07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳

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07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第1页
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07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第2页
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07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第3页
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07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第4页
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07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳_第5页
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《07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《07 应用文之感谢信-研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、07 应用文之感谢信研读中考作文真题总结黄金模板备战2023年中考英语高分作文(通用版)第一部分 应用文之感谢信体裁解读及写法点拨1.感谢信是对收信人的某一行为表示感谢的信件,通常用于收到别人的邀请或受到别人的帮助时。2.感谢信的写作目的非常明确,只要把需要感谢的人和事写清楚就行。3.感谢信的内容主要有两点:(1)感谢的原因;(2)怎样感谢。4.感谢的话语要充满感情,更要诚恳和真心实意。第二部分 应用文之感谢信万能黄金模板Dear ,(称呼)How is your life/study/work recently? In this letter I would like to thank yo

2、u for your .(原因)Im writing to express my heartfelt gratitude.I am writing to you because .(所做的事)Thanks to your help,I Without your help,I couldnt .Its so kind of you to . Thank you again for what you have done. I hope to have the chance to express my thanks. I hope | can meet you sometime and expres

3、s my thanks in person.(愿望)All the best!Yours sincerely,(署名)注:问候并表明写作意图详细描写感谢的原因再次表示感谢并抒发愿望表达祝愿模板内容可根据题目要求和具体情况取舍。第三部分 必备词汇与套用句型必备亮点词汇heartfelt adj.衷心的gratitude n.感激grateful adj.感谢的,感激的sincerely adv.真诚地kindness n.善良hospitality n.热情好客,款待express v.表达do sb. a favor 帮忙in person 亲自from the bottom of ones

4、heart 从心底from the bottom of ones heart.经典套用句型闪亮篇首句How time flies!时间过得真快啊!I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude.我写信是想表达我衷心的感激之情。How is your stay in.?您在待着感觉怎么样?I am writing to you because I want to tell you a piece of good news that.我给您写信是因为我想告诉您一则的好消息。I am writing to you because I want to th

5、ank you for your hospitality.我给您写信是想表达一下对您热情周到的招待的感激之情。Im writing to express my thanks for.我写这封信是为了表达我对的谢意。I am writing to you because.因为,我给您写这封信。Im writing to thank you for your great help!我写信来谢谢你巨大的帮助!出彩篇中句Many thanks for your kind and warm help.多谢您善良热情的帮助。Thank you for your generous hospitality.多

6、谢您的款待。Thanks to your help,I can get the prize.多亏了您的帮助,我才得到了这个奖。精彩篇尾句I hope I can express my thanks to you in person.我希望能够亲自向您表达谢意。Im sincerely grateful for all your help.对于您的帮助,我真的非常感激。Thank you for your kindness to have done me a favour.对于您的善意的帮忙,我向您表示感谢。Many thanks for all the good things you have

7、 done in helping us to.非常感谢您为帮助我们所做的一切。I am glad to hear that you will visit our school soon.听说您很快会来我们学校参观,我特别高兴。第四部分 模板范文演练(天津)在初中即将毕业之际,请你以张明的名义给英国笔友Brian写一封感谢信。要点提示如下:三年前你来到新的班级,没有朋友,感到孤独三年中Brian多次给你写信,他在信中:鼓励你多交朋友;告诉你学好英语的方法;和你分享快乐;你变得近年来天津发生很大变化,你邀请他来天津游玩。参考词汇:分享快乐 share happiness要求:1.词数:80100个

8、;2.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。Dear Brian,How time flies! We have been friends for three years. Im writing to thank you for your great help!Three years ago, Hope to see you soon!Yours,Zhang Ming万能模板套用分析首先,点明主题。(已给出)主题其次,叙述具体情况。事件最后,再次表达感谢,发出邀请。呼应主题满分范文Dear Brian,How time flies! We have been

9、friends for three years. Im writing to thank you for your great help!Three years ago, when I first went into the class,I had no friends to play with, so I always felt lonely and bored.(单词变化原则,lonely和bored体现作者心情。)During the three years,you always write to me to encourage me to make more friends.You o

10、ften tell me how to learn English well.When you have something happy,you always share it with me.(句式多变原则,使用when引导时间状语从句。)Thanks to(短语优先原则。)you,l am not lonely any longer now.Thank you again for what you have done! Great changes have taken place in Tianjin in the past years. I hope you can come and v

11、isit Tianjin.Hope to see you soon!Yours,Zhang Ming你也可以这样表达 Not having friends to play with three years ago when I first went into the class, I always felt lonely and bored.You are the person who always writes to me to encourage me to make more friends during the three years.Tianjin has changed a lot

12、 in the past years.范文译文亲爱的布莱恩:时间过得真快!我们成为朋友已经三年了。我写信是为了感谢你给我的巨大的帮助。三年前,当我第一次进入教室时,我没有朋友一起玩,所以我总感觉孤独和无聊。三年中,你总是给我写信鼓励我多交朋友。你经常告诉我怎样学好英语。当你有高兴的事情时,你总是和我分享。多亏了你,我现在不再孤独.我再次为你所做的向你表示感谢!过去几年中天津发生了巨变。我希望你能来游览天津。希望能很快见到你。你的张明第五部分 中考真题黄金模板运用满分作文A(2021湖北黄石中考真题)As an old saying goes, “A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.” 假如你叫李华,在你的初中学习生涯中,一定有许多朋友给了你不少帮助。在毕业之际,请给你的好友李雷写一封感谢信。要点:1. 感谢他(她)对你的帮助。2. 他(她)是如何帮助你的。要求:1. 请结合具体事例,适当发挥;语言通顺,意思连贯。2. 文中不能出现与本人相关信息。3. 80词左右(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)。Dear Li Lei, How time flies! We are going to graduate from junior high school. _


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