组合作完成动物卡片设计。3. 情感目标:1)在情境交流中,培养英语学习的兴趣。2)在童话故事的情境中,综合运用14单元所学知识,培养积极阳光的情感态度。三、教学重难点1) 能够在参与活动中综合运用14单元所学语言。2)能够用英语介绍自

2、己和他人的兴趣爱好,并能运用所学知识描述动物等外貌。四、教学准备 图片,卡片,实物,PPT五、教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1. Sing the song :We all like climbing.2. Free talk Talk with the Ss about hobbies.What do you / they like doing ?What does he/ she like doing ? is good at can well .3. Do a survey in groups of four . What do you four all like doin

3、g ? Give a report in groups of four .4. Try to make a new song in groups of four , using the tone of the song . We all like _ .Model : We all like very much . Yes, we do. Yes, we do. We all like very much . Lets go and today . Step 2 Revision 1. Lets review Review Unit 4 . T: We know our hobbies eac

4、h other. How about these children ? What do they like doing ? Show the pictures of four children in Unit 4 .Talk about the children one by one by memory. Work in pairs.Summary: How to talk about hobbies. 板书引导学生归纳相关句型I/ You/ They like He/ She (also ) likes He/ She is good at He/ She can well. Practic

5、e talking about hobbies . Talk and guess .Teacher gives two models. Work in pairs. 2. Lets check.完成课时练习一中的第一大题,检测学生本单元知识点掌握情况。3. Lets review.Review Unit 1. Show the picture of Yang Ling again.T: Yang Ling likes reading stories. Do you like reading stories too ? Can you remember the story about Goldi

6、locks and the three bears? Try to retell the story by looking at the pictures one by one . Guide the Ss to retell the story with correct intonation, action and emotion. 4. I can write. 完成课时练习中的第二大题,检测学生对本单元知识点的掌握情况。Step 3 Consolidation 1. Listen and guess T: Goldilocks is very afraid when she sees t

7、he three bars. She runs and runs in the forest. What happens to her? What does she see ? Lets listen to her.Guess: Read what Goldilocks says . Oh, my god. It is grey. It has a very big body. It has two big ears too. It has four short and strong legs, a thin tail and a long nose. Try to describe the

8、elephant. Summary : Can you describe animals?教师引导学生归纳句型并板书:Its / Theyre (colour)It has/ They have (features)It / They can (ability)It likes/ They like (hobbies)2. Describe and guessT: Goldilocks also sees some other animals in the forest . What are they ? Look and say . Work in groups. Describe the

9、animals and guess . Pig , rabbit , mouse, Parrot, dog ducks Check up .完成课时练习第三大题,检测学生对相关句型的掌握情况。3. Make animal cards. T: Goldilocks see a lot of animals in the forest. What other animals does Goldilocks see ? They are in the envelops. Open the envelope in groups of four secretly and try to make an a

10、nimal card. Work in groups of four. Check up . Talk about the animals. 完成课时练习一第四大题动物卡片的制作,并完成小片段的书写。4. Look and say Show all the animals . T: Wow, there are so many animals in the forest. What are they saying ? Guess. Goldilocks and the animals are friends now . How is Goldilocks now? Can you finish

11、 the story ? Goldilocks is _. They are _. T:Look ! What are he animals saying ? We have a funny school. Would you like to come to our school tomorrow? T: What does Goldilocks say ? 5. Guess and draw T: The animals invite Goldilocks to go to their school . Do you want to go with her ? Lets go. Show a

12、 special building( a castle )T: Look! This is the animal school . What do you think about the school ? Whats in the school? Ss: Draw the rooms and animals in the school on Page 99 .T: Well see whats in the school in the next class. 此项作业作为课后作业,让学生在下课后完成。我们没有必要把英语课上成美术课。 六、作业布置1. 检查课时练习,并订正错误习题。2. Dra

13、w the rooms and animals in the school on Page 99.3. Try to make a new animal card according to the one that your group members made . 七、板书设计 Project 1 An animal school Animals:Its / Theyre (colour)It has/ They have (features)It / They can (ability)It likes/ They like (hobbies)Hobbies I/ You/ They li

14、ke He/ She (also ) likes He/ She is good at He/ She can well. Project 1 My family and friends第二课时 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I like _ ( jog) in the morning and _ (play ) basketball in the afternoon .2. Yang Ling _ (have ) a lot of _ ( hobby ). She is good at _ ( sing ) and _ ( dance). 3. Liu Tao _ ( like ) playing table tennis. What _ Wang Bing _(like ) ?4. Su Hai and Su Yang _ (all) _ ( like )_ (swim). They can _ ( swim) very _ ( good).二、根据上下文及首字母提示完成下面的片段。Goldilocks is in the f_. There _ some birds and flowers in it. There _ a house in itt, too. Gold


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