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1、江苏省常州市市北郊高级中学2022年高二英语上学期摸底试题含解析一、 选择题1. Chinese government spokesman claims that _ the situation changes in the Middle East, Beijing always supports the peace process between the Palestinians and Israel. A. otherwise B. meanwhile C. however D. therefore参考答案:c略2. _more about university courses, call

2、 (920) 746-3789.A. Finding out B. Find out C. To find out D. Having found out参考答案:C3. Dont get the plastic tube close to the fire; it _ easily. A. burned B. is burned C. burns D. is burning参考答案:C4. _ many countries in Latin America have been trying to reduce gaps in income, America has allowed inequ

3、ality to grow.A. While B. Since C. If D. Where参考答案:A5. If what you say is not_with what you do,it will have a bad effect on your children.A. controversial B. consistentC. confident D. considerate参考答案:B考查形容词辨析。be consistent with与一致。句意:如果你言行不一的话,这将对你的孩子产生不好的影响。controversial争论的,争议的;confident自信的,确信的;con

4、siderate考虑周到的。故选B。6. What are you anxious about? _.A. If we can succeed B. That we can succeed C. Whether we can succeed D. Why can we succeed参考答案:C略7. We had better pay attention to some health problems that, when _ in time, can become bigger ones later on.A. not treated B. not to be treatedC. not

5、having been treated D. not being treated参考答案:A【详解】考查分词做状语。句意:我们最好注意一些健康问题,当这些健康问题没有被及时解决的时候,后来就可能成为了大问题。定语从句的主语that,也就是some health problems与动词treat构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词形式,否定式是在前面直接加not。本句也可以理解为是省略句,在when的后面省略了they are。所以A项正确。8. No sooner _ down on bed _ the telephone rang.A. had he lain; than B. had he li

6、ed; when C. did he lie; than D. had he laid; before参考答案:A9. With time_by, he came to understand how to behave,A. going B. goes C. went D. to go参考答案:A10. He hurried to the booking office only _ that all the tickets had been sold out. A to be told B to tell C telling D told参考答案:A11. A good driver shou

7、ld _the road when _.A. concentrate on; drives B. concentrate on; driving C. concentrate in; drives D. concentrate in; driving 参考答案:B12. It is well known that knowledge is treasure house, but practice is key to it.A. a, theB. the; theC. a; /D. /; the参考答案:A13. _, she is the sort of woman to spread sun

8、shine to people through her smile.A. Shy and cautious B. Sensitive and thoughtful C. Honest and confident D. Lighthearted and optimistic参考答案:D14. He couldnt _ the temptation of smoking when he was 16, and thats why he became addicted it later.A. resist; to B. escape; in C. quit; in D. remove; to参考答案

9、:A略15. He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he _ it for a long time.A. had had B. has had C. has D. had参考答案:A16. The reason why I missed the party was that my car was in the traffic jam.A. held up B. hung up C. broken up D. kept up参考答案:A17. _, he knows a lot of Chinese characters.A. Ch

10、ild as he isB. As a child he isC. As he is a childD. A child as he is参考答案:A【详解】考查倒装句。句意:他虽然还是个孩子,他知道很多汉字。as引导让步状语从句要用倒装语序。Child as he is=Although he is a child,且单数名词放在句首时,不用冠词。故选A。二、 新的题型18. 阅读下面的短文,根据上下文填人适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空。 Dont be always particular 16 your present work and income. , my mother

11、 said to me softly, as a matter of 17 , you have done well and made great achievement in the 18 (entertain) field. My face turned red on hearing 19 my mother said. She is right. Many other actors are worse off than me at present, 20 they are likely to be content with their life and be happy most of

12、21 time. I feel upset with my situation just because I seldom communicate with others and it seems as if I am cut off the outside world. I should have known when to hold fast and when to let go, 22 can help me avoid 23 (feel) great pressure and upset. I must know how to care for others and try not t

13、o 24 (understand) them. In this way, I will get close to 25 (lead) a happy life. ks5u参考答案:16. about 17. fact 18. entertainment 19. what 20. but 21. the 22. which23. feeling 24. misunderstand 25. leading三、 阅读理解19. 下面文章中5处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Gift giving proven to be

14、 valuable.B. Memories from gift givingC. Moments and events for gift givingD. Various functions of gift givingE. Gift giving as a wasteful practiceF. Gift giving as a two-way social activityGift Giving76. There are many occasions(场合) for giving gifts in modern industrialized societies; birthdays, naming ceremonies, weddings, anniversaries, New Year. It i


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