Unit 3 Diverse Cultures第5课时示范教案【英语人教必修第三册】

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1、Unit 3 Diverse CulturesPeriod 5 Reading for Writing教学设计教材分析该板块的活动主题是“介绍一个有显著文化特征的地方”(Describe a place with distinctive cultural identity)。这也是延续前一板块的话题,继续聚焦中国文化。该板块语篇是带有旅游宣传性质的介绍性语篇。作者选取了旧金山唐人街最具代表性的内容,包括那里的居民构成、语言、建筑、商品、饮食风味、人们的活动,展现了它作为中国文化展示中心的独特魅力。写作板块的最终目的是要将交流的内容转化为文字,完成一篇介绍自己家乡文化特点的文章。通过阅读和学习范

2、文,学生不仅能够了解旧金山唐人街的特色,还能掌握如何重点描述最能体现家乡文化特色的几个方面,同时也有助于培养学生的文化意识,让学生了解中国文化的多样性。教学目标1. 了解旧金山中国城的文化特色。2. 能掌握旅游宣传类文章的文本结构、内容要点和语言特色。3. 能写一篇短文,全面、准确、有条理地介绍自己居住的城市或小镇,包括文化特色。教学重难点【教学重点】引导学生阅读旧金山唐人街的介绍并把握其写作特点。【教学难点】引导学生全面、准确、有条理地介绍自己居住的城市或小镇。教学过程Step 1 Warming-upEnjoy the photos and guess which place this i

3、s.设计意图:利用图片展示旧金山唐人街的相关景色,调动学生视觉参与,为下文介绍做好铺垫。Step 2 Reading1. Scan the whole passage and think about the questions below. (1) Who are the target readers? (2) What is the writers purpose of writing this text?设计意图:引导学生把握文章大意,了解文章写作目的。2. Work on Activity 1. Read the introduction to the Chinatown in San

4、Francisco and answer the questions. (1) What are the famous tourist sites in the Chinatown of San Francisco?Tip: The first letter of proper nouns about places are all capitalized.(2) What else can you do there?Tip: The words that indicate activities are mostly verb phrases.设计意图:引导学生把握文章关键信息。3. Work

5、on Activity 2. Study the organisation and language features.(1) How did the writer arrange his/her ideas? Introduction(Para 1)Body(Para 2-Para 5)Summary(Para 6)(2) Read the passage carefully and complete the chart below.(3) What information is included in the introduction? (4) Based on the informati

6、on above, discuss the questions in groups. What is the theme of this passage? What does the writer want to show us in this passage? What examples does the writer use to support this idea?设计意图:引导学生掌握这篇宣传简介的篇章结构和语言特点,归纳段落大意。Step 3 Writing1. Work on Activity 3. Use what you have learnt to write an intr

7、oduction to your city/town.(1) In groups, brainstorm as much information as possible about your city/town and its culture. Then write an outline of your introduction. What is unique about your city/town? Is it a city/town with diverse cultures? What examples can you give to illustrate its unique fea

8、ture?(2) Write an introduction to your city/town. The following phrases and expressions may help you. is located in/on is divided up into is . in size the most popular/greatest/largest has a history of. years has a population of is home to . ethnic groups popular festivals/foods/tourist sights include.设计意图:引导学生完成写作四步骤:构思、完成初稿、同伴修改、自己修改。Step 4 AssignmentRevise your article and share it with us next class.设计意图:完成写作任务,并准备下节课在班级里呈现。 3 / 3


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