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1、湖北省孝感市书院中学2022-2023学年高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Do you know the trouble he had _ the work?A. on finishing B. to finish C. having finishing D. finishing 参考答案:D2. Dont you just adore_these cookies?A. to eat B. eatC. eating D. being eaten参考答案:C考查adore后常跟v.-ing形式作宾语。3. -Is Bill still performing?-Im afraid not.

2、 He is said the stage alreadyA. to have left B. to leave C. having left D. leaving参考答案:A4. I have decided to spend my summer holidays in France_ Im sure youll have a good timeAHow are you? BLet me see CSounds wonderful DWell done!参考答案:C5. All these changes will lead to _ stronger and more powerful C

3、hina, _ country that can surprise and enrich our planetA. a;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe; the参考答案:A6. The Foundation trilogy was one of his most famous works, which was _ based on the fall of the Roman Empire. A. vividlyB. sharplyC. looselyD. awfully参考答案:C7. Tom kept quiet about the accident _ lose his job.

4、 A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to参考答案:B8. If you travel by _ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get _ fast one.A . the ; the B. 不填 ;a C. the ;a D. 不填;不填参考答案:B9. Martys disability is “one in a million”. _, there are not many people in the

5、 world like him.A. In other words B. All in all C. For one thing D. As it is参考答案:A10. His first book next month is based on a true story.A. published B. to be publishedC. to publish D. being published参考答案:B11. Mr. Smith used to smoke _ but he has given it up now.A. seriously B. heavily C. badly D. h

6、ardly参考答案:B12. In the 1950s in the USA, most families had just one phone at home, and wireless phones _ yet.A. havent invented B. havent been inventedC. hadnt invented D. hadnt been invented参考答案:D句意:20世纪50年代的美国,大多数家庭只有一部电话,无线电话直到那时还没有被发明出来。本题考查动词的时态、语态。首先无线电话与发明是被动关系,所以排除A和C,另外通过时间“直到那时”,相当于by+过去的时间

7、,应当选择过去完成时,答案选D。13. It isnt clear _ the government will do to end the conflicts taking place in the north cities.A.how B. which C. that D what参考答案:D14. A true gentleman is always _ with himself and tolerant with others.A. strict B. cautious C. enthusiastic D. positive参考答案:A 15. If _, Mr. Brown, who

8、is rich in experience, will turn out to be an excellent manager.A chosen B choosing C to be chosen D having chosen参考答案:A16. - Where does Mr. Black live ? Can you guess?- Sorry, I cant guess _.A. where does he live B. where he lives inB. where does he live in D. where he lives 参考答案:D17. We teachers m

9、ust ensure that all students their natural embarrassment linked to making mistakes while answering teachers questions in class.A. get over B. look over C. take over D. come over 参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. The Arab and Israeli leaders met to _(协商,谈判)a settlement of the conflicts. 参考答案:negotiate 三、 阅读理解19. This

10、 was the first day of Katie Daglishs new job as the new manager of the Glasgow Underground Lost Property Department. She was really nervous.There were already hundreds of items in the room, including umbrellas, coats, shopping bags, toys and bears. At 9:30 a.m., a worker came in with a box full of n

11、ew lost property(财产).Katie heard a mobile phone ring and jumped. She looked over to the box. There were over 20 phones there. She found the phone that was ringing but it stopped just when she picked it up. Ten seconds later, it rang again.“ Hello.”“ Hello, who is this?” said a man. It wasnt easy to

12、hear him.“ This is Katie Daglish. I work for the Glasgow Underground Lost Property Department.”“ Do you have my bag?”“ What does it look like?”“ It has green and white stripes (条纹). It saysCelticon both sides.”“ Let me see. Yes! Yes! Ive got it.” ks5u“ Great! My sister will come to your office in th

13、e afternoon to get it. Thanks.”Katie gave the address to the man. She hoped it would always be this simple.At 2p.m., a lady came into her office. She described the green and white bag and said her cousin had lost it.“ I thought it was your brother,” said Katie.“ No, its my cousin.” Katie thought that there couldnt be many bags like this and the man wasnt easy to hear. He probably said cousin. Katie gave the lady the bag. One hour later, another lady came in.“ Hello. You spoke to my brother this morning. You have his Celtic bag. Hes so happy bec


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