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1、【2022年】河北省秦皇岛市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The degree()you maintain your mental health may depend on certain simple environmental factorsA.which B.to which C.that D.to that2.Numerous studies have shown that _ the teachers expectation, the greater the achievement of the student()A.t

2、he higher B.the highest C.as high D.the high3.After three days discussion at the meeting, they finally got a solution _the economic problem()A.with B.on C.to D.in4.He had his book()at his own expenseA.print B.printed C.to print D.printing5.John is the only one of the students in the class that never

3、 a mistake even when it is pointed out to him()A.admit makingB.admits makingC.admit to makeD.admits to make6._ of them knew about the plan because it was a top secret()A.Some B.Any C.No one D.None7.Where are you going, Tom?To Bills workshop. The engine of my car needs()A.repairing B.repaired C.repai

4、r D.to repair8.His eyes were filled with tears when he _ his family after a long separation. He _ so excited before in his life()A.meets; has never beenB.met; has never beenC.meets; had never beenD.met; had never been9.In terms of price and convenience, online shopping is _ to store shopping()A.cont

5、rary B.relevant C.essential D.superior10.Could you tell me_ to fly from Chicago to New York()A.it costs how muchB.how much does it costC.how much costs itD.how much it costs二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.had no B.had C.has no D.has12.32.()A.suggested B.estimated C.worked out D.said13.61.()A.leave out B.bring out

6、 C.mark out D.put out14.69.()A.to B.at C.with D.over15.51.()A.suffered B.experienced C.undertaken D.endured16.Many visitors to the United Kingdom go straight to London and never set foot outside the capitalwhich is a pity, for those that do are often surprised at the sheer variety of landscapes _41_

7、 within such a small geographical area. _42_ you want to see stunning, unspoilt scenery you should _43_ spend a few days in one of Britains largest areas of protected countryside, a national park. _44_ in the second half of the 20th century after popular pressure for access _45_ the countrys wilder

8、places, there are now 15 of them throughout the British Isles.The biggest is the Cairngorms in northern Scotland, named _46_ some of the countrys highest mountains and the best place for skiing. Pony-trekking, climbing and fishing are also _47_, along with Scotlands national game, golf. _48_ enthusi

9、asts are well rewardedthis is the home of the red deer, red squirrel and golden eagle. If you dont like the _49_ to the highest point, some 2000 metres _50_ sea level, you can take the railway _51_ gets you to the summit in less than ten minutes. _52_ the west of the park is another popular natural

10、_53_, Loch Ness. The lake is over 200 metres _54_ in places, and salmon, trout and eels are in abundance here.Over the border in England is the Lake District, _55_ made famous by Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth two hundred years ago. People have been _56_ here en masse since 1847 _57_ a ra

11、ilway was built to its biggest lake, Windermere. _58_ in the past boats plied its waters _59_ stone, timber and wood, todays craft are more likely to carry _60_ on pleasure cruisesover a million a year, in fact41.()A.to find B.to be found C.finding D.to have found17.66.()A.cover B.make C.cost D.spen

12、d18.45.()A.feels B.leads C.sounds D.appears19.27.()A.off B.on C.at D.for20.65.()A.read B.to read C.being read D.reading三、翻译(3题)21.Since human beings depend to some degree on forests, every effort must be made to preserve trees22.One of the problems of modern industry is the transfer of energy from t

13、he place at which it is available to the place at which it can be used most effectively23.你最好把毛衣穿上,外边相当冷四、词汇与语法(0题)24.Peter may _ with this, but I dont really care()五、单选题(0题)25.Let us go to the garden to make us feel better,_()A.are you B.shall we C.wont you D.will you六、单选题(0题)26.The children have b

14、eensince their father left()A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style参考答案1.B你保持心理健康的程度可能取决于某些简单的环境因素。考点定语从句【精析】B分析句子结构可知,may和degree之间的成分为定语从句,修饰先行词the degree。to the degree意为在程度上,到的程度,为固定搭配,故此处应用to+which的形式。故选B2.A句意:大量研究表明,教师的期望越高,学生取得的成就也就越大。比较级用法。the+比较级, the+比较级结构,表示越越,故应选A3.C4.BB

15、句意:他自己出钱印刷了他的书。非谓语动词。have sth. done: 找某人做某事,使某事被做。过去分词在此做宾语补足语5.B约翰是班上唯一一个即使被指出错误也不承认的人。考点主谓一致和非谓语动词【精析】Bone of+复数名词后接定语从句时,从句的谓语动词应用复数形式;但当其被the only修饰时,从句的谓语动词应用单数形式。admit(承认)后面应接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不能跟不定式。故选B6.D7.A汤姆,你这是去哪里呢?去比尔的车间。我的汽车的发动机需要修理一下。考点非谓语动词【精析】A当need, want, require这三个词作需要讲,且其前面的主语是指物的名词或代词时,其后常用动名词的主动形式或不定式的被动形式作宾语,所以空处可用repairing或to be repaired。故选A8



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