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1、2022年江苏省镇江市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.()the rain, we would have had a pleasant trip to the countrysideA.Because of B.Due to C.Thanks to D.But for2.Have you checked all the CDs()to the mountainous area next weekA.sent B.to be sent C.sending D.being sent3.He has a jacket()A.beautiful

2、 new black Italian leatherB.new black beautiful Italian leatherC.new black Italian beautiful leatherD.beautiful leather new black Italian4.Only under special circumstances _ to take make-up tests()A.freshmen are permittedB.are freshmen permittedC.permitted are freshmenD.are permitted freshmen5.The f

3、amous Japanese writer believed that his children were extremely _ to the writing of his novels()A.useless B.invaluable C.valueless D.worthy6.The number of members in the club _ to two hundred()A.were limited B.limits C.was limited D.limited7.It is reported that a plane has _ in the mountainous area

4、near the borderline of that country()A.crashed B.crushed C.flashed D.clashed8.The gardener _ the boy not to step on the grass()A.suggested B.charged C.warned D.insisted9.She missed the train because she had been the traffic jam()A.stuck in B.struck in C.struck to D.stuck to10.They told me it would b

5、e cheap but()it cost me nearly 500A.in general B.in a word C.in detail D.in fact二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.some one B.one C.he D.reader12.48.()A.corrected B.rewarded C.increased D.raised13.64.()A.challenge B.difficulty C.problem D.solution14.56.()A.ring B.letter C.word D.message15.What do we mean by a perfec

6、t English pronunciation? In one _41_ there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it. _42_ two speakers speak in exactly the same _43_. We can always hear differences _44_ them, and the pronunciation of English _45_ a great deal in different geographical _46_. How do we deci

7、de what sort of English to use as a _47_? This is not a question that can be _48_ in the same way for all foreign learners of English. _49_ you live in a part of the world _50_ India, where there is a long _51_ of speaking English for general communication purpose, you should select to _52_ a good v

8、ariety of the pronunciation of this area. It would be a mistake in these _53_ to use as a model BBC English or _54_ of the sort. On the other hand, if you live in a country _55_ there is no traditional _56_ of English, you must take as your model some forms of _57_ English pronunciation. It does not

9、 _58_ very much which form. you choose. The most _59_ way is to take as your model the sort of English you can _60_ most often41.()A.meaning B.case C.sense D.situation16.57.()A.giving B.wearing C.taking D.forcing17.52.()A.in B.at C.from D.on18.63.()A.on B.for C.with D.to19.When two hands meet, we pa

10、ss on something of ourselves. After_51_to Mark Twain, Helenwho was both deaf and blindcommented, I can feel the twinkle of his eye in his handshake. In some indefinable way, Twain had_52_his charm to Keller.and thats probably been true of the handshake all the_53_back to its earliest days,_54_no one

11、 can tell its actual beginning. A common explanation is that_55_early man encountered a stranger, he_56_out his hand to show he had no weapon. From this, supposedly,_57_the handshake.Not so, says historian Brian Burke. He believes, the handshake impliedputting your blood behind your breath. He expla

12、ins that ancient people_58_the spoken word alone, and they used the handclasp to signify that their_59_was backed up by the power of their hearti.e., their blood._60_, the handshake suggested trust.That_61_of trust has survived to this day. People in business often nail down agreements simply by dec

13、laring, Lets shake_62_it.Perhaps the most_63_handshake took place on July 17, 1975, during the Apollo Soyuz get together in space. After the two crafts came together, American astronaut Thomas Stafford_64_the extended hand of Soviet cosmonaut Alexey Leonov. The_65_to the world was one of friendship

14、and peace()A.introducingB.introducedC.being introducedD.having introduced20.49.()A.similar B.suitable C.apparent D.constant三、翻译(3题)21.大大出乎他的预料的是,他的情绪也有了意想不到的好转22.我们从未怀疑你对此事件所作解释的真实性()23.不是我不喜欢这部电影,而是因为我没有时间去看四、词汇与语法(0题)24.The team really looks good tonight because the coach had them _every night thi

15、s week()五、单选题(0题)25.Silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper()it closelyA.followed B.to follow C.following D.being followed六、单选题(0题)26.Thousands of businesses rushed to Xiongan New Area, _ that they will get new chances to develop()A.convinced B.convincing C.to convince D.to be convinced参考答案1.D要不是这场雨,我们会有一个愉快的乡村之旅。考点词义辨析【精析】Dbecause of:因为,由于;due to:由于,应归于;thanks to:多亏,幸亏;but fo


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