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1、Unit 1Module 8 Story time1.Do you like reading fairy tales?2.What fairy tales have you read?Freetalk:Whatfairytalesdoyouknow?theSnowWhiteCinderellaBeautyandtheBeast LittleRedRidingHoodGoldilocksandtheThreeBears金凤花姑娘和三只熊金凤花姑娘和三只熊On the table there were three _ bl with some rice food in them.Goldilock

2、s _ ntd the house.Talk about the pictures and use the past tense.bowlsenteredGoldilocks _hrd towards the house.Goldilocks _ nkton the door.hurriedknockedTalk about the pictures and use the past tense.Goldilocks _ pktsome flowers.Goldilocks_ ptthe door.pickedpushedTalk about the pictures and use the

3、past tense.Goldilocks _ntsd a little house.Goldilocks went for a walk in the_ frst with her_ bskt.noticedforestbasketTalk about the pictures and use the past tense.once upon a time decidego for a walk basketnoticelosttowardsknock pushenter从前从前决定决定 v.散步散步篮子篮子 n.注意到注意到 v.迷路的迷路的 adj.往;向;朝往;向;朝方向方向 prep

4、.敲敲 v.推推 v.进入进入 v.Words and expressionsWords and expressionsThe passage told us a _ about a girl with _ of _.Her name was Goldilocks.She lived near the _.One day,she _ to go for a walk in the forest with her _.storyhairgoldforestdecidedbasketFill in the blanks with the words.basket decide forest gol

5、d hair storyExerciseGametimeMinesweeping扫雷游戏扫雷游戏单词下埋着单词下埋着6颗雷,学生选择单词并读出,颗雷,学生选择单词并读出,如果单词下没有雷则可得分,如果有,则不得分。如果单词下没有雷则可得分,如果有,则不得分。113311142222pushenterdarktowardspicknoticehungryforestfinishansweraroundsoondecidedarklostbasketgoldrightknocklittleListen and number the pictures in Activity 2 in the cor

6、rect order.(P49)h e g c d f b aTask 1word word 文档文档链接链接123456781.WherewasGoldilocks?Inthepark/Inthestore/Intheforest2.Whatdidshesee?Abuilding/Ahouse/Ariver3.WhatdidGoldilocksfindinthehouse?Anoldwoman/Agirl/Nobody4.HowwasGoldilocks?Hungry/Tired/Thirsty5.Whatkindofbowldidshefinishthefoodin?Allthebowls

7、/Thebigbowl/ThelittlebowlListen and choose to answerTask 2Listen and retell.Task 3 pickedwas lostnoticed hurriedknockedOnce upon a time pushed enteredthree bowlswas hungrypicked up was hotpicked up was coldwas just right finishedRead the conversation after the tape in a low voice._,there _ a little

8、girl called Goldilocks.She _ near a big forest.One day,she _ to _ in the forest.She _lost when she_ flowers in the forest.She _ a little house,but there was nobody in it.She _a small room.On the table there were three bowls _ rice in them.She _very hungry,so she _ all the food in the _ bowl because

9、it was not cold _ hot.wasliveddecidedgo for a walkwaspickednoticedlooked intowithwasfinishedlittleorCompletethepassagewithproperwords.Once upon a timeTask 4讲解:讲解:规则动词过去式规则动词过去式“-ed”的发音分为三种,即的发音分为三种,即/t/、/d/和和/id/。1)以清辅音结尾以清辅音结尾的单词加的单词加“-ed”后,后,“-ed”读作读作/t/;2)以浊辅音和元音结尾以浊辅音和元音结尾的单词加的单词加“-ed”后,后,“-ed”读

10、作读作/d/;3)以以“t”和和“d”结尾结尾的单词加的单词加“-ed”后,后,“-ed”读作读作/id/。Now listen again and repeat.Listen and repeat.(P 49)1 Goldilocks walked into the forest.2 She noticed a little house.3 She knocked on the door.4 She liked the food.7Translatethefollowingphrases.1.迷路迷路2.敲敲3.散步散步4.拿起;举起拿起;举起5.独自一人的独自一人的6.从前从前7.环顾四周

11、环顾四周8.向向里面看里面看9.以以开始开始10.等一会儿等一会儿11.一次又一次一次又一次be lostknock ongo for a walkpick upall aloneonce upon a timelook aroundlook intobegin withwait a momentagain and againTask 5Language pointsLanguage points1.One day she decided to go for a walk.decide作动词,意为作动词,意为“决定决定”,后接动,后接动词不定式,即词不定式,即:decide to do sth

12、 决定做某事决定做某事否定形式否定形式:decide not to do sth 决定不做某事决定不做某事Once you _ _study hard,stick(坚持)(坚持)with your decision.一旦你决定了要努力学习,就要坚持你的决定。一旦你决定了要努力学习,就要坚持你的决定。He _ _ _attend the meeting yesterday.他昨天决定不他昨天决定不参加会议参加会议decidetodecidednotto2.She picked up the very big bowl,but she didnt like it it was very hot.p

13、ick up意为意为“拾起、捡起;拿起;举起拾起、捡起;拿起;举起”,后面可,后面可直接跟名词作宾语;当宾语是代词时,代词只能放在直接跟名词作宾语;当宾语是代词时,代词只能放在pick和和up之间。之间。He _ _the child and put her on his shoulders.他把这个小孩举起来放在他的肩膀上。他把这个小孩举起来放在他的肩膀上。There was a wallet on the floor.I _ _ _ and gave it to Miss Zhou.地面上有个钱包,我捡起来把它地面上有个钱包,我捡起来把它交给周老师。交给周老师。pickeduppicked

14、ituppick up 还有还有“学会学会”、“驾车去接某人驾车去接某人”和和“继续继续(讲故事、谈话等讲故事、谈话等)”意思。意思。picked up English Pick me up pick up the story 3.Then she noticed a little house.notice 作动词,意为作动词,意为“注意到注意到”。notice sth.表示表示“注意到某人做注意到某人做/正做某事正做某事”。Did you notice the hat in her hand?I noticed Mrs Luo enter/entering the c

15、lassroom.Practise完成句子。完成句子。我注意到天花板上有一道我注意到天花板上有一道裂缝裂缝。I _ a crack _ the ceiling.noticedin4.and knocked on the door.敲了敲门敲了敲门。knock意为意为“敲敲”,既可用作动词也可用作,既可用作动词也可用作名词名词。作。作动词动词时为不及物动词,时为不及物动词,跟宾语时后跟宾语时后面需跟介词面需跟介词on/at。如:如:n.v.卡尔刚才匆忙进了图书馆。卡尔刚才匆忙进了图书馆。Karl _ the library in a hurry just now.他悄悄地进入房间,靠近门站着。他

16、悄悄地进入房间,靠近门站着。He _ the room quietly and stood near the door.5.Goldilocks entered the house and looked into a small room.enteredentered.根据句意写出正确的单词。根据句意写出正确的单词。1.I didnt have breakfast.I am _ now.2.I called you this morning.But no one _.Oh,sorry.We were in the park.3.We are _ in the new city.Lets look at the map.4.What colour is her _?It is yellow.5.When will you _ your homework,Lucy?In half an hour.hungryansweredlosthairfinish.根据汉语提示完成下列句子。根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.听!有人在敲门。听!有人在敲门。Listen!Someone is _ _ the



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