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1、(2022年)河北省邢台市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Alices father always brings her a nice gift _ he returns home from his business trip()A.by the time B.at the time C.every time D.at times2.Tom has been suffering from lung cancer for half a year, so the doctor suggested that Tom _ an operati

2、on as soon as possible()A.takes B.would take C.took D.should take3.With larger numbers of graduates than ever before, just having a degree will no longer be enough to make you()in the crowdA.stand up B.stand by C.stand for D.stand out4.youve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it()A.Now

3、 that B.After C.Although D.As soon as5.()idea of()sounds much better than ClaresA.The; hers B.That; her C.That; hers D.One; her6.I _ you with the funds. Why didnt you ask me()A.could have providedB.should have providedC.must have providedD.ought to have provided7.It is essential that all the reports

4、 to be published twice()A.be checkedB.would be checkedC.were checkedD.will be checked8.When we arrived at the airport, we were told our flight()A.had been cancelledB.had cancelledC.has been cancelledD.cancelled9.Our boss, Mr. Thompson, a raise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet()A.was

5、promisingB.has been promisingC.promisedD.has promised10.It was _ of you not to disturb these old people late at night()A.patient B.considerate C.deliberate D.modest二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.if B.even though C.so D.thus12.68.()A.to B.for C.about D.by13.53.()A.at B.to C.on D.for14._()A.cared B.doubted C.imagi

6、ned D.wondered15.57()A.had B.have been C.had been D.were16.65.()A.broadcasts B.forms C.newspapers D.countries17.45.()A.feels B.leads C.sounds D.appears18.73()A.more sure B.much sure C.even sure D.less sure19.48.()A.discipline B.law C.advice D.self-discipline20.16)()A.Once B.Until C.However D.Unless三

7、、翻译(3题)21.But in the U.S., children often argue with their parents, students may disagree with their teachers, and citizens may express opposition to the actions of the government22.Directions; In this part, there is one passage in English. Read the passage carefullyandtranslate it into Chinese.Onli

8、ne learning is no easier than learning in regular classrooms. In fact, many students say itrequires much more time and effort. Requirements for online courses are no less than those of regular quality courses.Successful students, however, see online learning as a convenient way to receivetheir educa

9、tion-not an easier way. Many online students sit at computers for hours at a time during evenings or weekends in order to complete their assignments. The time when other people arefinished and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work. Onlinestudents need to commit

10、 4 to 15 hours a week for each course23.在他最近写的自传里,他把自己的成功归功于父母的鼓励四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Here is a paper _ for you to dry your hands()五、单选题(0题)25.One afternoon I went to Miss White again()A.call for B.call in C.call off D.call on六、单选题(0题)26.Having applied for a _ in the office of the local newspaper, he was t

11、old to see the manager()A.position B.career C.profession D.location参考答案1.C爱丽丝的父亲每次出差回家总会给她带漂亮的礼物。考点词义辨析【精析】Cby the time:到为止;at the time:当时;every time:每次,相当于连词,引导时间状语从句;at times:有时。根据句意可知,选C2.D汤姆遭受肺癌折磨已经有半年了,所以医生建议汤姆尽快做手术。考点虚拟语气【精析】D在表示建议、命令、要求等的动词后面跟宾语从句时,从句常用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词用should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。

12、故选D3.D随着毕业生数量的大幅度增加,仅仅有一个毕业文凭已经不足以让你脱颖而出了。考点词义辨析【精析】Dstand up:起立;stand by:准备,支持,袖手旁观;stand for:代表;stand out:显眼,突出。根据句意可知,选项D为正确答案4.A既然你已经得到了一个机会,你最好充分利用它。考点状语从句【精析】A分析句子结构并结合句意可知,空处引导一个原因状语从句。now that:既然,引导原因状语从句;after:在以后,引导时间状语从句;although:虽然,引导让步状语从句;as soon as:一就,引导时间状语从句。故选A5.A她的主意听起见比克莱尔的好多了。考点

13、固定用法【精析】A the +名词+of+名词性物主代词指的。选项中只有A项正确,意为她的主意6.A我本可以提供给你那笔资金,你为什么不问我呢?考点情态动词【精析】Acould have done:本可以做某事却没有做;should have done:本应该做某事却没有做;must have done:一定做过某事;ought to have done:(过去)本应该做某事却没有做。根据句意可知,选A7.A所有要发表的报道都要审查两次,这是有必要的。考点虚拟语气【精析】A在It is essentialdemandednecessary+that从句结构中,It作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的

14、that从句,且从句要用虚拟语气,即从句的谓语动词应用should+动词原形的形式,should可以省略。另外,reports和check之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用被动语态。故选A8.A当我们到达机场的时候,我们被告知我们所乘坐的航班已经取消了。考点动词时态【精析】A cancel这一动作发生在主句谓语动词tell之前,所以应用过去完成时,表示过去的过去发生的动作。故选A9.B我们的老板汤普森先生一直许诺加薪好多年了,但至今还没有兑现。考点动词时态【精析】B根据句意和时间状语for ages(长期,很久)可知,第一个分句应用现在完成进行时,即谓语动词用have/has been+现在分词

15、的形式,表示从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。故选B10.B你真是体贴,没有在深夜里打扰这些老人。考点词义辨析【精析】Bpatient:有耐心的;considerate:体贴的,考虑周到的;deliberate:故意的,蓄意的;modest:谦虚的,谦逊的。根据句意可知,选B11.BB词义辨析题。if:如果,引导条件状语从句;even though:即使,引导让步状语从句;so:如此,那样;thus:因此。根据上文判断,只有B符合题意12.D考点语法结构题【精析】D根据句意可知,这里是指随信刊登的还有知道如何解决问题的人所写的答复。answers与written之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,动作的执行者一般应由介词by连接。故选D13.D考点词语搭配题【精析】Dpay money for为固定搭配,意



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