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1、【2021年】辽宁省抚顺市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Theteamisgoingouttoholdapartytomorrowafterit_theproject()A.completes B.completed C.willcomplete D.willhavecompleted2.We will lose money this year unless that new economic plan of yours miracles()A.is working B.works C.will be working D.worked

2、3.There seemed to be no to their financial problems()A.method B.function C.decision D.solution4.We should our differences and discuss the things we have in common()A.put away B.put aside C.put off D.put forward5.Millions of workers were_ in the steel industry over the last year()A.laid out B.laid up

3、 C.laid off D.laid down6.Although there are still natural resources in some areas, we should protect them()A.apparent B.abstract C.abundant D.abnormal7.I turned to my coach for information on swimming skills, but gotas he was away()A.few B.some C.none D.much8.I asked him to_ me a few minutes so that

4、 I could have a word with him()A.spend B.spare C.save D.share9.()I accept the gift or refuse it is none of your businessA.If B.Whether C.Even if D.No matter when10.The room is in a terrible mess; it_ cleaned()A.cant have beenB.shouldnt have beenC.mustnt have beenD.wouldnt have been二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.

5、suggested B.guessed C.searched D.learned12.4()A.director B.trainer C.leader D.dancer13.64.()A.to B.with C.of D.about14.19()A.talent B.honor C.potential D.responsibility15.46.()A.brain B.mouth C.hands D.legs16.56.()A.came out B.got up C.looked out D.got down to17.I became interested in writing at an

6、early age. So when my fourth-grade teacher told me about a _16_ writers conference where students my age could _17_ published writers,I decided to go.I began thinking about the writers whose stories I _18_ Judy Blume, Beverly Cleary, Shell Silverstein and _19_ if they would be at this conference.Wel

7、l,I went to the conference, but l was a little _20_. None of them were there. But the conference was well _21_,and every half hour we would move on to hear a new writer speak. Soon the _22_ period of the day came.A man introduced himself and gave the same little speech we had heard since that mornin

8、g. _23_, he threw in a twist(转折)._24_ are more than just words thrown together, he said. Words are more than just _25_ thrown together. You must also _26_ the mood or the tone(语气) of your ideas. He let that idea sink in and then _27_ us about the difference between a house and a home.We all thought

9、that was a _28_ question, and made some wild guesses at it. Class, he _29_, the difference between a house and a home is in the mood or the tone. A house is the _30_ the wood, the bricks, the lighting, the refrigerator. A home is the love and warmth and comfort you _31_ as you walk through the _32_.

10、I ve kept that _33_ in my memory ever since that day. Writing is more than just filling up a blank page with _34_; its about expressing your ideas with clarity(清晰) and the mood. and thats why I _35_ it_()A.famous B.new C.report D.school18.48.()A.attempt B.choice C.right D.character19.55.()A.neutral

11、B.center C.nuclear D.central20.68.()A.care B.concern C.skill D.intention三、翻译(3题)21.Directions:This part, numbered 56 to 66, is to test your ability to translate Chinese into English or English into Chinese. Each of ten sentences (No. 56 to 65) is followed by four choices of suggested translation mar

12、ked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 66) in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.56. 一看到那座房子,我就兴奋得说不出话来了()22.你离开教室时,别忘了关灯23.我们应该勇敢地面对遇到的任何困难,否则就无法取得更大的成就()四、词汇与语法(0题)24.He thought about the

13、problem over and over, and suddenly a good idea _ to him()五、单选题(0题)25.We had to _ a lot of noise when the children were at home()A.come up with B.catch up with C.put up with D.keep up with六、单选题(0题)26.The degree()you maintain your mental health may depend on certain simple environmental factorsA.whic

14、h B.to which C.that D.to that参考答案1.A句意:明天,这个团队将在完成计划后到外面开晚会。从句谓语时态题。从句子开头的isgoingoutto可知本题的时态是一般将来时,而在after引出的时间状语从句中,应用一般现在时表将来,因此,本题应选A2.B除非你的那个新经济计划创造奇迹,否则我们今年将会赔钱。考点动词时态【精析】B分析句子结构可知,unless(除非,如果不)引导了一个条件状语从句。根据主句谓语动词will lose可知,主句为一般将来时,所以从句应用一般现在时表将来,即遵循主将从现的原则。故选B3.DDmethod:方法,一般与介词of搭配;funct

15、ion:功能,作用,一般与介词of搭配;decision:决定,抉择,一般与介词on, about搭配;solution:解决办法,一般与介词to搭配。故选D4.B我们应该暂时搁置分歧,讨论一下我们的共同之处。考点词义辨析【精析】Bput away:收起,把放回原处;put aside:暂不考虑,把放在一边;put off:推迟,拖延;put forward:提出。根据句意可知,选B5.C去年钢铁行业有数百万人遭到了解雇。考点词义辨析【精析】Clay out:摆出,展开,安排;lay up:贮存,因病(或伤残)卧床,自找(麻烦);lay off:解雇,停止;lay down:放下,停止使用,中断,规定,制定。根据句意可知,选C6.C虽然有些地区仍然有着丰富的自然资源,但我们应该保护它们。考点词义辨析【精析】Capparent:明显的,表面上的;abstrac


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