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1、2022-2023年河南省漯河市考研外语学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(3题)1.AdwarfsBgiantsCpatientsDprincesses2.AmightBdistanceCairDpower3.AdisruptedBinterferedCinterruptedDstopped二、阅读理解(5题)4.5.Which of the following is most likely to be discussed in the part succeeding this text?ARelations of St. T. Aquinas achievements to

2、previous efforts.BHow St. T. Aquinas worked out in the balance in discussion.COther endeavors on the relationship of reason and revelation.DOutstanding features of the mature period of Scholasticism.6.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that_.Athe war led to the ultimate union of all English

3、authorsBJack Lindsay was less and less popular in EnglandCJack Lindsay focused exclusively on domestic affairsDthe radical writers were greatly influenced by the war7.The last sentence of the text indicates the authors_.AhatredBaffectionCstubbornnessDrejection8.三、1.Use of English(20题)9.(9)A.otherwis

4、e B.but C.thereat D.whereupon10. Clothes, decorations, physique, hair and facial (1)_ give a great deal of information about us. For instance, we wear clothes to keep us warm, (2)_ unlike animals we do not have a protective (3)_ of hair. But for the purpose of communication, we dress (4)_ clothes of

5、 different colours, style. and material; we wear jewellery and other valuables; we use cosmetics and perfume; we (5)_ beards and sideburns; and we smoke pipes and carry walking sticks.Strict rules govern the clothes we wear. We do not, wear football boots with a dinner-jacket, (6)_ a boiler suit to

6、work in an insurance office. A clerk on Wall Street will wear more formal dress than someone in a (7)_ job in a country town. Fashionable and smart (8)_ are associated with good qualities, and well-dressed people have been (9)_ to get more help and cooperation from (10)_ strangers. For example, a wo

7、man is often given more (11)_ of help with her broken-down car when she is dressed attractively than when she is dressed less (12)_.Rebels consider themselves to be different from other people in society, and often (13)_ their physical appearance to show this. In the last two decades in Britain ther

8、e have been a number of (14)_ movements with distinct uniforms. Hippies did not just wear simple clothes but dressed in a particular style. that made them instantly (15)_.But in our modern society some people (16)_ choose particular clothes to project the personalities. (17)_ types wear brighter col

9、ours than more reserved people. Some people wear odd (18)_ of clothes to express their individuality. For example, someone (19)_ give an impression of high social status, (20)_ origin and bad temper by wearing an expensive suit.A.features B.appearance C.aspects D.looks11.(6)A.equipments B.devices C.

10、appliances D.novelties12.(8)A.at lengthB.to a great extentC.from his heartD.by all means13.(11)A.nominated B.selected C.appointed D.supported14.(20)A.Scot B.Scotsman C.Scotland D.Scottish15.(7)A.sample B.case C.condition D.situation16.(19)A.power B.authority C.ability D.right17.(18)A.protection B.fe

11、rment C.taste D.drink18.(12)A.Therefore B.And C.Yet D.Otherwise19.(15)A.expanded B.facilitated C.supplemented D.compensated20.(13)A.On occasion B.By contrast C.In addition D.On the contrary21.(2)A.responsibility B.place C.measures D.advantage22.(17)A.regarded B.taken C.made D.held23. The 1990s have

12、been designated the Decade Against Drug Abuse by the United Nations. But, (1)_ less than three years to go before the end of the decade, governments and health organizations (2)_ that they have made (3)_ progress in reducing drug, alcohol and tobacco abuse. Today, consumption of all these substances

13、 is increasingly steadily worldwide. (4)_ every country now has problems with (5)_ drugs. And the world is producing and consuming more alcohol and tobacco than ever. Between 1970 and 1990 beer production (6)_ rose by over 80 per cent. And, (7)_ the number of smokers keeps on (8)_,by the second or t

14、hird (9)_ of the next century there could be 10 million deaths each year (10)_ smoking related illnesses.Drugs are also a huge burden (11)_ the world economy. In the United States, for example, its estimated that alcohol and illegal drug use costs the country tens of billions of dollars each year, mainly (12)_ health care. When the cost of tobacco related illnesses is added, (13)_ total more than doubles.Drugs are also closely (14)_ crime. Many police forces no longer (15)_ between illegal and legal drugs when fighting crime. In Australia, for example, experts (16)_ that police in som



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