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1、(2021年)山东省青岛市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The computer doesnt work well, so something()wrongA.can have goneB.ought to have goneC.must have goneD.should have gone2.The officer insisted that Michael did not follow the correct _ in applying for a visa()A.pattern B.procedure C.program D

2、.perspective3.The taxi driver was accused _ overcharging customers()A.for B.with C.on D.of4.You look very exhausted!I _ tennis with my friend all the morning()A.played B.had played C.have been playing D.will play5.Farmers are allowed to grow vegetables in small gardens of their own and they sell the

3、ir vegetables the market()A.on B.at C.in D.for6.It wasnt such a good dinnershe had promised us()A.like B.as C.which D.what7.It is obvious that these small businesses are _ need of technical support()A.in B.on C.with D.to8.On no account()to deprive(剥夺) a student of his right to receive educationA.any

4、one is allowedB.is anyone allowedC.anyone allowsD.allows anyone9.At this time next week, we the matter with our friends()A.are going to discussB.will be discussingC.are discussingD.are to discuss10.We got to the station only _ that the train had had just left()A.learned B.to learn C.learning D.havin

5、g learned二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.care B.start C.want D.feel12.45.()A.diner B.dinner C.dinning D.dine13.69.()A.remained B.left C.got out D.sent14.8()A.while B.since C.until D.when15.72.()A.after B.before C.until D.since16.50.()A.plan B.action C.suggestion D.command17.I once went to a town in the north of E

6、ngland on business.It was about 7:30 in the evening when I reached the hotel. The manageress, a strict old lady of about 60, showed me to my room. When I asked her what time dinner was, she said there was only one at 6:30, and I had 51 it.Never mind, I said. Im not very hungry. Ill just have a drink

7、 in the bar and a sandwich.Bar! she 52 her voice. This is a respectable hotel, young man. If you want53, you must go somewhere else. She spoke as if a glass of beer was a dangerous drug.I went to a bar and had some beer and sandwiches and then went to the cinema. At about 11:30 I returned to the hot

8、el. Everything was in darkness. I knocked at the door, but nothing happened. The only sound was the church clock opposite, 54 suddenly struck the half-hour with55 force that it made me jump. Finally a window opened upstairs. The old lady56 and asked me what was going on. I explained who I was and sh

9、e let me 57 after ten minuteswait. She was in her nightdress. She told me seriously that guests were58 to be back in the hotel by 11 oclock.I went to bed but could not sleep. Every quarter of an hour the church clock struck and at midnight the whole hotel shook with the noise. Just before dawn, I fi

10、nally fell asleep.When I arrived at59, everyone else had nearly60 and there was not enough coffee to go round.Did you61 well, young man? the old lady asked.62, I dont think I could go through 63 night in that room, I replied. I hardly slept at all.Thats because you were up all night 64! she said ang

11、rily, putting a(n) 65 to the conversation51.()A.had B.passed C.missed D.caught18.11()A.include B.intend C.mean D.conclude19.Though some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave51 jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public52 polls.Lat

12、ely some union officials have suggested that too many women are employed in types of work more53 for men and that women should step aside to make54 for unemployed young men. They argue that women, especially women in their childbearing(育龄的) years,55 delay economic development and result 56 lower pro

13、ductivity, poor quality and57.To solve the problem, they suggest that working women stay at home58 their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that 59 these circumstances, families would60 their same level of income, and women could run the house and 61 children much better.The su

14、ggestion,62, has been flatly rejected by 9 out of 10 people63.Some other people have suggested another way called phased employment theory. The theory suggests that a woman worker take 64 from her job when she is seven months pregnant and stay off the job65 her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggests

15、 that women 66leave receive seventy-five percent of their67 salary and be allowed to return to work after the three-year period. This will68 children, women, their families and the society and it 69seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion70 women return to their homes forever51.()A.more B.fewer C.much D.less20.90.()A.the other B.other C.others D.another三、翻译(3题)21.As far as I am concerned, its a large number of cars that lead to this traffic jam22.你走了这么远的路,一定很累23.天色如此黑,以致很难拍摄出好的照片来()



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