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1、四川省广安市苏溪乡中学高二英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Children _ good or bad habits by watching what their parents do in daily life. A. turn up B. take up C. make up D. pick up参考答案:D2. - I think Toms team will lose tomorrows game.- Oh, really? _A. Lets make a decision. B. What makes you think so?C. I beg your pardon?D. Th

2、ats my opinion.参考答案:B3. Though _ money, their parents managed to send them to university. A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in 参考答案:C4. -How do you like _ black tea?-Very nice. I care for _ second cupA. the; a B. the; the C.不填;a D.不填;the参考答案:A5. The headmaster suggested that a good prepar

3、ation _ ahead of time.A. must be madeB. should be madeC. will be madeD. can be made参考答案:B6. His sacrifices for the country were never officially _, which made all of us feel discouraged.A. acknowledged B. appealed C. recommended D. evaluated参考答案:A7. - Your telephone number again? I _ quite catch it.

4、- It is 7657457.A. didnt B. wouldntC. dont D. wont参考答案:A考查时态。句意:再说一般你的电话号码好吗?我还没有记住。结合语境可知下文描述的是刚才的动作,故用一般过去时态。故选A。8. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else _ such a beautiful place. A. can you find B. you could find C. you can find D. could you find参考答案:A9. _ seems strange to us is

5、_ she can sing so many English songs beautifully.A. It; that B. It; why C. That; how D. What; that 参考答案:D10. By the time I saw the job in the newspaper,it was already too late.A. advertisedB. to be advertised C. advertiseD. to advertise参考答案:A11. Jane has been so _ in getting used to everything that

6、she hasnt had time for social activities.A occupied B confused C devoted D worried参考答案:A略12. When I grow up, I want to be _ engineer in the future.A. a B. the C ./ D. an 参考答案:D13. There are some mistakes in the papers. Do you mind me _?A. pointing them out B. turning them outC. working them out D. s

7、ending them out参考答案:A短语point out意思是“指出”,句意:你介意我指出论文里的错误吗?14. It is generally accepted that boy must learn to stand up and fight like man.A. a; the B. a; a C. the; the D. a; /参考答案:B15. The medicine takes effect in the _ stage of treatment, but the effect declines when it is taken for several months.A

8、. potential B. instantC. original D. initial参考答案:D【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:药物在治疗初期起作用,但其效果在几个月后就会下降。A. potential潜在的;B. instant立即的;C. original原始的;D. initial开始的。故选D。16. -I hear there is an art gallery around here and could you tell me how to get to it, sir? -It is _207 on the Fifth Avenue. Walk down this stre

9、et and you _. A. on; cant miss it B. at; cant avoid it C. on; cant escape D. at; cant miss it 参考答案:D17. The door _ open, no matter how hard she pushes.A. doesntB. cantC. wontD. shouldnt参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from

10、the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Scientists, doctors and mental health professionals have been studying the connection between color1 and mood for years. Many now believe that color1 s can not only cause emotional reactions, but can also correct mood. Colors behave in thre

11、e basic ways: active, passive and neutral (中和的).Active color1 s are warm color1 s, including yellow, orange and red. These color1 s bring confidence. Warm color1 s can also bring cheerful attitudes. Yellows and golden color1 s work well in offices, kitchens and study areas. Reds heat up a room. Pass

12、ive color1 s or cool color1 s make people calm, quiet and satisfied. Bedrooms, private areas and bathrooms are great places for blues and greens. Beige, gray and white are thought of as neutral color1 s. They help to put the focus on other color1 s or serve to tone down (使柔和) color1 s that might oth

13、erwise be overpowering on their own.You can easily change the look or feel of a room by making good use of different color1 s. Mixing and matching color1 s is an excellent way to balance color1 and emotion, and provide a welcoming feel for guests.To create a feeling of warmth and comfort in a room,

14、use bright, warm color1 s like yellow, orange and red. These color1 s are good choices for rooms that appear cool due to limited sunlight. Yellow adds cheerfulness to dull rooms. You can add yellows to rooms which are not closely related to happy thoughts, such as kitchens and laundry room. In rooms where theres plenty of sunshine, cool color1 s can provide a calming environment. Sage greens and sky blues are perfect for bedrooms, playrooms and activity areas. Neutral color1 s, such


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