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1、(2021年)四川省成都市-统招专升本英语预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.It wasnt such a good dinner()she had promised usA.like B.as C.which D.what2. Paul is a real introvert in contrast _ his brother Andrew.A.for B.by C.to D.against3.The Blacks are _ people in the little town()A.possible the richestB.the much

2、richestC.the richest by farD.by far the richest4.Accidents often from carelessness()A.cause B.arise C.lead D.appear5.Fortunately, the demonstration _ to be quite peaceful()A.turned in B.turned out C.turned off D.turned up6._, he is one of those who have made the most important contributions to the o

3、rganization()A.As he is youngB.Young as is heC.As young he isD.Young as he is7.I will pay a visit to my old friend _ she comes back from abroad()A.the time whenB.the moment whenC.the minuteD.on the minute8.Not until that day _ the importance of good manners in a job interview()A.did I realizeB.I did

4、 realizeC.I have realizedD.have I realized9.The two companies decided toon a project concerning animal cloning()A.complete B.convince C.compromise D.cooperate10.Only under special circumtancesto take make-up tests()A.freshmen are permittedB.are freshmen permittedC.permitted are freshmenD.are permitt

5、ed freshmen二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.situation B.circumstance C.background D.condition12.59.()A.personal B.actual C.optional D.peaceful13.55.()A.zoo B.city C.town D.house14.45.()A.ignored B.admired C.hated D.disliked15.A.G B.H C.I D.J16.63.()A.into B.by C.of D.with17.60.()A.send B.get C.fetch D.select18.Muc

6、h has been made about the importance of a good breakfast to a healthy lifestyle. It gives you_31_ to start your day, according to conventional wisdom(传统观念), and scientific studies _32_adecade ago had shown that eating breakfast was the key to maintaining a healthy weight.Breakfast skippers are plagu

7、ed (饱受困扰)with well-meaning family members and friends, _33_that they should eat something in the morning. But according to nutrition scientist P.K. Newby, such advice was based on whats known as observational studies, in which scientists follow groups of people and _34_ the outcomes. The result had

8、seemed to indicate that people _35_ lost weight or maintained a healthy weight ate breakfast. The problem, Newby told us, is that those studies didnt isolate breakfast as the important factor.It could be, she says, that those who lost weight also exercise more.Then, in 2014, a group of researchers a

9、t the University of Alabama published a study that took a more_36_ look at this question. They had 300 participants and _37_ assigned them to eat breakfast, to skip breakfast, or to simply go about their normal routine. After 16 weeks, they found no difference in weight loss_38_ the three groups._39

10、_ on this new research, it seems that the bottom line is this: if youre not hungry in the morning,theres no _40_ in skipping breakfast when it comes to weight management. Its the what that is more important than the when, when it comes to breakfast, she says31.()A.power B.energy C.courage D.confiden

11、ce19.Mr. Johnson worked in an office. He was short and overweight, and he looked like a fifty-year-old man _61_ he was no more than thirty-five. He _62_ three thousand dollars a month and had his own house and car. But he was very miserly(吝啬的) and had _63_ friends. He took good care of nobody but _6

12、4_. He was introduced to several girls, but he never bought any _65_ for them and no girl liked a man like him. So he had to _66_ alone in his beautiful house. He was always sad of it but didnt know the _67_.One Sunday morning Mr. Johnson felt lonely _68_ and went out for a walk near a park. It was

13、a fine day. The sun was _69_ and the birds were singing in the trees. Beautiful _70_ and green grass could be seen everywhere. He _71_ about his sadness and walked on. Suddenly he heard someone was calling from _72_. He turned round and saw a pretty girl with a pair of glasses _73_ to catch up with

14、him. He felt strange _74_ he didnt know her at all, but he stopped to _75_ her.Dont you remember me, sir? asked the girl. I _76_ you last December!Im _77_ youre one of my childrens father. the girl said.Suddenly she found she didnt know the man at all and her _78_ turned red and hurried off._79_ her

15、 walking away, Mr. Johnson could not understand _80_ it meant. Of course, he didnt know that she was a primary school teacher()A.if B.whether C.though D.where20.26.()A.agriculture B.war C.tourism D.education三、翻译(3题)21.小心午餐不要吃得太多,不然下午时你会犯困22.这起车祸表明,许多人仍然未对新交通法规给予足够的重视23.There are signs that psychologists and specialists on the family are becoming more aware of the part men play and that they have decide


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