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1、广东省茂名市电白第五中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. Lifes like a play: It is not the length but the excellence of the acting that _.A. functions B. stresses C. counts D. minds参考答案:C2. Before he went to school, he _ more than 2,000 words. A. learns B. learned C. has learned D. had learned 参考答案:D略3. In the article “a day

2、 to remember”, what would have most upset the woman on the day everything went wrong for her? A. She had not expected her husband to arrive so early. B. Her husband had not told her he was bringing anyone to dinner. C. The meal she had cooked for the three guests had got burnt. D. She had not got en

3、ough crockery left to serve the meal with.参考答案:B4. He is a lazy man nobody wants to work with .A. as ; him B. / ;/ C. which ;/ D. whom ; him参考答案:B5. Traditions and fashions, like society itself, change and with time.A、adopt B、 adapt C、adapting D、fited参考答案:B略6. _, I have never seen anyone whos as wis

4、e an John.A. As long as I have traveled B. now that I have traveled so muchC. As I have traveled so much D. Much as I have traveled参考答案:D7. Inside are over 500 paintings, prints, watercolor1 s, and a _ of other art objects.A. sort B. kindC. amount D. variety参考答案:D考查名词。A. sort 种类,方式; B. kind种类;C. amo

5、unt 数量; D. variety多样,种类。有500多种绘画作品,印刷品,水彩画和许多其他艺术品。a variety of许多,根据句意可知选D。8. Its very_ that, in many schools, the students are going to spend less time in doing homework than they used to . A. possibly B. probably C. lovely D. likely参考答案:D略9. If you are in _, you will feel your heart _ much faster.

6、A. fear; beating B. danger; strikingC. trouble; hitting D. fright; jumping参考答案:A考查动词辨析in fear害怕地;indanger危险地;in trouble困扰地in fright惊恐地beat 指反复地打,可表示“(心脏)跳动”hit 指有目标地重重一击,侧重击中的意思strike 指急速地或突然地用力打击或敲击.jump 跳跃;跳动;上涨,再结合语境:句意:如果你感到害怕,你会感觉到你的心跳更快。故选A.10. How many countries does the UK _ ?A. make up of B

7、. be consisted of C. consist of D. consist with参考答案:C11. It was not until he came back _he knew the police were looking for him()AwhichBthatCsinceDbefore参考答案:B考查强调句,此句强调时间状语not until he came back,强调句句式为it isthat(who),强调内容放在it is后面,当强调部分是人时,that可以用who代替,故答案为B12. I think everyone has a role to play in

8、 making the planet a better place.Yes, indeed. _.A. Im with you on that B. That couldnt be better C. You have got something D. Ill do my best参考答案:A略13. My teacher inspired _ a summer course to improve my writing skills.A. for me taking B. me taking C. for me to take D. me to take 参考答案:D略14. Who do y

9、ou think _ for the failure of the project? In my opinion, its the managers fault.A. blamed B. is to be blamedC. is to blame D. is blaming参考答案:C15. The Bakers arrived last night, if theyd only let us know earlier, _ at the station. A. wed meet them B. well meet them C. wed have met them D. weve met t

10、hem 参考答案:C16. Compared with her sister, Mary is even more _ to, and more easily troubled by, what people think of her, so youd better not say much before her.A.sensibleB. sensitiveC. addictedD. Available参考答案:B 试题分析:考查形容词。句意:与她的妹妹相比,人们认为玛丽更为敏感,更容易被困扰,所以你最好不要在她面前说太多。故选B项。 17. A completely new situatio

11、n will _ when the examination system comes into existence.A. approve B. raiseC. arise D. rise参考答案:C【详解】考查动词辨析。当考试制度问世后,会出现全新的局面。approve赞成,同意,批准; raise筹集,提升,养育; 举起;arise出现; 产生;rise上升,增强,增加。根据语可知C符合题意。二、 新的题型18. Like it or not,there will be difficult times in our lives. You might lose your job,fail in

12、 your exams or have an illness. 36 Here are some ways not to lose hope during difficult times.1Have faith. 37 No matter how bad the situation is,things will turn out to be good in the end. Several years ago I failed to get my masters degree. It was a really bad experience. 38 It was of much better q

13、uality than my previous university. Experiences like this strengthen my belief that having faith is important during difficult times.2Be around supportive people.Going through difficult times is hard,and going through them alone is even harder. You need a group of positive people who can support you

14、. 39 If you dont,my suggestion is to start looking for one. Dont wait until you need it,because it will be too late by then. You need the community before difficult times come.3Help others.An additional benefit of being in a good community is that it encourages you to think about other people .It pushes you to help others and,therefore,think about other people. 40 As a result,your s


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