牛津深圳版四年级英语下Unit 2(1)课件

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1、牛津深圳版英语四年级下册公开课 优质课 适用如遇如遇课件中件中视频、音、音频无法正常播放,无法正常播放,请在网站在网站联系上系上传者索取完整版本。者索取完整版本。如需与如需与课件配套的教学件配套的教学设计、随堂、随堂练习,请与上与上传者者联系索取。系索取。Unit 2 Smell and Taste (1)Listen a songFree talkWhat fruit do you like?Lets learngrapeShe likes grapes.Lets learnstrawberry草莓草莓(strawberries复数复数)I like strawberries.Lets le

2、arntwatermelonHe likes watermelons.Lets learnjuice果汁果汁I like orange juice.Lets learnorange juice.strawberry juice.apple juice.grape juice.watermelon juice.Lets learnDo you know more?orangecherrypeachLook and learngrapestrawberrywatermelonLets chantLets chantLets matchgrape grape strawberrystrawberry

3、watermelonwatermelonorangeorangejuicejuicepeachpeachLets playWhats missingMagic eyesjuicesmellgrapestrawberrywatermelonsourorangepeachtastesweet 快速翻译出苹果上的单词,快速翻译出苹果上的单词,就能帮助刺猬拿到苹果哦!就能帮助刺猬拿到苹果哦!Listen and sayLook,Joe.I have some juice here.Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Listen and sayWhat

4、s this,Joe?Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Is it orange juice?Yes,it is.Listen and saySmell it.Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Is it strawberry juice?or,意为意为“或者,还是或者,还是”Is he a doctor or a teacher?Listen and sayTaste it.Is it strawberr

5、y juice or watermelon juice?It is sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.Youre right.Listen and sayTaste it.Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?It is sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.Youre right.Smell it.Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Is it strawberry juice?Whats this,Joe?Is it or

6、ange juice?Yes,it is.Look,Joe.I have some juice here.Listen and sayTaste it.Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?It is sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.Youre right.Smell it.Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Is it strawberry juice?Whats this,Joe?Is it orange juice?Yes,it is.Look,Joe

7、.I have some juice here.Lets read自己大声朗读自己大声朗读自己大声朗读自己大声朗读和同伴分角色读和同伴分角色读和同伴分角色读和同伴分角色读小组内齐读小组内齐读小组内齐读小组内齐读点击播放listen and sayLets watchGuessFruit A is big.Its green and round.Its hard and smooth.Taste it.Its sweet.Is it watermelon or a pear?GuessFruit B is small.Its purple.Its soft and smooth.Its swee

8、t and sour.Is it a grape or an orange?GuessFruit C is small.Its red and rough.Taste it.Its sweet and sour.Is it strawberry or an apple?Think and sayHow does Joe know its strawberry juice?He smells and tastes it.Its sweet and sour.Role playWhats this?Is it orange juice?Yes,it is.Role playSmell it.Is

9、it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Is it strawberry juice?Yes,it is.Role playTaste it.Its sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.Youre right.Role playIs she a teacher or a doctor?Shes a teacher.Youre right.Lets learn知识讲解知识讲解or的用法的用法1.or用在用在选择疑问句选择疑问句中连接被选择的对象,意为中连接被选择的对象,意为“或者或者,还是还是”.Are they sin

10、ging or reading English?2.用于用于否定句否定句中连结并列成分,表示中连结并列成分,表示“和和”,”与与”之意之意.There isnt any air or water on the moon.Sentences重点句型重点句型Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Its sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.Practice()1.I like apples.()2.He likes orange juice.()3.She likes strawberry juice.()4.I l

11、ike bananas.()5.I like watermelon juice.读句子,选择相应的图片读句子,选择相应的图片ABCDEBADCEPractice1.Its starwberry juice.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_2.juice,or,strawberry,it,watermelon,is,juice (?)(连词成句连词成句)_3.I have some juice here.(改为否定句改为否定句)_按要求改写句子按要求改写句子Is it strawberry juice?Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?I d

12、ont have any juice here.Summary1.单词:strawberry,watermelon,juice,smell,taste,sweet,sour.2.句型:Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Its sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.Homework1.将下列单词和短语抄写五遍:strawberry,watermelon,juice,smell,taste,sweet,sour.2.熟读课文,并掌握句型:Is it strawberry juice or watermelon juice?Its sweet and sour.Its strawberry juice.知识从点滴累积2023年新版


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