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1、2021年河北省承德市统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Paul is a real introvert in contrast_his brother Andrew()A.with B.by C.to D.against2.before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party()A.Had they arrivedB.Were they to arriveC.Were they arrivingD.Would they arri

2、ve3.The color of the skirt does not()that of the coatA.balance B.match C.corresponding D.accord4.It was recommended that we _the job as soon as possible()A.die B.do C.would do D.must do5.Not until the mid-12th century _as a nation with its own culture and language()A.Portugal emergedB.Portugal had e

3、mergedC.did Portugal emergeD.had Portugal emerged6.Mr. Green said his clients _ our samples by the end of last month()A.didnt receiveB.hadnt receivedC.havent receivedD.dont receive7.My brother brought me a few books, but _ of them was of any use for my paper()A.neither B.none C.either D.all8.I dont

4、like him because he always when others are talking()A.cuts down B.cuts out C.cuts across D.cuts in9.I must decline it because the conditions your company offered are not()A.capable B.available C.acceptable D.comfortable10.The man lost his just because his secretary was ten minutes late()A.temper B.m

5、ood C.mind D.passion二、完型填空(10题)11.55.()A.source B.origin C.course D.finance12.()A.believed B.noticed C.understood D.proved13.57.()A.a little B.little C.much D.a great deal14.32.()A.include B.intend C.mean D.conclude15.People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomforta

6、ble, sometimes without realizing it. Most Americans _56_ out of the country and have very _57_ experience with foreigners. But they are usually spontaneous(朴实的), friendly and open, and enjoy _58_ new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or informally. They tend to use first na

7、mes _59_ most situations and speak freely _60_ themselves. So if your American hosts do something that _61_ you uncomfortable, try to let them know _62_ you feel. Most people will _63_ your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again. And youll _64_ something about another culture!Many trave

8、lers find _65_ easier to meet people in the U.S. _66_ in other countries. They may just come _67_ and introduce themselves or even invite you over _68_ they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be _69_. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just _70_ a good time. Just like anywhere

9、else, it _71_ time to become real friends _72_ people in the U.S.If and _73_ you stay with American friends, they will probably _74_ introducing you to their friends and family, and if they seem proud _75_ you, its probably because they are. Relax and enjoy it!56.()A.have never beenB.have been never

10、C.has never beenD.has been never16.42()A.condition B.difference C.union D.divorce17.Are you a man or a mouse? When people ask this question they want to know41 you think you are a42 person or a coward. But you will never really know the answer to this question43 you are tested in real life. Some peo

11、ple44 they are brave but when they come face to face with real45, they act like cowards. Others think of themselves as cowards, but when they meet danger, they act like46.Lenny had always thought of himself as a47 person. He got worried before examinations. He worried about his job and health. All h

12、e wanted in life was to be safe and healthy.48, on January 15, 2002, a plane crashed into the Potomac River in Washington. Lenny went to the river to see what was happening. He saw a woman in the 49 water. Lenny did not feel afraid. He kept very50 and did a very dangerous thing. He jumped into the P

13、otomac,51 to the woman, and kept her head52 the water. Seventy-eight people died that day. Thanks to Lenny, it was not53.When you are54 danger and feel afraid, the body automatically produces a chemical in the blood. The chemical is called adrenalin(肾上腺素).55 adrenalin in the blood system, you actual

14、ly feel stronger and stronger and are56 to fight or run away. However, when you are absolutely terrified, the body can produce too much adrenalin. When this57, the muscles become very hard and you find you58 move at all. You are then paralysed with fear. This is59 when we are very frightened, we som

15、etimes say were petrified. This word comes from the Greek word petros, which means stone. We are60 frightened that we become stone-like41.()A.how B.neither C.whether D.either18.47.()A.promise B.burden C.right D.game19.My dad is my hero because he is brave, skilled, and respectful. I know many people say their dads are their heroes, but my dad teaches me about becoming a man, which is 51 important for a young boy.Respect goes a long way with my dad, so does patience. As a(n)52, my dad must 53 peop



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