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1、(2023年)吉林省吉林市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Hey, what do you think of his speech last night?I have no idea. I arrived _ find that he had almost finished it()A.in order to B.so as to C.only to D.ready to2.Reducing the size of classes in schools is a _ aim in the near future()A.delightf

2、ul B.dynamic C.deliberate D.desirable3.Nowadays more and more students seem_ to help their classmates who have difficulties in studies()A.reluctant B.reliable C.responsible D.careless4.The couple have tried hard to save their troubled marriage()their childrenA.in contrast toB.rather thanC.for the sa

3、ke ofD.regardless of5.She never laughed, _ lose her temper()A.or she ever didB.nor did she everC.or did she everD.nor she ever did6.It did not stop raining_ after the football match was over()A.when B.until C.unless D.as7.his appearance, he comes from a well-off family()A.Judged fromB.To judge fromC

4、.Judging fromD.Having been judging from8.It isto stare directly at the sun()A.harmful B.harmless C.comfortable D.safe9.In our class there are 46 students, _ half wear glasses()A.in whom B.of whom C.in them D.of them10.We are sometimes()of selfishness in our lives, though we are mostly generous in pe

5、rsonalityA.miserable B.greedy C.guilty D.sorry二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.inner B.surrounding C.shopping D.downtown12. ()A./ B.their C.the D.for13.68.()A.care B.concern C.skill D.intention14.58.()A.and B.but C.although D.unless15.57.()A.appreciated B.regarded C.received D.supposed16.I was sitting at the bar o

6、f a local restaurant having lunch and taking a break. A pretty girl who looked about 25 walked in and sat down in a booth(雅座) waiting1her friend. It didnt2long before I saw she was trying to stay 3from other peoples gaze and my heart sank. You could see her hair was4and, at such a young age, she was

7、 receiving chemo(化疗).I sat there 5her trying to remain composed(镇静的) and she was having a(n) 6time of it. I 7for her, imagining what it must be like to go through this and yet I know some of her 8. You see I lost my wife, the love of my life just a few short years ago and watched her slowly fade awa

8、y. I needed to give a message of9to this girl. But how? What could I do?Then it occurred 10me! I called over her waitress and explained that I wanted to buy the girl and her friend their 11but I also told her not to tell her it was me. I also 12the waitress a note to give to the girl.The note 13as f

9、ollows:Someone today thought you were beautiful; someone today thought your smile glowed with 14; someone today thought your eyes 15up the world; someone today cared and wanted you to know this. Enjoy the rest of your day, pretty young lady. About 15 minutes later, the young girl asked for her 16 an

10、d I watched as she was told it was paid for. She asked why? Who? What for? The waitress simply handed her the note and explained to her the gentleman 17did it left.I watched as she slowly read the note. Her eyes grew moist, for only a moment, and then came the smile! A huge, beautiful, 18smile! She

11、lit up the room and then sat up straight, not 19who saw her. Her friend also beamed.Its not how we look or what we have; its not our houses or how many cars we have; nor is it how much money we can earn. Its all about how much we care and what we do, 20its making someone feel pretty only for a momen

12、t1()A.in B.of C.to D.for17.A schoolboys life is in preparation for the real battle of life. It is also51 of differences and interests. One of the52 important parts of a schoolboys life is to get as much knowledge and good mindtraining as he can. His 53 business in school is to learn. He 54read the b

13、ook he is 55in the classes. He has to do the homework set to him. Another part that56 a schoolboys life is the school discipline. At school there are 57 rules58. This strict discipline is very useful for him when he59 the society to60 a living. It teaches him some very necessary virtues on the road

14、to a61life.School is a place for a schoolboy to learn what the social life is62.63in the classroom and the playground, he has to catch up with his fellows and not members of his family.He can not behave 64 he does in his home. He is no longer a spoiled child, and his school fellows will not give in

15、to his wished. He soon gets his corners robbed off and learns the lesson of give-and-take, good manners, and thought for65.This is also the way when he has to carry himself in society()A.sure B.fond C.full D.short18.45.()A.ignored B.admired C.hated D.disliked19.55.()A.neutral B.center C.nuclear D.central20.53.()A.varies B.improves C.chooses D.contrasts三、翻译(3题)21.If you know the crowd is planning something of which you disapprove, have the courage to bow out mannerly22.Mans preoccupation with time derives ulti



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