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1、广西壮族自治区河池市第五初级中学2022年高一英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. He missed gold in the high jump, but will get second chance in the long jump. A. the; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. a; 不填参考答案:C略2. Its so cold outside. Remember to close the door _you when you leave.A. beside B. before C. with D. behind参考答案:D考查介词。首先明确选项中介词的意思,A:在旁

2、边;B:以前;C:用;D:在后面; 根据语境推测句意是外面太冷了,记住当你离开的时候关闭你后面的门,由此判断句子中缺少在后面一词,故答案为D3. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _ effect the people are still suffering.Athat Bwhose Cthese Dwhat参考答案:B4. Excuse me,_ could you tell me where the nearest gas station is?Sorry.I am a stranger here m

3、yself.Aand Bbut Cor Dthen参考答案:BExcuse me,but.是习惯表达,常用来提出请求。5. I have finished translating a large part of the book, but the rest _ more difficult. A. is B. are C. was D. were参考答案:A6. I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word.A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left

4、D. neednt leave参考答案:B7. Boys, please dont talk about such things _ you dont understand at all.A. thatB. asC. whichD. what参考答案:B【详解】考查定语从句。句意:孩子们,请不要谈论你们根本不懂的事情。分析句子结构可知本句为定语从句,先行词things前有such修饰,用关系代词as引导这个定语从句,故B项正确。【点睛】本题很容易误选A项,构成suchthat句型,但that引导的是结果状语从句,显然逻辑不通顺,实际上本题考查的是定语中的一个特殊用法:当先行词前面有such,

5、so, as many, as much等修饰的时候,后面的关系代词使用as,本题中先行词前有such修饰,关系代词as指代先行词在从句中作understand的宾语。8. She is the most _ one of my friends; you can just depend on her.A. reliable B. beautiful C. fortunate D. stubborn参考答案:A9. Taxi is one of the most common means of city transport, so the increase of taxi _ in Hangzh

6、ou has led to much public concern.A. fee B. charge C. fare D. cost参考答案:C10. Son, you have _ time to do it, so I suggest you to do it well. A. plenty of B. a large scale of C. a large number of D. many a 参考答案:A略11. He speaks English _ , if not better than, our English teacher.A. as good as B. as good

7、 C. as well as D. as well参考答案:C12. I do hope that one day the Chinese language will become a _ language, that is, everyone in the world will communicate in it. A. common B. universal C. popular D. special 参考答案:B13. Our government has built many houses to _the people in Wenchuan.A. live B. house C. s

8、eat D. chair参考答案:B14. Sorry to have interrupted you. Please go on.- Where was I?- You _ you didnt like your fathers job. A. had said B. said C. were saying D. had been saying参考答案:D15. The window is dirty.I know. It _ for weeks.A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned参考答

9、案:D16. Not until Daiyu and Liu Qian travelled across Canada by train _ how vast and empty the country is. A. had they realizeB. they realizedC. they had realizedD. did they realize 参考答案:D17. Is there any_for his being late?I think he missed the early bus.Agesture BexplanationChumourDregret参考答案:B句意为:

10、对于他迟到还有解释的理由吗?我认为他可能错过了早班车。根据句意可知B项正确。二、 新的题型18. Jim: Good morning, Mr. Tiger. My name is Jim and Im 61. reporter from China Daily. Uh, I am a little nervous. This is the first time I have spoken to a tiger. May I ask you some questions?Mr. Tiger: Sure. Take it easy. I wont attack you though Im 62.

11、(power).Jim: Um, good . Now, would you like to tell me how long you have been living in the zoo?Mr. Tiger: Yeah, I came here, let me see, six years ago. I used to 63. (live) in a forest, but people there cut down all the trees and I had to move. There were cities and people everywhere, so I had no p

12、lace 64. (go). The police came and took me to the zoo.Jim: Do you like living in the zoo?Mr. Tiger: Well, its not 65. good as being free. Thats for sure. But at least I have food and friends.Jim: I see. If you could say something to all the humans in the world, what would you tell them?Mr. Tiger: I

13、would tell them to live 66. peace with each other. And dont kill animals to make clothes any morewhen I see people 67. (wear) animal furs at the zoo I get really angry. A law should be made to provide 68. (protect) for us.Jim: In fact, a lot 69. (do) to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered nowadays.Mr. Tiger: Im glad to hear that. Id appreciate 70. if you could spread the news at once.Jim: I will, Mr. Tiger.参考答案:61.a62.powerful63.live64.to go65.as/so66.in67.wearing68.protection69.is being done70.it试题分析:本文通过中国日报的记者和一只动物



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