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1、广东省惠州市稔山中学高一英语知识点试题含解析一、 选择题1. Many reporters hurried to _ the accident after the famous actors death was certain. A. cover B. sees C. discover D. write 参考答案:A略2. When he came into the dinning hall, nobody said hello to him. So he felt _. A. calmB. excitedC. ignoredD. worried参考答案:C3. She is very goo

2、d at painting. She can paint _her teacher. A. as better as B. as well as C. as good as D. so well as参考答案:B4. David was bad at his studies, so when I was told he did well in the final exam this time, I found it really _.A. unbelievableB. harmful C. rude D. embarrassed参考答案:A5. Excuse me, which movie a

3、re you waiting for?The new Star Wars We_here for more than two hours()Aare waitingBhave been waitingChave waitedDwere waiting参考答案:B考查现在完成时,根据题目中时间状语for+段时间,与完成时连用,根据句意,已经等了两个多小时,可能还会继续等下去,故用have been doing, 表示过去发生的动作,可能刚刚结束,还可能继续持续下去,故选:B6. It is bad for a man to smoke in public places where smoking

4、 is not allowed. A. method B. impression C. behavior D. attitude参考答案:C7. -Irene, do you really want to go out?-It may rain. _, I will go out; I dont mind the rain.A. Anyhow B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Somehow参考答案:A8. This is the house _ I once lived A. which B. in whichC. that D . in that参考答案:B9. T

5、here were moments _ we had to slow down and give the situation a second thought.A. where B. whyC. when D. that参考答案:C10. We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made_ from some wood we had.A. it B. one C. that D. another参考答案:B略11. Do you have any difficulty _ these flowers? Id like to help

6、 you if you need.A. to plant B. for planting C. with planting D. in planting参考答案:D12. - Do you think it wise for Chinese mothers to try to do everything for their children?- No, thats _ they are mistaken.A. where B. when C. in which D. what参考答案:A13. You can never know _ when she received our present

7、s.A. how excited she was B. how she was excitedC. how was she excited D. how excited was she 参考答案:A略14. The temple is kept _ it was 3000 years ago.A. what B. asC. which D. that参考答案:B【分析】考查宾语从句。【详解】句意:这座寺庙现在保存像3000年前的样子。句中as表示“像一样”,“按的样子”之意,as it was意思是“按原来的样子”。故选B。15. I was about to have a shower_ t

8、he telephone rang at the bedroom.A. when B. as C. at the time D. and参考答案:A16. It is about time that the government _ strong action against piracy. A. is taking B. takes C. took D. will take参考答案:C略17. Fear is something that you are born with. You cant _yourself of it completely but you can _ certain

9、fears under certain conditions.A. get; overcome B. rid; overcome C. overcome; rid of D. break; get rid of 参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. Signs of a True FriendshipTrue friends are rare. _33_. How can you tell a true friend? Here are several obvious signs of a friendship._34_A true friend is a reliable person, and

10、 you can have confidence in him. You know that he will hot betray (背 叛)you or say something bad about you behind your back. You know that the information you share with one another will not be shared with othersKeeping in touch with each other frequently_35_. True friends often keep in touch with ea

11、ch other, whether by phone, social networking sites ,email or in-person meetings.Giving without paying backTrue friends give with no expectations of receiving anything in return. Real friends give their time, love and care without expecting to receive anything back.Supporting each otherTrue friendsh

12、ips involve (涉及)two people who support each other no matter what happens. It can be difficult to know how to help a friend whos facing a difficult situation, though ? Call him, even if you dont think he will answer the phone, and leave an encouraging message he can listen to later. _36_ Or send him

13、an email letting him know that you re there for him if he needs anything.Accepting each otherReal friends accept each other. A real friend accepts you for who you are, whether you are tall or short, gentle or rude. A real friend may inspire you to be a better person._37_A. Believing in each otherB.

14、Sharing with each otherC. You can express your feelings freelyD. And you may have only a few true friends in your lifeE. Send an encouragement card to your friend when he is in troubleF. However, he will not try to change you into the person he thinks you should beG. Its difficult to maintain a true friendship if you hardly communicate with each other参考答案:33. D 34. A 35. G 36. E 37. F本文为说明文。主要论述了什么是真正的朋友。真正的朋友不多,真正的朋友要互相信任,互相支持,付出而不回报,真正的朋友会接受你,会激励你让你成为更好的人,而不是


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