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1、(2021年)河南省洛阳市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Traditionally, local midwives would _ all the babies in the area()A.handle B.produce C.deliver D.help2.The residents living in these apartments have free_ to the swimming pool, the gym and other facilities()A.excess B.excursion C.access D.re

2、creation3.It was he arrived home he realized that he had left his keys in the office()A.until; that B.not until; had C.until; had D.not until; that4.You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion its not worth the it involves()A.effort B.attempt C.force D.strength5.The engineer()my father works is

3、about 50 years oldA.to whom B.on whom C.with which D.with whom6.Only under special circumtancesto take make-up tests()A.freshmen are permittedB.are freshmen permittedC.permitted are freshmenD.are permitted freshmen7.Although I told him to be careful over and over again, he never took any of what I s

4、aid()A.attention B.warning C.notice D.observation8.Not that I don t want to tell you the truth, _ I dont know about it()A.but that B.for that C.and that D.in that9.I must decline it because the conditions you offered are not _()A.capable B.available C.acceptable D.comfortable10.A good teacher must k

5、now how to()his ideasA.convey B.display C.consult D.confront二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.fare B.possession C.money D.wealth12.50.()A.on B.in C.as D.near13.57.()A.to B.with C.as D.than14.69.()A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.anybody15.To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be

6、able to 41 the attention and interest of your students; you must be a 42 speaker, with a good, strong, 43 voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to 44 what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear. 45 a good teacher and you will see that he does not sit still 46 his

7、 class: he stands the whole time when he is teaching; he walks about, using his 47, hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listen to him, and you will 48 the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always 49 according to what he is 50 abo

8、ut. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesnt 51 that he will indeed be able to act 52 on the stage, for there are very important 53 between the teachers work and the actors. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the 54 wo

9、rds each time he plays a certain part; 55 his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually 56 beforehand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem 57 on the stage.A good teacher 58 in quite a different way. His students take an active part in hi

10、s 59; they ask and answer questions; they obey orders; and if they dont understand something, they will say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his students. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must 60 it as he goes along()A.pay B.hold C.give D.know16.56.()A.take off B.s

11、tand up C.take up D.stand by17.45.()A.between B.with C.to D.among18.Though some people have suggested that women should return to housework in order to leave51 jobs for men, the idea has been rejected by both women and men in public52 polls.Lately some union officials have suggested that too many wo

12、men are employed in types of work more53 for men and that women should step aside to make54 for unemployed young men. They argue that women, especially women in their childbearing(育龄的) years,55 delay economic development and result 56 lower productivity, poor quality and57.To solve the problem, they

13、 suggest that working women stay at home58 their husbands or brothers were given double wages. They argue that 59 these circumstances, families would60 their same level of income, and women could run the house and 61 children much better.The suggestion,62, has been flatly rejected by 9 out of 10 peo

14、ple63.Some other people have suggested another way called phased employment theory. The theory suggests that a woman worker take 64 from her job when she is seven months pregnant and stay off the job65 her baby reaches the age of 3. It suggests that women 66leave receive seventy-five percent of thei

15、r67 salary and be allowed to return to work after the three-year period. This will68 children, women, their families and the society and it 69seems to be more acceptable than the suggestion70 women return to their homes forever51.()A.more B.fewer C.much D.less19.63.()A.class B.problem C.question D.answer20.43.()A.appearance B.fitness C.potential D.performance三、翻译(3题)21.山上的新鲜的空气有益于我们的健康22.An idle youth, a needy age23.It has been three years since he moved to Shanghai, but he is still not familiar with the surroundings四、词汇与语法(0题)24.When I s



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