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1、Unit2一、 短语1.帮助清理城市公园 2.希望在外面工作 3.使生病的孩子兴奋4.阻止饥饿 5.在救济所发放食物 6. 在课外阅读小组志愿教孩子 7.想出一个办法 8.需要现在开始 9.距现在两周10.推迟制定计划 11.写下所有的办法 12.在学校周围张贴标志 13. 制定通知 14.放学后散发 15. 给老人读报 16.感到孤单/独自旅行 17.聆听和关爱他们 18.每周放弃几个小时来帮助他人 19.取得理想的工作 20.了解更多关于如何关爱动物 21.得到如此强烈的满足感 22.主人脸上高兴的表情 23.读书爱好者 24.四岁时 25.实现 26.做我所爱做的 27.与此同时帮助他人

2、 28.忙于学习 29.担心 30.在-业余时间 31.为无家可归的人筹钱 32.搬到另一个地方 33.用光钱 34.-像 35.送- 36. 与-相似 37. 给-写信38.建立组织 39帮助像我一样的残疾人 40.给我的生活产生影响 41.灵活的使用双手 42.有困难43.正常的事情如接电话或搬东西44.我的一个朋友帮我摆脱困境 45.得到一只特殊训练的狗 46.对拥有狗的想法感到兴奋 47.感到幸运 48.因为你的热心 49.寄给你一张他的照片50.再次感谢改变我的生活 二、语法填空和短文改错Mary is a book _(love). She _(read) by herself a

3、t the age of four. Last year she decided _(try) out _ a volunteer after-school _(read) program .she still works there _(one) a week _(help) kids learn _(read). “The kids _(sit) in the library, but you can see _ their eyes that they _(go) on a different journey with each new _(book). _(Volunteer) her

4、e is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love _(do) and _(help)_ at the same time. Ill Send You a Photo of LuckyWhat would it _(be) like _(be) blind or deaf? Or imagine you cant walk or _(use) your hands _(easy). Most people would never think about this, but many people have these _(difficult)

5、. I cant use my arms or legs _(good), so normal _(thing) like answering the telephone, _(open) and closing doors, or carrying things _(be) difficult for me. Then one day last year, a friend of _(my) helped me out. She talked to Animal Helpers about _(get) me a special _(train) dog. She also thought

6、a dog _(cheer) me up. I love animals and I was _(excite) about the idea of _(have) a dog.Mary is book lover. She can read by herself at an age of four. Last year she decides to try out for a volunteer after-school read program .she still worked there once a week to help kid learn to read. The kids a

7、re siting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that they going on different journey with each new book. Volunteer here is a dream come true for me. I can do that I love to do and help others at the same times. After six monthes of train with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to take him h

8、ome. My dogs name is Lucky a good name for he because I feel very luck to have him. You see, Im only able to have “dog-helper” because your kindness! Lucky is very clever and understand much English words. He could understand me when I give him order. For example, I say, “Lucky! Get my book,” and he

9、 did it at once.三、练习A)根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。1. We are making some (通知) for Clean-Up Day.21教育名师原创作品2. She is (聋的). She cant hear anything.4. We should help (有残疾的) people.7. My classmates are going to (义务做) to clean up the old peoples home this Sunday.8. Jack has (几个) good friends here, and he often vi

10、sits them.9. At last the policeman found out the (主人) of the wallet.10. Im going to make a long j to Yunnan with my parents during the summer holidays.12. The old man lives alone in the village, so he often feels l.13. Those famous singers had a concert to r money for Project Hope last Saturday.15.

11、The poor old man was (失明的).B)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Dont hurt others (feel). Its not good.2. The car has six (wheel). Its very interesting.2-1-c-n-j-y3. You cant (imagine) how I missed the bird.4. After ten days of (train), now I can drive a car. 5. I got out of trouble because of your (kind).6. Th

12、e cover of the book has its _ (owner) name. 7. Lets (go) to the movies this weekend.8. I hope (be) a volunteer in an after-school reading program.9. The teacher asked me (answer) the question in English.10. We often hear the girl (sing) in the next room.11. The workers wear dark glasses (keep) their

13、 eyes safe.12. Lets cheer _ (they) up, ok? 13. Could you tell me what (do) next?14. Mr. Green told the boy not (come) to school late again.15. Do they have any good ideas (help) the homeless people?Unit31.洗盘子 2.扔垃圾 3.叠衣服 4.扫地板 5.整理床铺 6.打扫卧室 7.外出吃饭 8.呆在外面很晚 9.搭车10.放学回家 11.扔下书包 12.我坐在电视机前那一刻,妈妈走过来 13.遛狗 14生气的回答 15.整天整夜 16.顶嘴 17.走开 18.我也没做 19.吃惊地问 20.递给我盐 21.借给我钱22从我借钱 23.让孩子帮忙做家务 24.有足够的压力 25.一种时间的浪费 26.花时间在学业上 27.为了取得好成绩 28.上好大学 29.没有必要做某事 30.为孩子们提供舒适的环境 31.介意做某事 32.学会做家务 33.太多的依赖父母 34.总是问 35.发展孩子的独立性 36.教他们如何照看自己 37.



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