练习10 语态-中考英语总复习基础语法分类讲练-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳

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《练习10 语态-中考英语总复习基础语法分类讲练-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《练习10 语态-中考英语总复习基础语法分类讲练-中考英语备考资料重点汇总知识点归纳(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、中考英语总复习基础语法分类讲练练习10 语态. 单项选择( )1. (2020丹东中考) Basketball in 1891. Then in 1936 in Berlin, it became an event at the Olympics. A. playsB. is playedC. was playedD. played( )2. (2020鄂州中考) Mr White, when shall I hand in my report? As soon as it tomorrow. A. finishesB. will finishC. will be finishedD. is

2、finished( )3. (2020海南中考) Many successful businessmen to Hainan to give advice on how to build Hainan Free Trade Port. A. inviteB. are invitedC. are invitingD. invited( )4. (2020南通中考) As soon as books , the volunteers posted them to the students in Hope Primary School. A. are raisedB. were raised C.

3、raisedD. have raised( )5. (2020毕节中考) The air pollution is very serious in our city. Something about it now. A. can doB. must doC. was doneD. must be done( )6. (2019长沙中考)Perfect photos! Good skills! Thank you. They _by my Huawei mobile phone. In fact, I am not skillful at all. A. tookB. were takenC.

4、will be takenD. are taken( )7. (2020恩施中考) Labor can create wealth and at the same time beauty _by labor, too. A. makingB. madeC. is madeD. makes( )8. (2020黔西南州中考) A number of volunteers will for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. A. be neededB. are neededC. are needingD. be needing( )9. (2020重庆中

5、考A卷) Another bridge over the Jialing River last year. A. buildsB. builtC. is builtD. was built( )10. These rules are made the disabled. A. protectB. protectedC. to protectD. protecting( )11. (2020泸州中考) Our plan to have a graduation ceremony in the next class meeting. A. was discussedB. will discussC

6、. is discussedD. will be discussed( )12. (2019福建中考)As one of the most exciting sports, volleyball in the Olympic Games in 1964. A. includedB. is includedC. was includedD. will be included( )13. (2020北京中考) The kite in China more than 2, 000 years ago. A. inventsB. inventedC. is inventedD. was invente

7、d( )14. (2019武威、白银中考)A babys first month birthday is a special event in China and with a special party. A. celebratesB. is celebratedC. was celebratedD. will celebrate. 完成句子根据所给提示完成句子。每空一词, 含缩略词。1. (2020牡丹江中考)Did you give back your book to the library last Friday? (改为被动语态) your book back to the libr

8、ary last Friday? 2. (2020天水中考)We will solve the problem in two weeks. (改为被动语态)The problem will by us in two weeks. 3. (2019黔南、黔东南、黔西南中考)These apple trees were planted by the students in Class 1. (改为一般疑问句) these apple trees by the students in Class 1? 4. (2020达州中考) Chinese doctors saved many patients

9、 all over the world. (改为被动语态)Many patients all over the world by Chinese doctors. 5. (2020上海中考) The 13-year-old one-armed basketball player attracted a lot of fans. (改为被动语态)A lot of fans by the 13-year-old one-armed basketball player. 答案与解析. 1. C考查动词时态和语态。句意: 篮球运动始于1891年。然后在1936年的柏林, 它成为了奥运会的一个项目。主语

10、basketball是动词play的承受者, 使用被动语态; 由时间in 1891可知, 使用一般过去时的被动结构: was/ were+动词过去分词。 2. D考查动词时态和语态。句意: 怀特先生, 我什么时候交报告? 明天一完成就交。as soon as意为“一就”, 引导时间状语从句, 从句用一般现在时表示将来; 主语it与动词finish之间存在被动关系, 使用一般现在时的被动语态。3. B考查动词时态和语态。主语businessmen是动词invite的承受者, 使用被动语态。4. B考查动词时态和语态。句意: 书一旦被筹集起来, 志愿者们就会把它们寄给希望小学的学生们。主语book

11、s与动词raise之间存在被动关系, 使用被动语态; 根据主句时态用的是一般过去时, 从句时态需要一致, 也用一般过去时。因此, 使用一般过去时的被动语态。5. D考查含有情态动词的被动语态。句意: 我们城市的空气污染非常严重。现在必须对此做一些事了。主语Something与动词do存在被动关系, 使用被动语态; 由句意可知, 使用一般现在时。6. B考查动词时态和语态。句意: 好完美的照片! 拍照技术真好! 谢谢你。它们都是由我的华为手机拍的。事实上, 我拍照技术一点儿都不好。They与take之间存在被动关系, 时间为过去, 因此, 用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。7. C考查动词时态和语

12、态。句意: 劳动可以创造财富, 同时, 美也可以被劳动制造(劳动也可以创造美)。根据by labor表示“通过劳动”可判断, 使用被动语态。 8. A考查动词时态和语态。句意: 2022年北京冬奥会将需要许多的志愿者。volunteers与need之间存在被动关系, 使用被动语态; 根据2022可知, 使用一般将来时。因此, 使用一般将来时的被动语态。9. D考查动词时态和语态。主语Another bridge与动词build之间是被动关系, 使用被动语态; 根据时间状语last year可判断, 使用一般过去时态的被动语态。 10. C考查被动语态中to的还原。句意: 这些规则是用于保护残疾

13、人的。A原形; B过去式; C不定式; D现在分词。根据be made to do可知。故选C。11. D考查动词时态和语态。句意: 我们举行毕业典礼的计划将在下次班会上讨论。plan与discuss之间存在被动关系, 使用被动语态; 由in the next class meeting可知, 使用一般将来时。因此, 使用一般将来时的被动语态。12. C考查动词时态和语态。句意: 作为最激动人心的项目之一, 排球在1964年被列为奥运会的比赛项目。volleyball与include之间是被动关系, 用被动语态; 由in 1964可知, 用一般过去时的被动语态。故选C。13. D考查动词时态和

14、语态。句意: 风筝是中国在2000多年前发明的。根据时间状语more than 2, 000 years ago可知, 使用一般过去时; the kite与invent之间存在被动关系, 使用被动语态。因此, 使用一般过去时的被动语态。 14. B考查动词时态和语态。主语a babys first month birthday和谓语celebrate之间是被动关系, 用被动语态; 根据动词is可知, 用一般现在时的被动语态。故选B。. 1. (2020牡丹江中考)Did you give back your book to the library last Friday? (改为被动语态)Wa

15、s your book given back to the library last Friday? 2. (2020天水中考)We will solve the problem in two weeks. (改为被动语态)The problem will be solved by us in two weeks. 3. (2019黔南、黔东南、黔西南中考)These apple trees were planted by the students in Class 1. (改为一般疑问句)Were these apple trees planted by the students in Class 1? 4. (2020达州中考) Chinese doctors saved many patients all over the world. (改为被动语态



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