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1、山西省临汾市永和县中学2022-2023学年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. This was a serious accident _ by inexperienced workers.A. caused B. having been caused C. to be caused D. being caused参考答案:A2. Anyone in the lab has to the following dos and donts. Aobserve Bconsult Crecognize Ddirect参考答案:A3. Cooking calls for patience and t

2、ime but it is enjoyable experience. A.a,the B./,an C.the,an D.a,/参考答案:B4. Have your working conditions been improved?No, _ than before, Im afraidA no better B a little better C not worse D no worse参考答案:A5. You _ only half the price, how could the shopkeeper sell the shirt to you? A. spent B. paid C.

3、 charged D. offered 参考答案:D 6. Sarah is busy adapting her novel into a movie. Oh! No wonder I _ her around these days.A. havent seen B. hadnt seen C. didnt see D. wont see参考答案:A7. All the employees except the manager_to work online at homeA. encourages B. encourage C. is encouragedD. are encouraged参考

4、答案:D8. I think that this film is _ a film, it is also a good material for education.A. more than B. not less than C. at least D. far from参考答案:A9. Theyve _ us 150,000 for the house. Shall we take it?A. provided B. Supplied C, shown D. offered参考答案:D10. So much homework lo be done at the weekend, we at

5、tend classes at school.A. might as wellB. mustntC. may wellD. have to参考答案:A11. To become successful, you may find it important to read about successful people _ how they achieve success.A. seeing B. being seen C. having seen D. to see参考答案:D12. -Where did you see the movie Life of Pi directed by Ang

6、Lee?- It was in the cinema _ I regularly go . A. where B. that C. which D. what参考答案:A13. Market research company GFK conducted the study, which that only 53% of Americans actively enjoy their jobs, and 15% actively dislike them. A. exaggeratedB. revealedC. recommendedD. contradicted参考答案:24. B。题意为:市场

7、研究公司GFK主持了这项研究,结果显示,美国只有53%的人很享受自己的工作,15%的人讨厌他们的工作。根据句意可知选B。14. Would you like to come to China for your vacation? _, Id like to.A. No problem B. You bet C. Not at all D. Thank you参考答案:B15. - Its nothing serious. But do remember to take this medicine three times a day.- Thank you. _. AGot it BHeard

8、it CMake it DTake it参考答案:A16. It is reported scientifically that a living cell can be _ for a thousand years at minus 130. A. preserved B. protected C. developed D. spared 参考答案:A17. At present an increasing number of parents wish to _ changes in educating their children due to dissatisfaction with t

9、he educational system. A. set outB. bring aboutC. set upD. bring up参考答案:B试题分析:考查短语辨析。A出发;B带来;C创立,建立;D抚养。句意:目前,越来越多的家长由于对教育体系的不满意,希望在教育他们的孩子方面带来改变。故B正确。考点:考查短语辨析【解析】二、 新的题型18. Why we still need to read DickensWalk into any bookstore, and you can hardly avoid “bumping into” Charles Dickens. Many of Di

10、ckens works still sell well today. 36 As someone who teaches Dickens, the question of why we still read him is often on my mind. 37 One day nearly 10 years ago, however, when I was giving a lecture, I was telling the students that for Victorian readers, Dickenss writing was a “tune-in-next-week” typ

11、e of thing that generated crazes. 38 “But why should we still read this stuff?” the student asked. The answer I gave was only acceptable, “Because he teaches you how to think,” I said.The question annoyed me for years, for years, and for years I told myself answers, but never with complete satisfact

12、ion. We read Dickens because he is not just a man of his own times, but also a man for our times. We read Dickens because we can learn from experiences of his characters almost as easily as we can learn from our own experiences. 39 But these are not exactly the reason why I read Dickens. My search f

13、or an answer continued until one day a text message came from a student of mine. “We still read Dickenss novels,” she wrote, “because they tell us why we are what we are.” Simple as it was, thats the explanation I had sought for years.Dickens shines a light on who we are during the best of times and

14、 worst of times. 40 If you have time, go to pick up one of his many novels, read it and enjoy what it has to tell you about yourself.A. Then a hand shot up.B. I know that wasnt really the reason.C. And they are placed on outstanding shelves.D. That question was never more troubling.E. Thats why we still need to read him today.F. I already know who it is Ill meet in tho


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