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1、2023年四川省广元市旺苍县中考二模英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听录音选图片1Whats the time now probably? ABC2What will Joe buy? ABC3What habit are the speakers talking about? ABC4Where are the speakers? ABC5What does the man advise the woman to wear to the party? ABC二、听长对话选答案听材料,回答以下各小题。6What new subject is Maria studying

2、this month?AHistory.BScience.CModern music.7What does Maria like doing on weekends?AListening to music.BGoing boating.CPlaying badminton.听材料,回答以下各小题。8What does the man suggest doing at first?AGoing fishing.BTaking a walk.CPlaying board games.9Why does the man refuse to go paragliding?AIts expensive.

3、BIts difficult.CIts dangerous.10What do the speakers decide to do?AGo rock-climbing.BGo mountain-biking.CGo horse-riding.听材料,回答以下各小题。11Where did the girl go last night?ATo the airport.BTo the caf .CTo the train station.12What did the girls dad think of the trip?AIt was great.BIt was just OK.CIt was

4、terrible.13What has the girls dad decided to do next year?ATake a trip to Italy.BTravel with the girl.CSpend a week traveling听材料,回答以下各小题。14How often does Lisa work at the bookstore?ASix times a week.BFive times a week.COnce a week.15What does Lisa think of the job at the bookstore?AWell-paid.BRelaxi

5、ng.CEasy.16What does Lisa usually do on Sundays?AShe meets her friends.BShe works overtime.CShe stays with her family.三、听短文选答案听独白,回答以下各小题。17Where are the pancakes?AOn the dining table.BIn the fridge.CIn the oven.18What is across from the closest food shop?AThe post office.BThe pet shop.CThe subway s

6、tation.19What is Billys telephone number?A0393374843.B0393744843.C0393774843.20Who is Ralph?AMelindas brother.BMelindas neighbor.CMelindas boss.四、单项选择21The winner of the swimming competition is _ eleven -year- old girl.AaBanCtheD不填22This year, the group of young man went camping on _ Day.AchildsBChi

7、ldsCchildrensDChildrens23You have more rulers than me. But are nicer than .Amine, yoursBmine, yourCmy, yoursDmy, your24In June, the weather is getting _.Amore and more hotBhot and hotChotter and hotterDmore hot and more hot25He _ to his friends birthday party last Sunday.AinvitesBinvitedCis invitedD

8、was invited26I cant find my smart phone. I think I _ it in the library.AforgotBleftCforgetDleave27_ lovely Bing Dwen Dwen is! Everyone wants to have one.AWhatBWhat aCHow aDHow28Im very tired these days, Mary.Why not _ music. It can make you _.Alisten to; relaxedBlistening to; relaxedClistening to; r

9、elaxDlisten to; relaxing29Can you guess _ the new schoolbag yesterday? Sorry, Ive no idea.Ahow much did he pay forBhow much he spentChow much he paid forDhow much did he spend30Im sorry. I have broken the chair._ I can easily get it repaired.AThats right.BYoure welcome.CWith pleasure.DNever mind.五、完

10、形填空Every school has rules for students to follow. 31 , some students may see the rules as the way which teachers control them. Sometimes, they are unhappy and even feel 32 . In the old days, people believed that teachers had to be very strict and had the right to punish the students. If children did

11、nt do what they were 33 to do and the teachers punished them, their parents would not 34 . Often, the 35 the teacher was, the more parents thought he or she was a good teacher.In fact, following school rules can be very important. For example, running in the hallways could cause a student to fall do

12、wn. It may hurt 36 or another person. Following the rules can also help the students in the classroom to learn 37 difficulty. In class, a teacher may ask students to put up their hands 38 they speak. If someone speaks out of turn, other students might not be able to hear the teacher 39 .Rules make t

13、he world much better. If there are no rules, life will be 40 and in disorder.31AAlthoughBHoweverCActuallyDBut32AangryBtiredCexcitedDboring33AallowedBinvitedCtoldDtelling34AmindBacceptCbe happyDlisten35AstrictBfriendlierCbetterDstricter36AyourselfBhimselfCthemselvesDitself37AfromBaboutCwithoutDin38Ab

14、ecauseBthoughCunlessDbefore39AcarefullyBclearlyCquicklyDpolitely40AwonderfulBmeaningfulCmeaningDmeaninglessA city is a place where many people live. Did you know that some animals 41 live in the city? Lets look at a few animals that live in 42 .Trees in parks make homes for birds. Some birds build their homes high up there. This helps keep them and their eggs 43 . Also, birds


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