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1、(2023年)安徽省滁州市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.seemed strange to us was that he came back with nothing that day()A.It B.That C.What D.Which2.To know what is good and _ are two different things()A.doing what is rightB.to do what is rightC.did what was rightD.to do what was right3.But for y

2、our advice, I _ it so successfully()A.hadnt done B.wouldnt done C.wouldnt have done D.dont4.I got so tired that I just couldnt move a step_()A.farther B.so far C.far D.by far5.Mr. Brown wonders _ in the world salaries are higher for administrators()A.how B.why C.what D.when6.Before using your new pr

3、essure cooker, read the following carefully()A.notices B.orders C.advertisement D.instructions7.The most important is not_ you do, but_ you do it()A.when; how B.what; what C.what; how D.how; what8.We cant _ people to change the habits of their lifetime over a short time()A.agree B.wait C.expect D.im

4、agine9.Our companys service is()in nearly 80 countries around the worldA.available B.relative C.natural D.careful10.The young man had decided to give up the chance of studying abroad, _ surprised his parents a lot()A.when B.where C.which D.that二、完型填空(10题)11.11()A.meal B.lunch C.tea D.breakfast12.54.

5、()A.problem B.point C.matter D.reason13.()A.in the office B.at school C.at home D.in the restaurant14.47.()A.what B.which C.that D.who15.71.()A.Which B.It C.This D.As16.78.()A.broken out B.exploded C.recorded D.brought about17.Scientistssaythatsomethingveryseriousishappeningtotheearth,itwillbegintog



8、oxide.Thiscarbondioxidelets_entertheearthsatmosphereand_theearth.However,itdoesntletasmuchheat_theatmosphereandenterspace.Itslikeablanket.Theheat_thesuncanpassthroughtheblankettowarmtheearth.Theheat_thereandcantescapethroughtheblanketagain.Scientistscallthisthegreen-houseeffect()A.worse B.colder C.b

9、etter D.warmer18.56()A.legal B.casual C.direct D.progressive19.Annually my family has a get-together in a state park in the mountains of North Carolina. At one of the get-togethers, the weather was cloudy, and more rain was predicted. The family members who arrived early were41 about the coming rain

10、 that would have a bad effect on the number of42. Just as the rain began to fall, a car43 to the picnic shelter and out of the passenger side jumped Uncle Earl,44 was 96 years old and had been blind for many years. Just the arrival of Uncle Earl immediately changed the atmosphere of the group.Ever c

11、heerful and optimistic, Earl continued to45 the family. He was the oldest member of the Miller Clan, and all gathered around him. One by one he greeted each child,46 their hands and giving them a piece of candy from his pocket, and made them laugh.47 I stood back, I watched how his behaviour and che

12、erfulness brought a smile to everyones face. I realized that it was his48 to take the road to cheerfulness and not focus on the49 sides of his life. By doing so, he was50 an invitation to each family member and wished him to respond in the same manner.Just before we began to enjoy the wonderful food

13、, Earl stood up and asked to speak to the group for a few minutes. He wished everyone to51 a good life and to take a light-hearted52 to what may come our way.Just for one day practice being53 and see what happens. Try a new attempt on54 ; see if you can find some humor in the challenges or55 them in

14、 an optimistic way.Be of good cheer!41.()A.anxious B.confident C.calm D.sure20.65.()A.In fact B.As a result C.Above all D.By the way三、翻译(3题)21.昨晚比尔开车时车撞到了墙上22.Three years ago there was a reporter whose camera was destroyed by a group of men, because they were angry with him for taking their picture23.The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry also cautions that children may imitate the violence they observe on television四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Studies reveal that people spend two hours dreaming every night, no matter what they _ during the day()五、单选题(0题)25.David sent



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