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1、2022-2023年四川省内江市公共英语五级(笔试)知识点汇总(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、1.Listening Comprehension(15题)1. The felt image lets you recognize your physical existence in the world.A.True B.Fasle2. Mr Miller did changes on the house only for fun.A.Right B.Wrong3. What kind of grain did most Europeans eat 500 years ago?

2、4. How many psychologists are mentioned in the talk?5. In which year did Columbus take chili pepper to Spain?6.Part BDirections: You will hear 3 conversations or talks and you must answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. You will hear the recording ONLY ONCE.听力原文: As you all know,log structur

3、es are gaining popularityThey are no longer just the simple country homes which we think of as the traditional log cabinSome upscale homes now incorporate natural round logs in sealing beams and wallsPeople seem to think that the rounded logs give their homes a cozy warm atmosphereAnd even people wh

4、o want to build a traditional log cabin on their own can buy a kit with precut logs that fit together like pieces of jigsaw puzzleBefore showing you some slides of modem log housesId like to introduce a little historical background on the subjectLog cabins were first built in the late 1600s along th

5、e Delaware River ValleyThe European immigrants who settled there brought centuries of old traditions of working with logsAnd in this heavily wooded area logs were the material in handLog cabins were the most popular in the early 1800s with the settlers who were moving westThey provided the answer to

6、 the pioneers need for a safe and sturdy home that an ordinary family could build quicklyThey had dirt floors and sliding boards for,windowsBut the log buildings that have probably had most influence on modem architects are those of the mountain retreats of wealthy New YorkersThese country houses wh

7、ich were popular in the early 1900s typify whats known as the Adoroundyx styleNow lets look at those slidesWhat is the speaker mainly discussing?A.Traditional European architecture.B.Techniques for building log cabins.C.The history of log structures.D.How to build a home yourself.7.听力原文:M:So you rea

8、lly believe that clothes carry a kind of message for other people and that what we put on is in some way a reflection of what we feel?W:Oh yes,very much soNow people are beginning to take seriously the idea of a kind of psychology of clothing,to believe that there is not just individual taste in our

9、 clothes but also a thinking behind what we wear which is trying to express something we may not even be aware of ourselvesM:But surely this has always been the caseWe all dress up when we want to impress someone,such as for a job interview with a prospective employer;we then make an effort and put

10、on something smartW:True, but thats a conscious actWhat I am talking about is more of a subconscious thingTake for example the student who is away from home at college or university:if he tends to wrap himself up more than the others,this is because he is probably feeling homesickSimilarly,a general

11、 feeling of insecurity can sometimes take the form. of overdressing in warmer clothes than necessaryM:Can you give any other examples?W:YesI think people who are sociable and outgoing tend to dress in an extroverted way,preferring brighter or more dazzling colors yellows,bright reds,and so onIn the

12、same way,what might be seen as a parallel with the animal kingdom,aggressive clothes might indicate an aggressive personality or attitude to lifeThink about the threat displays used by animals when they want to warn off opponentsM:Do you think the care or lack of it over the way we actually wear our

13、 clothes has anything to tell us?W:Yes,indeedThe length,for example,of a mans trousers speaks volumes about his awareness of his own imageOr,if his trousers are too short or hanging loosely,this probably means hes absorbed by other thingsAccording to the woman, what governs the clothes we wear?A.A d

14、esire to express oneself and show ones wealth.B.Individual taste and love for beauty.C.Love for beauty and a desire to impress other people.D.Individual taste and a desire to express oneself.8. What is the effect of the Womens Movement?9. Who gave dairy products to the native Americans?10. What is t

15、he relationship between the man and the woman in the dialogue?A.Reporter and fashion designer.B.Husband and wife.C.Shop assistant and customer.D.Teacher and student.11. According to the woman, why are women much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time,but men are not as good?A.Because women have better abilities.B.Because men are not used to housework.C.Because men lack practice,D.Because men find it easy to concentrate on only one thing.12. According to the speaker, how do some pesticides get into ponds?A.They are applied to aquatic weeds by fish farming.



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