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1、2021-2022年安徽省淮北市考研外语学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(3题)1.AalternativeBsecondaryCintermediateDfundamental2.AtoBwithCforDon3.ApossessedBclaimedCassuredDenforced二、阅读理解(5题)4.5.A.是 B.否6.7.8.三、1.Use of English(20题)9.(17)A.faster B.slower C.more stable D.safer10.(3)A.or B.nor C.but D.except11.(16)A.assumption B.c

2、onsumption C.presumption D.acquisition12.(19)A.No smoking B.Non-smoker C.No smoke D.Non-smoke13.(2)A.discover B.cover C.move D.pull14.(4)A.towards B.with C.against D.off15.(13)A.dozens B.deal C.quantity D.multitude16.(15)A.reverse B.review C.revise D.revert17.(6)A.which B.where C.as D.that18.(9)A.ma

3、ximum B.minimum C.possible D.practical19.(7)A.beneficial B.disappointing C.surprising D.extreme20.(11)A.deprived B.repelled C.rejected D.denied21. 【C15】A.source B.origin C.course D.finance22.(12)A.that B.where C.which D.in that23. 【C20】A.and B.or C.than D.but24.(18)A.object B.obligation C.objection

4、D.obstruction25.(5)A.source B.factor C.component D.element26.(8)A.agree B.object C.confront D.consent27.(10)A.to wondering B.to be wondering C.wonder D.wondering28.(14)A.reputation B.prestige C.authority D.impact四、2.Reading Comprehension(30题)29.(42)30.The conclusion can be drawn from the text that i

5、n the wake of Andersens scandal, the governmentA.may make only modest change.B.will take drastic countermeasures.C.will adopt corporate restructuring.D.will investigate Enrons collapse.31.To which of the following is the author likely to agree?A.It is time to illustrate some popular fallacies about

6、buying a home.B.Some popular flawed arguments about buying a home should be made known to the public for the time being.C.People should be punctual in business dealings of shares and housing.D.Alan Greenspans claim can hold water with respect to fallacy member three.32.The writer is sorry to have no

7、ticed that_A.people in large cities tend to excuse criminalsB.people in small towns still stick to old discipline and standardsC.todays society lacks sympathy for people in difficultyD.people in disadvantaged circumstances are engaged in criminal activities33.In the end, a degree of sanity prevailed

8、. The militant Hindus who had vowed to breach a police cordon and start the work of building a temple to the god Ram at the disputed site of Ayodhya decided to respect a Supreme Court decision barring them from the area. So charged have Hindu-Muslim relations in India become in recent weeks, as the

9、declared deadline of March 15th neared, that a clash at Rams supposed birthplace might well have provoked bloodshed on an appalling scale across the nation. It has, unfortunately, happened often enough before.But the threat has not vanished. The courts decision is only an interim one, and the main H

10、indu groups have not given up on their quest to build their temple. Extreme religious violence, which seemed in recent years to have faded after the Ayodhya-related explosion of 19921993, is again a feature of the political landscape. Though faults lie on both sides (it was a Muslim attack on Hindus

11、 in a train in Gujarat that started the recent slaughter), the great bulk of victims were, as always, Muslims. Once again, educated Hindus are to be heard inveighing against the appeasing of Muslims through such concessions as separate constitutional status for Kashmir or the right to practice Islam

12、ic civil law. Once again, the police are being accused of doing little or nothing to help Muslim victims of rampaging Hindu mobs. Once again, Indias 130m Muslims feel unequal and unsafe in their own country. Far too many Hindus would refuse to accept that it is “their own country at all.The wonder o

13、f it, perhaps, is that things are not worse. While the world applauds Pakistan for at last locking up the leaders of its extreme religious groups, in India the zealots still support, sustain and to a degree constitute the government. The BJP, which leads the ruling coalition, was founded as a politi

14、cal front for the Hindu movement. It is simply one, and by no means the dominant, member of what is called the Sangh Pariwar, the family of organizations. Other members of the family are much less savoury. There is the VHP, the World Hindu Organization, which led the movement to build the Ram temple

15、. There is the Bajrang Dal, the brutalist youth wing of the VHP. There is substantial evidence that members of the VHP and the Bajrang Dal helped to organize the slaughter of hundreds of Muslims in Gujarat after 58 Hindus were killed on a train as they returned from Ayodhya.According to the text, the Supreme Court ruled that _.A.Muslims are denied the right to civil laws.B.Hindu-M


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