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1、陕西省西安市大兴中学高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Eating too much fat can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A. result from B. contribute to C. attend to D. devote to参考答案:B2. Because of the financial crisis, quite a few companies are _ now. A. in the black B. in the red C. as white as a sheet D. as dark as n

2、ight 参考答案:B 3. She sang the song so beautifully that I couldnt help asking her when she had _ the study of English. A. made up B. picked up C. taken up D. set up 参考答案:C4. If only I _ how to operate an electronic computer as you do. A. had known B. would know C. should know D. knew 参考答案:D5. _ each ot

3、her for years, they talked almost the whole night and had a wonderful time. A. Not having seen B. Having not seen C. Not seen D. Not to see 参考答案:A6. - Would you please give me a hand and take the book-case upstairs? - _. A. With pleasure B. Thats all right C. My pleasure D. Dont worry参考答案:A7. I knoc

4、ked on the door but there was no_.A. response B. responsiveC. reply D. request参考答案:Aresponsive为形容词,表示“反应积极的”;reply“回答;答复”; request“要求;请求”; response“回应;反应”。8. In order not to get into trouble, advertisers are increasingly cautious about taking out ads_children. A. being aimed atB. aimed at C. having

5、aimed at D. having been aimed at参考答案:B9. Dont sit in the classroom all the day doing homework!I know taking some exercise every day will _ my health, but look at the pile of test paper!A. set up B. build up C. take up D. make up参考答案:B10. It was _ in the exam that _ how much time I had wasted. A. not

6、 until I failed; did I realize B. until I failed; I didnt realize C. not until I failed; I realized D. until I failed; I realized参考答案:C略11. The thief was caught _ when he was trying to steal an expensive bike by the road.A. in a dilemmaB. on a spotC. in an attemptD. on the scene参考答案:D12. _confidence

7、 and the necessary equipment, they failed to rescue the 42 miners trapped in the coal mine. A. Lack of B. Lacking of C. Lacking D. Having lacked 参考答案:C略13. At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.A. approaches B. means C. methods D. ways参考答案:A略14. _ I admit that a

8、ll these problems are difficult, I dont agree that they cant be solved. A. Unless B. While C. Until D. Since参考答案:B略15. Well, Randy is not quite ready to make a decision yet.So, _, we have to wait, right?A. on the other hand B. in other words C. in particular D. above all 参考答案:B16. A group of firefig

9、hters were called in to rescue the woman _ in a dry well. A. who trapped B. trapping C. trapped D. had trapped参考答案:C17. I dont think it is teachers who _ for giving students too much pressure.( )Aare going to blameBare to blameCare to be blamedDshould blame参考答案:B试题解析:sth./sb. be to blame 某人/某事应收责备。句

10、意:我认为不应该责备老师给学生太多的压力。二、 新的题型18. The 7th CISM Military World Games(世界军运会)will take place from Oct. 18 _66_ Oct. 27,2019 in Wuhan, capital city of _67_(centre)Chinas Hubei Province.The games,the top sports gala for military personnel(军人), include 329 competition events of 27 kinds , _68_ are expected

11、to attract around 8000 players from more than 100 _69_ (country)and regions.The games will be an international event with great importance and far-reaching influence and it will also be _70_ opportunity for foreign military personnel _71_(learn) more about China and its military.The events emblem(会徽

12、)is made up of a dove, a star, ribbons and other elements and the mascot is called Bing Bing, _72_ design is based on the Chinese sturgeon(鲟), a _73_ (serious)endangered fish known as the “panda in water”. The slogan is “Military glory,world peace”.The games, which _74_ (hold)in Rome in 1995 for the

13、 first time, are a multi-sport event _75_ (organize)every four years by the CISM.参考答案:66. to 67. central 68. which 69. countries 70. an 71. to learn 72. whose 73. seriously 74. were held 75. organized这是一篇说明文,文章介绍了世界军运会的相关情况,包括举办时间、地点、历史、会徽的设计理念,即根据中华鲟的形状进行设计的,该会也向外国军事人员展示中国及中国军事实力。【66题详解】考查介词。句意:第七届



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