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1、辽宁省鞍山市第六十八中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The poet and pianist is going to give us a talk this afternoon.A. a B. the C. 不填 D. an参考答案:C考察主谓一致。当and 并列的是同一事物、同一人或同一概念时,其后面的名词前不用冠词。若在pianist前加the,则是指the poet 和the pianist 两个人,而题目中的the poet and pianist 是指一个人,即这个人即是诗人又是钢琴家。2. You can see the stars on a clear night,

2、but in the daytime they are _A. unbelievable B. invisible C. inaccessible D. unavailable参考答案:B略3. What I can tell you is that your decisions are more aggressive than I was _ prepared to accept. A. firmly B. personally C. originally D. truly参考答案:C考查副词词义辨析。firmly坚固地,坚定的;personally个人地;originally原先地,最初地

3、;truly真实地。句意:我要告诉你的是你的决定比我原先准备接受的更具攻击性。根据句意,选C。4. I havent seen _Maggie since I came here.Aas lovely a girl as Bso a lovely girl asCgirl as lovely as Das a lovely girl as参考答案:A5. _: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.”A. Like the Chinese saying writes B. As if

4、 the Chinese saying says C. As the Chinese saying goes D. As the Chinese saying speaks参考答案:C6. If they had known what was coming next, they _ their mind.A. may change B. could change C. must have changed D. might have changed参考答案:D7. With so many children making so much noise outside the window, how

5、 can I_my work?Abuild up Bcut off Cset offDconcentrate on参考答案:D8. Tom is _ to miss the early bus because he got up late. A. possible B. probable C. likely D. maybe参考答案:C9. Can I call you back at two oclock this afternoon?Im sorry, but by then I_ to Beijing. How about five?A. fly B. will fly C. will

6、be flying D. am flying 参考答案:C10. It was not until World War II _ two other scientists managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it. A. whenB. thatC. whereD. before 参考答案:B11. for the free tickets,I would not have gone to the film so often.A.If it is not B.Were it not C.Had it not been D.If the

7、y were not参考答案:C12. On the other hand,we should develop our economy. ,we should protect the environment.A.On the other hand B.On shoulder C.By the other hand D.On shoulders 参考答案:A13. Not until _to do my homework _ how much time I had wasted playing puter games. A. I began; I realized B. I began; did

8、 I realize C. did I begin; I realized D. did I begin; did I realize参考答案:B14. Li Hua, who was busy preparing a report ,couldnt _ the loud noise so he kept all the windows Shut all day long.A.come up with B.put up with C.catch up with D.keet up with参考答案:B15. The chairman thought _ necessary to invite

9、Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.A. that B. it C. this D. him参考答案:B略25. There being no witness on the spot, the police were delayed by the _of information about the crime. A. analysis B. disappearance C. absence D. consideration 参考答案:C略17. So fast _ that it is difficult for others to catch up

10、 with him. A. Tom runs B. runs Tom C. does Tom run D. has Tom run参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. A man looking at his Smartphone while walking across a railway _61_(have) a close knock on Oct 22. He was so _62_(absorb) in his Smartphone that he did not see a train approaching until it brushed past him, _63_(throw)

11、 him to the ground. This should serve _64_ a warning that people should be aware of their surroundings, especially _65_ crossing roads._66_(lucky), the man survived, but the incident forced the driver _67_(stop) the train. An 18-minute delay followed the incident, _68_ led to a break in the running

12、of other trains on the route.Smartphone _69_(addict) has spread like an infectious disease. Its evident that it will do great harm to society. Whats even _70_(bad), some addicts become impatient with s and friends. Some people blame the Smartphone for the sad story, yet in fact peoples weakening sel

13、f-control and self-discipline are to blame.参考答案:61. had 62. absorbed 63. throwing 64. as 65. when/while 66. Luckily 67. to stop 68. which 69. addiction 70. worse试题分析:考查固定句型,定语从句,时态等。61. had;根据后文He was so (absorb) in his smartphone,可知这是发生在过去的事情,应用过去时态,故填had62. absorbed;be absorbed in沉迷于 根据句子He was so (absorb) in his smartphone that he didnt see a train approaching他沉迷于他的智能手机以致于没有看见火车正在接近,故填absorbed63. throwing;根据句子He was so (absorb) in his smartphone that he didnt see a train approaching until it brushed past him, (throw)him to the ground可知后半句应是做伴随状语,主语为i


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