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1、【2021年】江苏省徐州市统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.The Bunsen Burner is so named because it is thought_ by Robert Bunsen()A.to be inventedB.having been inventedC.inventedD.to have been invented2.In computer programming, this model is _to any of the others we have ever had()A.more superiorB.t

2、he more superiorC.the most superiorD.superior3.It is believed that _spending will eventually lead to failure()A.natural B.mysterious C.moderate D.excessive4.Some people are indifferent policies and what is going on in other places()A.off B.with C.on D.to5.As the train will not leave until one hour l

3、ater, we()grab a bite at the snack barA.may well B.just as well C.as well D.might as well6.The football player is hoping to()to another team soonA.transfer B.transport C.transplant D.transact7.Each car sold in this specialized shop comes with a one-year()A.guarantee B.safety C.security D.insurance8.

4、The taxi driver was accused _ overcharging customers()A.for B.with C.on D.of9.Shall we go for a drink at one oclock this afternoon?_. Will two oclock be OK()A.Sure, its up to youB.Sure, no problemC.Sorry, I cant make itD.Sorry, Im not available today10.In the experiment we kept a watchful eye()the d

5、evelopments and recorded every detailA.in B.at C.for D.on二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.varies B.changes C.alters D.contrasts12.56.()A.afraid B.unable C.ready D.anxious13.49.()A.I had memorizedB.did I memorizeC.had I memorizedD.I memorized14.54.()A.suggest B.assure C.underline D.realize15.11()A.include B.intend

6、C.mean D.conclude16.Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.There is a saying that money cant bring you happinesslike money and happiness could not go hand in hand. The

7、 longer version of the saying21: but it sure helps.Can money buy happiness? We all need money, which is a22fact. In times of depression we hear heartbreaking stories of people losing their jobs and homes. Saying that money doesnt bring happiness to them would be23thoughtless. To the less fortunate o

8、nes money equals the continuing of their normal everyday life and that normal life is24we find our true happiness in life. So yesmoney can be a great25in bringing happiness in life.And what about those who have their jobs? How often do they sacrifice(牺牲) their whole life to the pursuit of money? Now

9、 there are many people who feel true26in the gamethey love to work long hours to earn more money, and we should let them do just that. Let them follow their27, because money can be a great motivator in achieving their better things in life.We often hear28of how these long working hours have caused p

10、roblems in peoples 29lives because they dont have time for their friends and family. Money and happiness sure dont seem to go hand in hand in this case.Where does the balance between personal life and a life spent pursuing money and possessions30?I believe money and happiness31each other. What is mo

11、ney to us? Ive come to think it 32 freedomfreedom to do what we want or be our true selves with less stress. But we can do things like that33without money, too. So money is not the34 condition for happiness. Only when we35 the two, can money and happiness really go hand in hand21.()A.puts B.has C.gi

12、ves D.adds17.65.()A.Most B.These C.Those D.The18.34.()A.added B.divided C.reduced D.multiplied19._()A.idea B.voice C.sign D.scene20.58()A.broad B.passing C.different D.main三、翻译(3题)21.我们将在下次会议上讨论他提出的计划22.信不信由你,他的发现在科学界已经引起了轰动23.I wonder if you have a single room available for tomorrow四、词汇与语法(0题)24.We

13、 must find a way to cut prices _ reducing our profits too much()五、单选题(0题)25.The ice was not _ to bear the weight of the men()A.thick enough B.thick as C.too thick D.enough thick六、单选题(0题)26.Some local companies are making great efforts to with foreign companies for a share of the market()A.connect B.

14、combine C.compete D.compare参考答案1.DDbe thought to do为固定搭配,意为被认为。根据句意可知,动词不定式中invent所表示的动作发生在is thought所表示的动作之前。且invent和The Bunsen Burner是逻辑上的动宾关系,所以要用不定式的完成被动式,即用to have been+过去分词的形式。故选D2.D句意:在计算机编程方面,这种模式比我们之前采用的都要好。superior(级别、地位)较高的;(在质量等方面)较好的。superior本身就有比较意义,所以前面不能再加more。3.D人们都相信过度消费终将导致破产。考点词义

15、辨析【精析】Dnatural:自然的,意料之中的;mysterious:神秘的,难以理解的;moderate:温和的,适度的;excessive:过多的,过度的。根据句意可知,选D4.D有些人对政策和其他地方发生的事情漠不关心。考点词语搭配【精析】Dbe indifferent to为固定搭配,意为对漠不关心的。故选D5.D既然火车一个小时以后才开,我们不妨到快餐店吃点东西。考点固定用法【精析】D might as well为固定搭配,其后接动词原形,意为不妨,倒不如,还是的好。故选D6.A这名足球运动员一直希望很快能调到另一个队。考点词义辨析【精析】A transfer:转移,transfer to:转移到,调往;transport:运输,交通;transplant:移植,迁移;transact:交易,办理。根据句意,选A7.A这家专营店销售的汽车都有一年的保修。考点


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