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1、江西省上饶市塘墀中学高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be _ the present one. A. three times as big as B. as three times big as C. as big as three times D. as big three times as参考答案:A2. - How do you usually find out new software?- In the magazines like Popular Electro

2、nics. Thats computer companies usually advertise.A. where B. which C. what D. why参考答案:A3. It took nearly a day _ he realized his mistakes and apologized to his friend Peter.A. that B. when C. before D. while参考答案:C4. According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.

3、- , scientists agree with her.A. Sooner or later B. Once in a while C. To be exact D. Believe it or not.参考答案:D略5. Some parts in South China hace experienced this year as they did last year.A.rain twice as much B.twice as much rainC.twice rain as much D.twice as rain much参考答案:B6. Some experts are _ a

4、bout the future of the internet. One worry is crime incyberspace.A. optimistic B. pessimistic C. possible D. probably 参考答案:B略7. A scientist has made another wonderful discovery about human genes, _ of great importance to science. A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. which I think itD. I think

5、 which is参考答案:A8. -I have got a headache.-No wonder. You _in front of that computer too long.A. work B. are working C.worked D. have been working参考答案:D9. Dont try to cheat the taxman(税务人员); youll never _it.A. get out of B. get into C. get along D. get away with参考答案:D10. -Do you think that housing pr

6、ice will keep _ in the year to come? -Sorry, I have no idea. A. lifting up B. going up C. bringing up D. growing up参考答案:B11. -I want someone to write the composition for me. - No. As a student, you _depend on yourself.A. must B. might C. will D. can参考答案:A12. It doesnt seem ugly to me;_, I think its

7、rather beautiful. A. on the contrary B. besides C. instead of D. but参考答案:A13. Excuse me, what time is it now?Sorry, my watch _. It_at the shop.Aisnt working;is being repairedBdoesnt work;is being repairedCisnt working;is repairedDdoesnt work;is repaired参考答案:B解析考查动词的时态和语态。第一空用一般现在时说明实际情况;第二空用现在进行时态的被

8、动形式表示此时的状态。14. It is to say sorry to others when you do something wrong. A. a good manner B. good manner C. good manners D. a polite参考答案:C略15. The film brought the hours back to me _I was taken good care of in that far-away village. A. until B. that C. when D. where参考答案:C16. selected films are being

9、 shown in the cinema, but still few people come to see them.A. SeriesB. A seriesC. A series ofD. Series of参考答案:C17. Some courses are required, but the students can still decide the teacher _ class they wish to take. A. whoB. whoseC. of whomD. whom参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. My little boy is 5 and goes to Kinde

10、rgarten Hes at that age_36_he is a little selfish and isnt always_37_(will) to share, especially with girls! Weve had many talks with him lately_38_nothing seemed to get through to him, which really upset me Maybe there was something wrong_39_my parenting skillsWeve had a few problems with one littl

11、e girl he rides to school with But last week,_40_(surprise), he did something that moved me I had bought him some matchbox cars as a reward for cleaning his room He really loved them and told me they were his favorite One day, I picked him up from school along with_41_little girl When I got there, t

12、he little girl_42_(cry) and one of the teachers said she had fallen off the slide I got her in the car, and my son could see she was really in pain I wanted_43_(comfort) her, so I decided to take her home While I was driving, I heard my son say, Its OK, Katie Its going to be _44_(well) soon Have one

13、 of these You can keep_45_ Looking in my rearview mirror(后视镜)I saw him passing one of his beloved cars to her参考答案:36. when 37. willing 38. But 39. with 40. surprisingly 41. the 42. was crying 43. to comfort 44. better 45. it这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了我五岁的儿子为了安慰别人主动赠送礼物的故事。36题详解】考查定语从句。句意:他正处在有点自私的年纪。_1_he is a li

14、ttle selfish and isnt always_2_(will) to share是定语从句,修饰that age,引导词在从句中作时间状语,故应用关系副词when引导该从句。故填when。【37题详解】考查形容词。句意:他并总是一直愿意分享。该空作表语,意为“愿意的”,应用形容词willing。故填willing。【38题详解】考查连词。句意:最近,我们和他进行了很多次谈话,但是他似乎什么也听不懂,这真得让我心烦。根据句意,该空表示转折。且位于句首,故填But。【39题详解】考查介词。句意:也许我的育儿技巧有问题。表示“有问题”,应用 there is something wrong with sth.。这是固定表达,故填with


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