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1、(2021年)四川省成都市-统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1._ the thing, John would have told you about it()A.If he has knownB.Had he knownC.If he knewD.Should he know2.I dont know whether he is still()in collecting coins. He used to be, but that was several years agoA.disinterested B.interesting C.

2、interest D.interested3.()is known to all, the earth moves around the sun once a yearA.That B.As C.What D.It4.Hey, what do you think of his speech last night?I have no idea. I arrived_ find that he had almost finished it()A.in order to B.so as to C.only to D.ready to5.People in this area are in()over

3、 the heavily polluted airA.doubt B.danger C.trouble D.suspense6.We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we _ more places of interest yesterday()A.visited B.had visited C.would visit D.would have visited7.Martha felt that she really did not _ to be given such a great honor()A.reverse B.reser

4、ve C.deserve D.preserve8.In my opinion, this is a(n)_ different matter()A.entirely B.merely C.purely D.fully9.Such booksI have read are classical works()A.which B.that C.as D.who10.Such problems()air pollution and traffic jams are becoming more and more serious in some big citiesA.like B.about C.as

5、D.of二、完型填空(10题)11.64()A.nearest B.among C.away from D.far to12.()A.lies B.combines C.touches D.involves13.70.()A.distance B.height C.space D.rope14.42.()A.to give B.giving C.given D.being given15.Walking, if you do it vigorously enough, is the overall best exercise for regular physical activity. It

6、requires no _31_, everyone knows how to do it and it carries the lowest risk of injury. The human body is _32_ to walk. You can walk in parks or along a river or in your neighborhood. To get _33_ benefit from walking, aim for 45 minutes a day, an average of five days a week.Strength training is anot

7、her important component of _34_ activity. Its purpose is to build and maintain bone and muscle mass, both of which _35_ with age. In general, you will want to do strength training two or three days a week, allowing _36_ days between sessions.Finally, flexibility and balance training are increasingly

8、 important as the body ages. Aches and pains are high _37_ the list of complaints in old age. The result of constant muscle tension and stiffness of joints, many of them are _38_, and simple flexibility training can prevent these by making muscles stronger and keeping joints lubricated(润滑). Some of

9、this you do _39_ you stretch. If you watch dogs and cats, youll get an idea of how natural it is. The general principle is simple: whenever the body has been in one _40_ for a while, it is good to briefly stretch it in an opposite position31.()A.muscles B.energy C.equipment D.strength16.45.()A.partl

10、y B.naturally C.likely D.freely17.13)()A.hold B.leave C.drop D.give18.There is a saying56money cant bring you happinesslike money and happiness could not go hand in hand. The longer version of the saying adds: but it sure helps.Can money buy happiness? We all need money, which is a 57 fact. In times

11、 of the Great Depression we hear heartbreaking stories of people losing their jobs and homes. Saying that money doesnt bring happiness to them would be completely thoughtless. To the less fortunate ones money equals the continuing of their normal everyday life and that normal life is 58 we find our

12、true happiness in life. So yesmoney can be a great factor in bringing happiness in life.And what about those who have their jobs? How often do they sacrifice(牺牲) their whole life for the pursuit of money? Now there are many people who feel true 59in the gamethey love to work long hours to earn more

13、money, and we should let them do just that. Let them follow their60, because money can be a great motivator in achieving their better things in life.We often hear61 of how these long working hours have caused problems in peoples personal lives because they dont have time for their friends and family

14、. Money and happiness sure dont seem to go hand in hand in this case.Where does the balance between personal life and a life spent pursuing money and possessions62?I believe money and happiness63 each other. What is money to us? Ive come to think it represents freedomfreedom to do what we want or be

15、 our true selves with less stress. But we can do things like that64 without money, too. So money is not the65 condition for happiness. Only when we balance the two, can money and happiness really go hand in hand56()A.which B.how C.what D.that19.69.()A.copy B.translation C.cover D.summary20.62.()A.waters B.covers C.skies D.levels三、翻译(3题)21.Every consumer should know how to protect his own legal rights22.Though these miners have been trapped for several days, they are still very optimistic and firmly b



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