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1、外研版六下ModuleUnitIwantahotdog,plaese教案一、教学目标1. 掌握表示饮食的词汇和句型;2. 了解热狗的由来和文化背景;3. 提高学生听、说、读、写能力;4. 培养学生的合作意识和创新意识。二、教学重难点1. 重点:掌握词汇及对话中的句型;2. 难点:掌握复合句和条件句的使用。三、教学过程1. 导入新课教师说:Hello, boys and girls. Do you like hot dogs? Do you know the history of hot dogs? Today, were going to learn about hotdogs and lea

2、rn how to order hotdogs in English. Are you ready?2. 课堂活动活动1:热身练习 教师说:I want a hot dog, please. Can you repeat after me? 学生说:(Repeat after the teacher)活动2:热狗口味游戏 教师说:Now, lets play a game. Ill say a flavor of hot dog, and you repeat after me. Then, well see who can come up with the most flavors.Teac

3、herStudentsPln hot dogPln hot dogCheese hot dogCheese hot dogChili cheese hot dogChili cheese hot dogConey dogConey dogChicago-style hot dogChicago-style hot dogKosher hot dogKosher hot dog活动3:购买热狗练习 教师说:Now, lets pretend were at a hot dog stand. Ill ask you what hot dog you want, and you tell me. W

4、ell practice using the phrases we learned today. 学生说:(Choose their favorite hot dog and order it, using the phrases from todays lesson.)活动4:练习对话 教师说:Now, lets practice the dialogue in class. Well split into groups of two. One student will be the customer and one student will be the vendor. 学生说:Vendo

5、r: Hello, what can I do for you?Customer: I want a hot dog with cheese, please.Vendor: Sure, would you like anything else?Customer: No, thats all.Vendor: Thatll be three dollars.Customer: Here you go.Vendor: Thank you. Enjoy your hot dog.活动5:小组合作设计广告 教师说:Now, lets work in groups of three. Each group

6、 will design a hot dog stand and create a poster that advertises your hot dogs. Then, you will present your poster to the class. 学生说:(Think about what ingredients they would like on their hot dog and design a poster that advertises their hot dog stand.)3. 课堂总结教师说:That was great, everyone. You did a

7、fantastic job ordering hot dogs and talking about hot dog culture. Remember, if you want to improve your English, practice using it as often as you can. See you next time.四、课后练习1. 根据对话,填空。Vendor: Hello, what can I do for you?Customer: I want a _ with cheese, please.Vendor: _, would you like anything else?Customer: No, thats all.Vendor: Thatll be three dollars.Customer: Here you go.Vendor: Thank you. Enjoy your hot dog.2. 创作一则广告,宣传你的热狗摊。3. 了解热狗的历史和文化,并写一篇短文总结。


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