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1、甘肃省平凉市成考专升本2023年英语自考预测试题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1.Balloons float in the air_ boats do on the sea.A.just as B.when C.that D.where2.Has the wallet been returned yet? No, but we expect _ any day now.A.to return itB.it to returnC.it to be returnedD.it returned3.The novel written by the author

2、_ well, but five years agro no one could have imagined how great a role he _ in the literary worldA.sells; was to playB.selling; was playingC.sold; had playedD.sell; is playing4. This is my new dogHis name is Wisdom That s interestingWhy _did you give him such a name?A.in the earth B.in world C.on e

3、arth D.on the world5. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I6.Busy as they are, parents should _ at least two hours to spend with their children.A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off7. Finally he got time for a glance_this report.A.off B.round C.on D.at8. -If you are offer

4、ed a trip to the moon, _ it?-Of course. Why not?A.did you acceptB.are you going to acceptC.will you acceptD.would you accept9. When we _ the museum is not decided.A.visited B.visit C.will visit D.visiting10. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come agai

5、n D.come out11. The heavy snow could not keep US_going out to workA.on B.up C.upon D.from12. _ your homework and make sure that you dont _ any mistakes.A.Do; do B.Make; make C.Make; do D.Do; make13.to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one s skin.A.Being exposedB.Having

6、exposedC.ExposedD.After being exposed14.The search was _ when night came, even though the child had not been foundA.approved B.acquired C.achieved D.abandoned15.Little_that their plan has beenDiscoveredA.did they suspectB.do the suspectC.do they suspectD.they suspect16. What he described as only a _

7、 detail I thought was the most important part of the plan.A.common B.plain C.just D.mere17.Mary, _ hereeverybody else, stay where you areA.come B.comes C.to come D.coming18.I noticed his eyes _, because they were very large.A.in particular B.with particular C.in special D.with special19.We can assig

8、n the work to_is reliable.A.whose B.whom C.whoever D.whomever20. Countries that traditionally never allowed foreign students to stay and work like Germany or the United Kingdomare facing their own labor _ in information technology and relaxing their immigration laws.A.cuts B.shortages C.weaknesses D

9、.imports21. I can never forget _ the famous actress during her visit to our schoolA.having been met B.to meet C.to have met D.meeting22.It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster areaA.are being builtB.were being builtC.was being builtD.is being built23. He is too weak to _ th

10、e heavy box.A.rise B.put C.raise D.arise24.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A.catching B.to be caught C.being caught D.to catch25._ many times, he finally understood the problem.A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told26.The bank is reported in the local newspaper, _ in broad da

11、ylight yesterday.A.being robbedB.having been robbedC.to have been robbedD.robbed27. Thank you for the _you did me. to move the sofa upstairs.A.favor B.good C.help D.kindness28. _today, be would get there by Friday.A.Were he leaveB.Was be leavingC.Were he to leaveD.If he leaves29.Tom was about to clo

12、se the windows _ his attention was caught by a birdA.when B.suddenly C.and D.till30. There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need them. Keep looking. _ is sure to turn up.A.One B.It C.That D.This二、汉译英(20题)31. 科学给我们的生活带来了许多变化。32. (给我印象最深的) was that a middle school stu

13、dent had made the great invention.33. 只要照着告诉你的做,一切都不会有问题。34. If you dont mind, I (宁愿) listen to pop songs than to jazz.35. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。36. 他坚信每天听英语新闻是有益的。37. 孩子需要鼓励,过多的批评只能阻碍他们的智力发展。38. 我喜欢看电视而不太喜欢看电影。39. Whenever I have an appointment, (我总喜欢提前赴约).40. 我期待着再次见到他,因为我们已整整十年没见面了。41. 他连自己都养不

14、活,更别说养家了。42. Nowadays most companies dont judge an employee simply (根据其所受教育).43. 认为有朝一日电脑会取代人脑的想法是愚蠢的。44. 如我们所知,韩国人与日本人和中国人一样对围棋(the game of Go)极为热衷。45. 令我感到惊讶的是一部小说竟然具有这么大的力量。46. 他们试图说服校长允许他们参加这项比赛。47. 如果你听从了我的建议,你早就完成任务了。48. 踢足球不仅能使我们身体强壮,而且还能增强我们的团队意识。49. 你们班谁最年轻?小李,他还是班上最优秀的学生。50. 玛利过去除了咖啡什么都不喝.三、语法与词汇(10题)51. To my regret, your explanation is _ (satisfaction).52. She tried to _ (beauty) her room with posters and plants.53. Please dont _ (


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