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1、2022-2023年四川省乐山市考研外语学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(3题)1.AalternativeBsecondaryCintermediateDfundamental2.AmeanwhileBunlessCwhereasDfor3.ASoBButCOrDThen二、阅读理解(5题)4.According to the second paragraph, land-grant College _.Abelonged to the land-owning classBenlarged the scope of educationCwas provided only to

2、 the poorDbenefited all but the upper class5.6.7.Text 4Over the last decade, demand for the most common cosmetic surgery procedures, like breast enlargements and nose jobs, has increased by more than 400 percent. According to Dr. Dai Davies, of the Plastic Surgery Partnership in Hammersmith, the maj

3、ority of cosmetic surgery patients are not chasing physical perfection. Rather, they are driven to fantastic lengths to improve their appearance by a desire to look normal. “What we all crave is to look normal, and normal is what is prescribed by the advertising media and other external pressures. T

4、hey give us a perception of what is physically acceptable and we feel we must look like that.”In America, the debate is no longer about whether surgery is normal; rather, it centres on what age people should be before going under the knife. New York surgeon Dr. Gerard Imber recommends “maintenance”

5、work for people in their thirties. “The idea of waiting until one needs a heroic transformation is silly,”he says.“By then, youve wasted 20 great years of your life and allowed things to get out of hand.”Dr. Imber draws the line at operating on people who are under 18, however.“It seems that someone

6、 we dont consider old enough to order a drink shouldnt be considering plastic surgery.”In the UK cosmetic surgery has long been seen as the exclusive domain of the very rich and famous. But the proportionate cost of treatment has fallen substantially, bringing all but the most advanced laser technol

7、ogy within the reach of most people. Dr. Davies, who claims to“cater for the average person”, agrees. He says:“I treat a few of the rich and famous and an awful lot of secretaries. Of course,3,000 for an operation is a lot of money. But it is also an investment for life which costs about half the pr

8、ice of a good family holiday.”Dr. Davies suspects that the increasing sophistication of the fat injecting and removal techniques that allow patients to be treated with a local anaesthetic in an afternoon has also helped promote the popularity of cosmetic surgery. Yet, as one woman who recently paid2

9、,500 for liposuction to remove fat from her thighs admitted, the slope to becoming a cosmetic surgery Veteran is a deceptively gentle one.“I had my legs done because theyd been bugging me for years. But going into the clinic was so low key and effective it whetted my appetite. Now I dont think there

10、s any operation that I would rule out having if I could afford it.”1. According to the text, the reason for cosmetic surgery is to _.Abe physically healthyBlook more normalCsatisfy appetiteDbe accepted by media8.三、1.Use of English(20题)9.(20)A.luck B.triumph C.blessing D.promise10.(19)A.hardly B.seri

11、ously C.increasingly D.potentially11.(4)A.indifferent B.incredible C.influential D.incomplete12.(12)A.but B.yet C.still D.then13. 【C11】A.assuming B.admitting C.noting D.claiming14.(6)A.member B.number C.kind D.flavor15.(2)A.as B.so C.then D.that16.(18)A.passed B.past C.away D.apart17. 【C4】A.self-eva

12、luationB.self-controlC.self-sufficiencyD.self-defence18.(8)A.in B.on C.at D.upon19.(14)A.cheaper B.more reasonable C.public D.better20.(9)A.very B.much C.too D.quite21.(3)A.objection B.projection C.project D.object22.(15)A.than B.that C.which D.as23.(5)A.in B.for C.by D.as24.(7)A.for B.by C.through

13、D.in25.(17)A.retain B.resign C.regain D.reform26.(11)A.exposed B.attributed C.geared D.restricted27. One of the most important results of research into ageing has been to pinpoint the significance of short-term memory. This faculty is easily (1)_ as ageing advances. What seems to (2)_ is that in for

14、mation is received by the brain, (3)_ scans it for meaning in order to decode it at some future time. It looks as if the actual (4)_ of the short-term memory itself may not change too much (5)_ age. A young man and a man in his late fifties may (6)_ be able to remember and repeat a(n) (7)_ of eight

15、numbers recited to them. But what (8)_ change is that when the older man is asked to re member anything (9)_ between the time he is first given the numbers to memorise and the time he is asked to (10)_ them, he will be much less likely to remember the (11)_ numbers than the young man. This is because the scanning stage is more easily (12)_ by other activities in (13)



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