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1、湖北省武汉市邾城第二中学2022年高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. _regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.A. Not received B. Since receivingC. Having not received D. Not having received参考答案:D考查非谓语动词。句中receive和主语she是主谓关系,用doing形式。且receive发生在主句谓语动词之前,用having received,not放在非谓语动词前。句意:由于没有接受过正规的护理培训

2、,起初她几乎无法应付这份工作。故选D。2. My parents always remind me to work hard at my lessons and I am forbidden to do_ except studying.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. everything参考答案:B略3. A new school hasbeen set up _ there was nothing a year ago but ruinsAwhen Buntil Cbefore Dwhere参考答案:D4. 一Will you go home tom

3、orrow evening?一No,I am going to a lecture,or at least I am planning Aso Bto Cit Dthat参考答案:B5. Many students in this school make _ a rule to come to the evening classes even on Saturdays. A. this B. that C. it D. them参考答案:C 6. _ to train his daughter in English,he put an ad like this in the paper,“_,

4、an English teacher for a tenyearold girl.” ADetermined;Wanted BDetermined;Wanting CDetermine;Wanted DDetermining;Wanting 参考答案:A略7. The event that _ in my memory happened one morning in 1983 when I was 14 years old. It has never escaped.A. stood out B. stands outC. would stand out D. has stood out参考答

5、案:B【详解】考查时态。句意:在我的记忆中最突出的事件发生在1983年的一个早晨,当时我14岁。它从未逃出过我的记忆。此处指目前的一种客观事实,所以要用一般现在时态,故选B。8. When my parents were young, our family didnt have enough money to travel.So after you bought the car, you told them youto as many places as possible?A.will goB.goC.would goD.went参考答案:C我父母年轻时,家里没有足够的钱来旅游。所以,你买车后

6、,你就告诉他们你们将去尽可能多的地方?根据主句的told可知,其后的间接引语应用过去将来时。9. -How long do you think it will be _ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon? - Perhaps two or three years. A. when B. until C. that D. before参考答案:D解析:本题考查连词的用法。It will + some time + before (需要多久才能)10. Only after being attacked by the Japanese in Pe

7、arl Harbor _ in the Second World War thoroughly.A. had America been involved B. was America involved C. America had been involved D. America was involved参考答案:B11. They sat on the beach side by side silently, their eyes _ upon the sea. A. fixing B. fixed C. having fixed D. to fix 参考答案:B30. - May I sm

8、oke here?- If you_, thats the smoking section over there.A. should B. could C. may D. must 参考答案:D略13. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party turned out a great success.A. in which B. for which C. on which D. at which参考答案:A14. The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature _ to Mo Yan, Chine

9、se writer ,whose novel Red Sorghum was successfully filmed in 1987.A. returned B. distributed C. awarded D. went参考答案:D15. Would you mind answering some questions on shopping habits? _.A. Yes, with great pleasureB. No, I am afraid I cant make itC. Yes, it is worth the timeD. No, as long as it doesnt

10、take long参考答案:D16. John almost fell off the cliff, but managed to until help came Akeep on Bcatch on Ccount on Dhang on参考答案:D 17. Last summer I went to Tsingtao. This summer Im going to Weihai_. A. therefore B. yet C. already D. instead 参考答案:D二、 新的题型18. High school students and families are increasi

11、ngly questioning whether investing in a college or university education is still worth it.The short answer is “Yes.” _16_ A wide range of statistics shows the economic advantage of a four-year college education. Over a lifetime, students who graduate from college can expect to make about 60% more th

12、an those who do not, well over a million dollars more than they would otherwise. _17_ They vote more often, volunteer more often and are more likely to own a home. They are healthier and less likely to smoke. They and their children are less likely to be overweight, and their children are more likel

13、y to go to college.But what about the benefits of college that are more difficult to measure? _18_College takes students to places theyve never been before. College is a passport to different places, different times, and different ways of thinking. It gives students a chance to understand themselves

14、 differently, seeing how their lives are both like and unlike those who inhabited other times and other lands. _19_College introduces students to people theyve never met before. One of the most important ways in which students learn, at colleges and universities everywhere, is by communicating with pe


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