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1、江西省上饶市缔一中学高二英语知识点试题含解析一、 选择题1. The new job created this month wont take in new applicants, employ the millions that lost their jobs in the recent economic crisis.A. regardless of B. let aloneC. apart from D. such as参考答案:B【详解】考查介词短语辨析。A. regardless of不管;B. let alone更不用说;C. apart from除了; D. such as诸如。

2、句意:本月新增的就业岗位不会吸纳新的求职者,更不用说雇佣在最近的经济危机中失去工作的数百万人了。根据句意可知此处表示“更不用说”,故B项正确。2. If the machine is operating after it has run out of oil, it may _.A. broke up B. broke through C. broke into D. broke down参考答案:D3. The chairman that the meeting be put off because of the bad weather.A.hopedB.wishedC.demandedD.

3、permitted参考答案:C提示:分析题干可知,be动词前省略了should,四个选项中只有demand有这种用法。4. .Today, well discuss a number of beginners of English fail to use the language properly.A. which B. as C. why D. where参考答案:A略5. The little boy wont go to sleep _ his mother tells him a story. A. or B. unless C. but D. whether参考答案:B6. The

4、symbol of the city is its famous Leaning Tower, _ is well worth a visit.A. that B. which C. what D where参考答案:B7. This is the first time that I _ this famous temple. A. am visiting B. will visit C. have visited D. visit参考答案:C略8. Remember the first time we met, Jim? Of course I do. You _ in the librar

5、y. A. were reading B. had read C. have read D. read参考答案:A9. Mr President , do you plan to educate your two daughters to be officials? To tell you the truth , 1 hope they can do whatever_ their interests.A. fits B. matches C. suits D. needs 参考答案:C略10. The couples quarrelling and fighting last Sunday

6、_each other . I think so . Nancy was in the arm and she blamed that her arm the whole week . A. wounded ; injured ; was hurting B. hurt ; hurt ; was hurting C. hurt ; wounded ; was hurting D. injured ; hurt ; was wounding 参考答案:B11. She was very _ about her fathers sudden death. A. cut down B. cut in

7、 C. cut up D. cut off参考答案:C略12. The manager told us that the telegram asked for a(an) _ reply.A. complex B. enthusiastic C. instant D. scepcial 参考答案:C略13. Its a really creative idea that a robot can do homework for us._. Maybe its best for us to do our own work.A. I couldnt agree more B. I dont thin

8、k so C. You are right D. You are welcome 参考答案:B14. I probably shouldnt have any more cake. Oh, . It wont kill you. Ago ahead Bhold on, please Cyoure welcome Dthatll do参考答案:A略15. He telephoned the travel agency to_ three air tickets to London. A. order B. book C. take D. arrange参考答案:B16. Dont worry.

9、As the evidence begins to _, the truth will come out.A. accumulate B. acknowledge C. accommodate D. accelerate参考答案:A17. Take an umbrella_ it rains.A. in case B. in any case C. because D. for参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. 请先阅读短文,并根据短文内容,从下面方框里所给的10个单词中分别选出恰当的单词填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案填写在答题卡相对应的题号区域内。每空一词,不得重复。to is and

10、until clean again rest water dirty drinkingOnce upon a time, a father and his son were walking from one town _56_ another. While they were traveling, they happened to pass by a river. They were tired and stopped there to _57_. Then the father asked his son to get him some _58_ from the river.Then th

11、e son walked to the riverside _59_ he saw some women washing clothes there. Right at that moment, a bullock cart (牛车) started crossing the river. As a result, the water became very _60_. “I mustnt take the dirty water to my father,” he thought. So he came back and said, “Look, Father. A bullock cart

12、 _61_crossing the river now, so the water is dirty and it cant be drunk.” Father said nothing.After a while, the son was asked to get some water _62_ by his father. The water was still dirty, but he didnt go back. He thought, “My father is so thirsty. I must take back _63_ water this time, even thou

13、gh it will take me a long time.” Then he sat there, waiting _64_ the water was clean. He collected some in a bowl and took it back.“Oh, you are back at last. I have waited for you for almost half an hour,” Father said. After _65_ the water, he looked up at his son and said, “Now, think about what made the water clean. You let it be and the water became clean on its own. It is also the same with your mind. When it is disturbed (


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