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1、广东省汕尾市内湖中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days, _ weve never heard of before.A. it B. that C. one D. this参考答案:C2. Seldom _ any mistakes during my past few years of working there.A. would I make B. have I made C. I made D. shall I make参考答案:B3. Sometimes the

2、message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of others _actually understand.A. what B. whyC. how D. which参考答案:A考查宾语从句。句意:你想通过话语传达的信息也许正与其他人实际理解的相反。介词 of 后的宾语从句中的 understand 后缺少宾语且表示物,故用 what。4. The 8,898-kilometfe-long border between the USA and Canada is the longest border i

3、n the world notby an army or the police.A. preservedB. defendedC. offendedD.challenged参考答案:B5. I went to work on foot yesterday, though it _ rats and dogs.You _ by bus. It was likely to get a cold.A. is raining; must have gone B. rained; would go C. was raining; should have gone D. have rained; coul

4、d have gone 参考答案:C6. She will finish the project within three days! - _! I could do it in three hours. A. You are right. B. Im stuck. C. Oh, come on D. Dont mention it.参考答案:C略7. Macron, handsome and talented, is the youngest person ever to be elected as President of France. Dont you think he is a re

5、al role model for us young man?Yeah, maybe. But rumor has it that he went after he married Brigitte Trogneux, 24 years his senior.A. carrot and stick B. ups and downsC. from rags to riches D. out of the blue参考答案:C考查习惯用语。句意:Macron,英俊、才华横溢,是有史以来当选的最年轻的法国总统。你不认为他是我们年轻人真正的榜样吗?是的,也许。但有传闻说他是在娶了年长他24岁的Brig

6、itte Trogneux后才由贫致富的。A. carrot and stick软硬兼施;B. ups and downs起起伏伏;C. from rags to riches由贫致富; D. out of the blue出其不意。故选C.8. The selfless village doctor treated whoever came to his family without any _. A. cost B. charge C. payment D. price 参考答案:B略9. But for the mistakes he made, Li Ming _ the entran

7、ce exam last year. A. would have passed B. will pass C. would pass D. will have passed参考答案:A10. I have visited so many places of interest, but _ can match the Great Wall Anothing Bnone Cno one Dneither参考答案:D11. Students active performances in class will be the new normal _ teachers give them more ch

8、ances.A. althoughB. onceC. untilD. since参考答案:B12. -Mr. Parkinson, you are wanted on _phone. -Who is calling? - _ Mr. Green. I dont know who he is.A. 不填;A B. the ;不填 C. the ;A D. 不填;不填参考答案:C略13. - Any new advice?- Youd better _ the last sentence as it is rather misleading. A. put out B. leave out C.

9、point out D. pick out参考答案:B14. I am so glad I caught you at homeI need your help , Robin?AWhat else BWhats up CHow come DWhy not参考答案:B15. The school refuses to the student whose face was terribly burnt just because he might scare others, as every child has the right to attend school.A. tolerateB. re

10、present C. admit D. dismiss参考答案:23. D。题意为:校方拒绝仅仅因为他可能会吓着其他人而开除那个脸部严重烧伤的学生,因为每个孩子都有上学的权利。可知,答案为D。16. Twenty-five counties in Yunnan province have experienced their record low rainfall in history.The forecast says rain is unlikely in the coming week. see have seen be seen D.being seen参考

11、答案:C17. Chinas reform and opening has been going on for _ is like now over 30 years and its really quite remarkable. A. that B. which C. what D .it参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. A rocket problem that forces astronauts to evacuate (撤退) may appear to be a plot straight out of a Hollywood movie. However, that is exa

12、ctly what happened to Russian astronaut Alexey Ovchinin and American astronaut Nick Hague. _16_The event happened shortly after the Soyuz rocket and its Soyuz MS-to space capsule (联盟号太空舱) carrying the astronauts took off from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. _17_The takeoff went off smoothly, but ju

13、st 119 seconds later, officials from Russias space agency informed NASA the booster (助推器) had failed to separate from the capsule. _18_ Instead, they were ordered to evacuate by separating the capsule and returning to Earth in what is known as a ballistic descent mode (弹道下降模式). The sharp drop is similar to free-falling from the skies and subjects astronauts to high levels of g-force._19_ They appeared to be in excellent condition when they crash-landed about 20 kilometers east of Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, just 34 minutes after they stopped the task. Upon arrival, they were q


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